Various Dates In August 1967
Converting To LIB Status
Headquarters and Headquarter Company
August 15, 1967
August 1-10, 1967 Coral Sands II operation was conducted. On August 15
1967 Each Rifle Company lost one Rifle platoon and with Alpha Company
Headquarters section to Delta Company, which was formed on the 15 of August. As
the Battalion became a Light Infantry Battalion adding Delta Company and Echo
Company, continued their small unit training and was conducted until unit was
deployed at Jungle Guerrilla Warfare Training Center at Schofield Barracks, Also
participating in small unit tactics in the rugged Kahuka Mountains of Hawaii.
Headquarters Company lost Recon Platoon, 4.2 Mortar Platoon, Radar Section and a
Headquarters Personnel to Echo Company. CPT Rafeal Grenier took command of
Headquarters and Headquarter Company on August 15, 1967.
Alpha Company
August, 1967
August 1-10, 1967 Coral Sands II operation was conducted. On August 15
1967 Alpha Company lost one Rifle platoon and Company Headquarters section to
Delta Company, which was formed on the 15 of August. As the Battalion became a
Light Infantry Battalion Captain Sario J. Caravalho took command of Alpha
Company and prepared to take the Rifle Company to Vietnam. Training and small
unit training was conducted until unit was deployed at Jungle Guerrilla Warfare
Training Center at Schofield Barracks, Also participating in small unit tactics
in the rugged Kahuka Mountains of Hawaii.
Bravo Company
August, 1967
August 1-10, 1968 Coral Sands II operation was conducted with 1-20
Infantry Battalion lead the amphibious assault. With the 1-20 Infantry becoming
a Light Infantry Battalion, which was formed on the 15 of August by taking one
platoon from each Rifle Company and the Headquarters section from Alpha Company.
Bravo Company under CPT Gerald F. Shelton continued their training and small
unit training was conducted until unit was deployed at the Jungle Guerrilla
Warfare Training Center at Schofield Barracks. Also the Battalion was
participating in small unit tactics in the rugged Kahoka Mountains of Hawaii.
Charlie Company
August, 1967
The Infantry Battalion was change to the 1-20 Light Infantry Battalion and
Charlie Company lost one platoon to Delta Company, which was formed on the 15th
by taking one platoon from each Rifle Company and Headquarters section from
Alpha Company. Training and small unit training was conducted until unit was
deployed at the Jungle Guerrilla Training Center at Schofield Barracks also
participating in small unit tactics in rugged Kahoka Mountains of Hawaii.
Charlie Company under CPT Medina had been selected to be the first combat Unit
to go to Vietnam with the Advance Party providing Security for the Brigade
Advance Party personnel.
Delta Company
August, 1967
On August 15, 1968 1ST Battalion 20th Infantry
reorganized as a Light Infantry Battalion which lead to Delta Company being
formed with a one-rifle platoon from each of the three existing Rifle companies
plus the addition of Alpha Company HQ’s section. On August 15 ceremony Captain
Barry Jones for Brigade accepted the newly formed Delta Company color’s as it’s
first Commander.
Echo Company
August, 1967
In an awards ceremony that was highlighted by presenting of Guidon to the new Company Commanders. 1LT William J. Adams Recon Platoon Leader accepted Echo Company colors for CPT George Robb who was on leave. Echo Company was made up from Headquarters Company Recon Platoon, 4.2 Mortar Platoon, Radar Section along with a Headquarters Section providing support to the Battalion Headquarters section of Headquarters Company part of the Battalion Light Infantry Organization. 1LT William J. Adams was the Recon Platoon Leader and 1LT Thomas M. Bordner was the 4.2 Mortar Platoon Leader.
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