Officers Call
After-Action Report And Photos
Our 40th Anniversary Of Leadership
Indianapolis, Indiana   ~   16 - 20 May 2007

Bottom Row (L to R): Tom Bordner, Dennis Ransdale, Mike Herber, Chuck Seketa, Mike Mooney
Second Row (L to R): Chuck Maxson (sunglasses), Jesse Lewis (blue blazer)
Third Row (L to R): Ron Hopper, Bob Berdan, Brian Bannister, Sario Caravelo, Colonel Guinn
Top Row (L to R): Dave Storms, Robert Dragoo, Colonel Bob Neilson, Doug Falck (beard), Charles Davis

In Attendance, But Missing From Photo: Ron Reese, Steve Kosach, Rick Tucker
Booked But Unable To Attend For Medical Reasons: John Barrows, Tom Waterbury


We conducted a very successful, first time, Sykes' Regulars Officer's Call in Indianapolis, Indiana. A total of twenty former officers attended, traveling from locations all over the US. The majority of the time was spent in our hospitality suite, renewing old friendships and getting caught up on each other's lives, post Army life. Several wives, daughters, a son, son-in-law, brother, and a granddaughter also were present.
Additional activities included: An Indy Time Trial outing (well attended, and very exciting), shopping trips, sightseeing. In addition to our banquet dinner, there was a more casual dinner at Sullivan's Steak House,(on Friday evening--organized and executed by Charles Davis) with almost everyone in attendence. It was a beautifuol restaurant, and the meal, private dining area, and service was world-class.
The Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel provided great service, a very nice hospitality suite, an excellent buffet-style banquet, a good work-out room and beautiful swimming pool. The restaurant meals were good, and the cocktail lounge was a comfortable causual meeting area. The guest rooms were very nice, with incrediably comfortable beds with pillows galore.
There was a lot of discussion about continuing our Officer's Calls. A committee of four men: Ron Hopper/ Bob Neilson/ Charles Davis/ and myself (Mike Herber) has been formed to set a date and location, a little over a year from now.
We had several men who, for various reasons, were unable to attend this year and have stated that they will make our next Call. Chuck Seketa and I feel there is a good chance we will double our attendance numbers for the next event.
You will be advised as soon as a DATE/ LOCATION has been set for our next Officer's Call in 2008.
Mike Herber


See PHOTOS Below




(L to R)
Tom Bordner, Chuck Seketa, Chuck Maxon (back turned), Steve Kosach, Colonel Guinn








Up Front (blue short sleeved shirt) Dave Storms
Then, (L to R) Mrs. Storms, Mrs. Lewis, Jesse Lewis,
Fred Spaulding (guest), Charles Davis, Doug Falck,
Mrs. Bordner, Tom Bordner





Up Front, Ron and Mrs. Hopper
Then, (L to R) Michelle Herber (Mike Herber's daughter), Peri (Mike's grand-daughter),
Mrs. Dragoo, Bob Dragoo's Mom, and Bob Dragoo








(L to R) Colonel Guinn
Sario Caravalho and
Sario's son (a former Marine)








(L to R)
Chuck Maxon with son-in-law and daughter









(L to R)
Doug Falck, Mrs. Bordner, Tom Bordner









(L to R)
Jesse Lewis, Fred Spaulding (guest), and Charles Davis









Up Front is Mike's grand-daughter, Peri
(L to R) Chuck Maxon (back turned), Steve Kosach, Colonel Guinn, Jesse Lewis, Bob Neilson (big guy
with back turned in white shirt), Ron Reese,
Brian Bannister








Wives, Daughters and Grand-Daughters









Our Group at Indy Race Track
headed for Time Trials









(L to R)
Sario Caravalho, Mike Mooney and Mike Herber
at the Indy Time Trials ...
(without Danica Patrick)







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