Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 8, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0855hrs Helix (FAC) 37 we are putting in an Air Strike on grid BS765390. At 0915hrs War Lord Lead, we are checking out the area of 7739. At 0950hrs 1-20 Infantry Once a claymore has been fired by sure and keep the firing device and wire. Then on your next re supply, order electrical blasting caps and attach them to your original tape. Use the testing device to determine that you have a complete circuit. This will afford you more effective use of your claymores. At 1016hrs War Lord Lead the results of the Visual Recon were at grid BS764394 we had 2 unexploded Artillery rounds, at grid BS774382 we found a camouflaged hootch which was partially underground. We had a secondary explosion near it. A bamboo pole was bent over with wires attached to it. At grid BS774346 we found a camouflaged hootch and a well used, trail. At grid BS773353 we saw an ammo box and some freshly cut wood. At 1111hrs 1-20 Infantry to Recon move to vicinity of BS724387 and check all trails. The night of 8 January 1970 set up snakes and Night Defense Position at this location. On 9 January 1970 move to the northeast, vicinity BS748414, and snake and Night Defense Position along the trails. On 10 January 1970 cross the river and move north and thoroughly check out the area. Pay particular attention to the area northeast and east of the North OP and be prepared to move on to LZ Liz. At 1400hrs General Donaldson is at LZ Liz and left at 1410hrs. At 1432hrs Warlord Lead we checked out grids BS7341, BS7340, BS7559, BS7539 and BS7538 with negative results. At 1650hrs Warlord Lead we spotted 1 woman and thought she was burying an AK47. When we tried to pick her up she took something out of her breast and put it down her pants. They also spotted 3 bodies (Dead), 1 with an AK47 in his hand. We are going to check out the area and put an infantry unit on the ground to sweep through the area. At 1710hrs 1-20 Infantry we request an Area of Operation extension down to the 40 grid line for the purpose of Alpha Company Recon in Force Operation. The extension would be effective until DATE/TIME 092400 January 1970. At 1730hrs Brigade reference 11th Brigade dud bomb report, Ordnance 3D2, fuse 904, coordinates BS BS746444 and dated 21 December 1969. At 2024hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC reports that a grenade was thrown vicinity Bridge 95. E Troop 1 Calvary reports grenade landed 15 meters from bunker negative casualties or damage.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
January 8, 1970

At 0716hrs Alpha Company the 24 snake has closed on BS815417. At 0901hrs Alpha Company 24 and 44 elements are starting their sweeping force to the BS8045. At 0916 Alpha Company 24, 04, 64 elements are moving out on their sweeping to the south. At 1130hrs Alpha Company at grid BS839422 we found some 6 X bunkers (fighting position). Which were freshly cut, Alpha Company has a elements are all at this location now. At 1750hrs Alpha Company reports their Night Defense Position is at BS833418. The 04 element is moving to BS828408 and the 44 element is moving to BS827414. At 1829hrs 1-20 Infantry Late Report, LTC Fischer is at Alpha Company and will be spending the night.


