Headquarters and Headquarter Company
September 7, 1968

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Thunder and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
September 7, 1968

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz at 0040hrs PFC Larry C. Ford, reportedly had a break down and fired his weapon wildly at several individuals, result 1 US WHA minor resulting from rock chips when round struck near him offender apprehended. At 0915hrs Alpha Company location 20 is at BS777437 and 30 is at BS756442. At 0950hrs Alpha Company at BS775445 engaged 1 VC KIA, he was wearing a green trouser and khaki shirt and had documents and pictures, will evac pictures and documents to LZ Bronco. At 1007hrs Alpha Company at BS788439 found 1 VC gas mask in a hedgerow also will evac we are still checking area. At 1040hrs Alpha Company is located at BS787447 with 30 at BS775445 and at 1415hrs 20 is at BS787443 with 30 at BS777443. At 1835hrs Alpha Company reports their location at LZ Liz. SGT Ligo Julis Lazu evac to 2nd Surgical Hospital with frag wounds at 1400hrs.


Bravo Company
September 7, 1968

At 0040hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC PFC from Alpha Company reportedly had a break down and fired his weapon wildly at several individuals. Results 1 US WHA minor resulting from rock chips when round struck near him, offender was apprehended and evac. At 0825hrs Bravo Company locations the 10 element is at Dragon 20 at BS727555 30 at BS731558 to start the day. At 1200hrs Bravo Company reports Bravo 20 at BS724554 and 30 at BS738558. At 1835hrs Bravo Company 10, 20 and Command Post at LZ Dragon 31 at BS724568, 32 at BS739569.


Charlie Company
September 7, 1968

Charlie Company command post and 1st and 3rd Platoon has the Security Mission for LZ Thunder and 2nd Platoon has the Security Mission for LZ Charlie Brown. Charlie Company also has the 14 squad on Bridge 111 and the 22 squad on Bridge 94 for security.


Delta Company
September 7, 1968

Delta Company 1-20 Infantry at BS894248 to start the day and at 1040hrs Delta 10 is at BS887429, Delta 20 and Command Post is at BS887249 with Delta 30 at BS896257. Then finish the day Delta Company in their Night Defense Position 20, 30 and Command Post at BS844256-11 at BS847256, 12 at BS837250, 13 at BS848258.


Echo Company
September 7, 1968

Echo Company is located at LZ Thunder where Battalion Forward is and coordinates with the Battalion Rear Elements and Base Defense elements on LZ Thunder. The 4.2 Platoon is located on LZ Thunder where they continue to provide direct fire support for the (1-20 Infantry) Battalion. Recon Platoon is located at LZ Bronco. At 1200hrs Recon Platoon reports their location at BS882273 and at 1835hrs Recon Platoon is located at BS871261.

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