Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 9, 1971

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0805hrs S-4 Dolphin 171-91 is on station for re supply. At 0815hrs 26 Engineer reports Access road is open at this time. At 1017hrs Primo is on station for Command and Control Helicopter. Legend: 1st Platoon 71-76, 2nd Platoon 91-96, 3rd Platoon 41-46, 4th Platoon 01-06, CO-08.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
January 9, 1971

Alpha Company 2nd Platoon at 1220hrs moving off LZ Liz and closed back at 1640hrs, and continued Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 2315hrs Alpha Company LZ Liz Access Road, VIP program 3 Vietnamese children brought 1 M-67 frag and 1 60mm HE round to the road security element, paid children 100 Piastier and 3 cans of C-Rations.


Bravo Company
January 9, 1971

Bravo Company continued to use multiple patrols in their Area of Operation and will have multiple night ambushes out again. At 0702hrs Bravo Company Command Post at BS643550, 3rd Platoon at BS634555 and the 1st Platoon Patrol Base vicinity BS642565. At 1026hrs Bravo Company 3rd Platoon patrol closed vicinity BS634555, 1st Platoon Patrol is moving out for BS639531 and 2nd Platoon patrol closed vicinity BS643550. At 1230hrs Bravo Company 1st Platoon patrol closed vicinity BS642565 and 3rd Platoon closed vicinity BS634555. At 1710hrs Bravo Company 3rd Platoon patrol closed BS634555, 1st Platoon patrol closed BS642565 and 2nd Platoon patrol closed at BS643550. At 2030hrs Bravo Company Command Post with 2nd and 4th Platoons is at BS645553, 3rd Platoon at BS632567, BS633556, BS632556, 1st Platoon at BS642556, BS641567, BS643567 and 2nd Platoon at BS645554 and BS646552.


Charlie Company
January 9, 1971

At 0942hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon Patrol is at checkpoint 1 at BS670568, 1st Platoon ambush closed at BS693538, 3rd Platoon ambush closed on BS699568 and 2nd Platoon at BS673572. At 1215hrs Charlie Company 3rd Platoon on patrol vicinity BS697556 found a booby trap in a hedgerow, it was a can of Petna with a smoke grenade fuse and barbed wire for a trip wire. There was bamboo in front of the wire so that it appeared to be a fence. At BS705555 Charlie Company 3rd Platoon detained 1 male age 36, no ID, he said he was from Duc Vinh Village. He was sent to Mo Duc. At 1500hrs Charlie Company at OP Woodstock (Chinook) Hercules 19 going into Woodstock drew approximately 10 rounds semi automatic small arms fire from BS680568, 2nd Platoon is calling in Artillery into the area. At 1755hrs Charlie Company closed vicinity BS699562, 1st Patrol closed BS693538, and 2nd Platoon closed on BS673572. At 1940hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon vicinity BS676577 spotted 2 to 3 personnel moving east. They fired 81 WP and engaged the area with M-60 fire with negative results. Nui Vong now has the area under observation and will check the area at first light.


Delta Company
January 9, 1971

Delta Company moved out again and used Patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 0726hrs Delta Company Command Post will accept re supply at 2nd Platoon Patrol Base vicinity BS763483, 1st and 4th Platoon is at OP Frag vicinity BS753568. At 1135hrs Delta Company 2nd Platoon patrol vicinity BS710476, found a large canister approximately 30" long and 4" in diameter and red in color. It had a fuse and a pin in 1 end, markings FSCT-204-69 Fuse AN-M117-3A1. It was blown in place size of explosion indicated canister did not contain a explosive, it left white powder residue. At 1815hrs Delta Company reports RF 712, made contact with a VC element of unknown size 900 meters north of OP Frag. I RF received a minor wound, in the neck and will be evac tomorrow. RF swept the area of contact with negative results. At 1940hrs Delta Company Locations Command Post, 2nd and 3rd Platoon in location BS710479, 1st and 4th Platoon at OP Frag BS753568, 1st Platoon ambush BS754768, 2nd Platoon BS710479.


Echo Company
January 9, 1971

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry. At 0512hrs Recon element from Recon Platoon had a Mechanical Ambush go off at BS712435. They requested Illumination and checked the area out with negative findings and will check the area out again in the morning. At 1445hrs Recon Platoon is moving to base of LZ Liz and check Vietnamese in the area. At 1711hrs Recon Platoon is moving out for BS727447. At 1935hrs Recon reports their location at BS727447.

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