Bravo Company
January 8, 1970

At 0555hrs Bravo Company 25 snake has closed on BS787424. At 0655hrs Bravo Company 44 element is moving to BS790435, the 45 element to BS790435 and the 48 and 99 elements are moving to BS791442. At 0705hrs Bravo Company the 04 element is at BS792444 and the 07 element is at BS790448 are beginning their sweep. At 0710hrs The Bravo 28 is moving to BS782385 and will sweep to BS778391. At 0915hrs Bravo Company the 25 element is moving out to patrol grids BS776425 to BS779416 and the 26 snake has closed on BS789417. At 0720hrs Reference the NVA KIA last night the weapon was a .38 Caliber pistol with a star on the handle, serial 11022314-66-1964. At 0740hrs Bravo Company the 09 element spotted 3 NVA/VC and took them under fire, with negative results and negative weapons at grid BS770448. At 0750hrs Bravo Company the 28 element is at checkpoint 1 and the 54 element is moving to BS780397. At 0805hrs Bravo Company Urgent Dust Off Requested for 1 Vietnamese detainee, female, who was wounded by PF fire. The 06 element was making their sweep when they spotted the female evading. The PF told her to stop and she tried to evade and was shot, completed at 0817hrs at grid BS782464. At 0816hrs the Bravo 24 element spotted 2 VC evading at grid BS775395, they had no weapons. We are calling in artillery at this time. At 0900hrs Bravo Company the 47 and Rangers have closed on BS783433. At 0920hrs Bravo Company at grid BS788438 the 99 element found a metal can in the brush. The can contained writing paper, gauze, rubber strips, 1 pair of blue uniform pants and 1 blue uniform shirt. The PF says that it belongs to a VC nurse. At 0925hrs Bravo Company the 44 element has closed on BS783433, they found 6 small spider holes with small tunnels leading from them. The 44 element completely destroyed them, they were made of bamboo and dirt. The 46 element will stay at grid BS790434 as a day ambush. At 1005hrs Bravo Company reference the NVA KIA we got last night. The 04 element found a map with markings on it in the NVA pack. At 1015hrs Bravo Company the 99 element found a small tunnel at BS785439. They found 1 bag of medicine, 4 blue uniforms, 3 pistol belts, canteen, hammock, an AK47 magazine with ammo, a packet of documents, a M26 hand grenade, 2 maps, and some tooth brushes in the tunnel. An autographed photo of Ho Chi Minh was also found. At 1110hrs Bravo Company the 28, 24 and 25 elements have closed on their semi permanent position. At 1350hrs Bravo Company the Vietnamese who was killed last night in the Ville was Chieu Hoi, they took him out of his hooch last night and tied his hands behind his back and shot him in the head. They think it had something to do with someone who lives in the Ville. Name Tran-Trung. At 1435hrs Bravo Company all elements have closed on their semi permanent positions. At 1520hrs Bravo Company tonight and tomorrow plans are 25 snake at BS789424, 26 snake at BS794405, 07 snake at BS776447, 47 snake at BS786460 all moving out at 2000hrs. The 48 patrol will go from BS777425, BS770428, and BS772434 to move out at 0700hrs. The 09 SRRP for tonight is BS765444 and at 1900hrs all snakes will have 5 PF with them, the SRRP has 9 PF with them. At 1955hrs Bravo Company the 04 element is at the Twin Ville at BS776446, they report taking heavy small arms fire and about 5 rounds of 60mm rounds from grid BS763443. The 06 element at the North Bridge at grid BS771461 also reports taking a heavy volume of small arms fire and approximately 5 rounds of 60 mm from BS775454. Bravo Company we request gun ships and are calling in Artillery and 4.2 on the enemy locations. Both elements are returning fire with small arms. The Shark 9 has expended all his ammo and returning to Duc Pho and contact appears to be broken at this time and all is quiet, negative casualties.


Charlie Company
January 8, 1970

At 0830hrs Charlie Company we have some individuals on a ridgeline at grid BS801369. We are sending out an element to check them out. At 0910hrs the 04 element will Recon in Force to BS781369, BS780350 and then to BS791367. At 1225hrs Charlie Company 44 element along with the PF lifted a log and a grenade went off resulting in the PF receiving shrapnel in the legs, he was Dust Off from grid BS753533. At grid BS764534 we found a tunnel of undetermined length and a lot of fighting position on a hill close by. At 1725hrs Charlie Company the 44 element found a tunnel with a mold for making approximately 40 pounds shape charges, also 3 ID cards and some clothing of different types, and we will destroyed the tunnel at grid BS797367. At 1816hrs Charlie Company the 04 element has closed on BS797367.


Delta Company
January 8, 1970

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0815hrs Delta Company the 07 snake has closed on LZ Liz. At 0940hrs Delta Company all snakes have closed on LZ Liz. At 1300hrs Delta Company requested Priority Dust Off one US with a swollen Leg (possibly dislocated) a billet of water fell on his leg. Name Tim Fothergill, completed at 1224hrs. At 1815hrs Priority Dust Off, a US has difficulty breathing Donnie L. Rogers, Dust Off was completed at 1827hrs and pick up site was LZ Liz. At 1815hrs Delta Company reports night location. 26 is moving to BS762437, the 06 element is moving to BS765436 and the 46 element is moving to BS772441 and all element are in location. At 1855hrs Delta Company 04 is in location at grid BS828408.


Echo Company
January 8, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0620hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Supporting Fire 1 and Observed Mission 1 for a total expend of 42 HE, 6 WP and 10 Illumination rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 1111hrs 1-20 Infantry to Recon move to vicinity of BS724387 and check all trails. The night of 8 January 1970 set up snakes and Night Defense Position at this location. On 9 January 1970 move to the northeast, vicinity BS748414, and snake and Night Defense Position along the trails. On 10 January 1970 cross the river and move north and thoroughly check out the area. Pay particular attention to the area northeast and east of the North OP and be prepared to move on to LZ Liz. At 1630hrs Recon Platoon reports our Night Defense Position is BS724395 and report at 1910hrs they have closed.

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