Headquarters and Headquarter Company
February 9, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0420hrs Radar Targets at 1930hrs we spotted 4 to 6 personnel moving southwest at grid BS745450 with negative clearance, and at 1940hrs we spotted 4 to 5 stationary personnel at grid BS732419 with negative clearance. At 0130hrs we spotted 4 to 5 stationary personnel at grid BS740433 and engaged them with 6 HE of 4.2 Mortars. At 0230hrs we spotted 4 to 5 stationary personnel at grid BS805441 and engaged them with 12 HE of Artillery 105mm and at 0410hrs we spotted 4 to 5 stationary personnel at grid BS738416 with Alpha Company informed at 0415hrs. At 0430hrs we spotted 3 to 5 stationary personnel at grid BS738456 with Alpha Company informed at 0532hrs. At 0710hrs 1-20 Infantry the Battalion Commanding Officer is leaving LZ Liz on a Visual Recon around Bravo Company and returned at 0826hrs. At 1525hrs 1-20 Infantry the Assistant Division Commanding Officer arrived at LZ Liz, was briefed and left at 1545hrs.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
February 9, 1970

At 0030hrs Alpha Company 04 element is at BS729414, the 05 element is at BS734409 and the 06 element is at BS730418. At 0702hrs 1-20 Infantry to Alpha Company have your ambushes tonight in accordance with the following grids BS726446, BS726433, BS736423 and BS745385. At 0741hrs Alpha Company the 44 element has checked out grid BS738456 and is closing on the Command Post with negative results on the search. At 0802hrs all snakes have closed. At 1507hrs Alpha Company found one 4 X 4 X 15 feet tunnel just outside our Night Defense Position site at BS729440 and we destroyed it. At 1650hrs Alpha Company (-) is moving to their Night Defense Position at BS784416. At 1800hrs Alpha Company we are in our Night Defense Position at 732430 and by 1959hrs all snakes are in Position. At 1820hrs Alpha Company reports their snake locations 04 at BS729414, 05 at BS734409, 06 at BS730418, 15 at BS723429, 14 at BS729437, 16 at BS724443, 44 at BS732454, 45 at BS728449 and 46 at BS736456.


Bravo Company
February 9, 1970

At 0435hrs Bravo Company the PF (185) snatched one sapper inside our perimeter at grid BS783433. He was planting a booby trap inside the wire. He has a hand frag, to set up some kind of booby trap and was wearing dark shorts and shirt. We will have our interpreter question him at first light. He had no weapon. It was later learned that the sapper was to kill the hamlet security chief. He was to be paid 100,000 piasters to eliminate this person. He was turned over to MACV. At 0648hrs Bravo Company the 45 element is closing on BS783433 along with the 18 and 09 elements. At 0710hrs the 1-20 Infantry Commander is leaving LZ Liz to make a Visual Recon around the Bravo Company area and returned at 0826hrs. At 0723hrs Bravo Company the 18 and 09 elements are closed and all snakes have closed on their position. At 0845hrs Bravo Company the 19 element is moving out on their patrol to BS775454 and the 07 element is moving out on their patrol to BS788448. At 0955hrs we need a routine Dust Off for one Vietnamese female detainee from BS788448. The 07 element was making a sweep and the female evaded and was shot by the PF. At 1147hrs Bravo Company the 19 element is at grid BS776425 and at 1205hrs the 07 element has closed on BS783433. At 1320hrs Bravo Company the Ranger element is moving out to conduct a general Recon Van Thruong 1 and Van Thruong 2.We will give hourly situation reports. At 1440hrs Bravo Company at grid BS783433 at 1430hrs a sapper was apprehends by two US from bunker 6. He was caught along with one PSDF who was cutting wire for the sapper. The sapper also had one M63 grenade (pressure release type) along with orders to assassinate (Van Thruong Hamlet Security Chief) and to inflict as much damage to bunkers and 81mm mortars as possible. Another old male was apprehended and is believed to be in this incident. All three VC detained were taken to Duc Pho for interrogation by the National Police. An additional report reveals that at 0430hrs the Hamlet Security Chief (Ong Khooi) detected and apprehended 1 male placing 1 M67 grenade with a pressure type detonator under the Security Chief’s hammock. The detainee had orders to assassinate Khooi and was to be paid a bounty and Khooi reported the incident and information that there may be more sappers in the wire. The area was illuminated. The PF checked 2 areas and detained 2 male personnel, all 3 males to be questioned at first light. The results of the questioning are: First Detainee male 17 to 20 years of age. He was to signal the sappers, with 2 shots after opening the gate near bunker 5. The sappers were to inflict as much damage to the 81mm position, PF Command Post and Company Command Post as possible. The other 2 detainees were men whose mission was to steal any explosives from the compound to supply the VC. Further intelligence is to follow after the interrogation by the Nation Police field force at Duc Pho. At 1550hrs Bravo Company the 19 element has closed on BS776446. At 1805hrs Bravo Company the Ranger element has closed on the Command Post at BS783433. At 1825hrs Bravo Company the 18 snake is moving to BS778455 on their clearing patrol and on to BS780460. At 1849hrs Bravo Company 18 snake is moving to BS743442 on their clearing patrol and on to BS780406. At 2100hrs Bravo Company the 18 element has closed on BS771461 and the 06 element is at checkpoint 1 at BS786438 and at 2155hrs the 06 element is moving to checkpoint 2 at BS787431. At 2248hrs Bravo Company the 06 element is at checkpoint 2 at BS787431.


Charlie Company
February 9, 1970

At 0702hrs 1-20 Infantry to Charlie Company have your ambushes tonight in accordance with the following grids: From BS745395 and along the same trails as yesterday. At 0907hrs Charlie Company at grid BS763378 we found a tunnel, 80 feet long with a 55 gallon barrel of C/S in it. We need 3 crating chares (15pound) 300 feet detonate cord and some time fuse to destroy the tunnel. At 1035hrs Charlie Company we found an old family bunker at grid BS761381. We threw a grenade inside and had a secondary explosion. We completed checking the inside with negative finding. At 1400hrs Charlie Company the change in the 18 element, snake location is to grid BS782385. At 1920hrs Charlie Company is in their Night Defense Position at BS770373. All Charlie Company elements are in position by 2000hrs with multiple snakes across the same trails as yesterday.


Delta Company
February 9, 1970

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0800hrs Delta Company SRRP has closed on LZ Liz. At 1145hrs Delta Company reports all snakes have closed on LZ Liz. At 1320hrs All Bunkers inspected and found in good condition and all have plumb bobs, by CPT Whitaker. At 1530hrs Delta Company the 15 element is moving out on their Recon patrol around LZ Liz. At 1550hrs Delta Company the 15 element has closed on LZ Liz with negative findings.


Echo Company
February 9, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0630hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Observed Mission 1 for a total of 4 HE, 2 WP and 8 Illumination rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0729hrs Recon Platoon our Day Logger for today is at BS777404 and will move shortly to the Day Logger. At 0730hrs Helix FAC we are putting in an Air Strike into grid BS799470. At 1146hrs Recon the Robin Hood snake will be at BS778403, the Little John snake will be at BS782403 and the Will Scarlet snake will be at BS790397. At 1330hrs Recon reports we have negative sightings or movement so far.

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