Assuming Operational Control

Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 9, 1968

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Thunder and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0200hrs 1-20 Infantry reports 2 grenades thrown at bridge 95, no casualties. At 0438hrs 1-20 Infantry reported movement in the valley to the west of Thunder approximately 400 meters with report further activity. At 0500hrs 1-20 Infantry reported movement vicinity BS872327 approximately 300 meters from perimeter. Individuals fired weapons possible 1 enemy WIA will confirm when light and inform TOC. At 0805hrs Brigade to 1-20 Infantry move 1 company by motor t LZ OD as soon as mine sweep of highway 1 south of OD has been completed 1-20 Infantry acknowledged. At 2108hrs personnel at Bridge 106 spotted light flashing south of their position. X-Ray element at Bridge 107 spotted people moving south, southwest of their position at distance of about 460 yards. At 2112hrs personnel at bridge 100 received 4 rounds sniper fire from south of their position at distance of about 250 meters, no casualties. At 2325hrs Received call from Duc Pho Advisor SGT Kauffman to replay to Mike Force the Vehicles from Quang Ngai would be in their location approximately 0930hrs to move then bag and baggage.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
January 9, 1968

0410hrs Alpha Company spotted movement out approximately 400 meters from perimeter and continued their Search and Destroy mission in their Area of Operation.


Bravo Company
January 9, 1968

At 0410hrs-Bravo Company spotted light approx 200 meters to their north. Bravo Company continued their Search and Destroy operations in their Area of Operation.


Charlie Company
January 9, 1968

At 1000hrs Charlie Company moved to Charlie Brown and take over the Security Mission of LZ Charlie Brown and Bridges in their Area of Operation.


Delta Company
January 9, 1968

Delta Company Search and Clear operations at BS808258-BS806257 at BS806257 located tunnel-saw movement- still searching. At BS808258 Delta Company found a 155 Dud, destroyed in place.


Echo Company
January 9, 1968

Echo Company and 4.2 platoon and radar platoon where located on LZ Thunder to provide direct support to the Battalion. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for LZ Thunder and bridge 108. At 0438hrs the 1st Battalion 20th Infantry reported movement in the valley to the west of LZ Thunder, approximately 400 meters. At 0500hrs movement again is vicinity of BS872327 approximately 300 meters from the perimeter. Personnel fired their weapons with the possible one enemy WIA will check first light. At 0540hrs Echo spotted a sampan, vicinity BS901287, fired illumination and HE results unknown.

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