Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 7, 1969
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0900hrs 1-20 Infantry request 2 scout dogs at 1500hrs Southeast pad, searching mission, Dogs are approved. At 0945hrs Message from Division Highway 1 from Quang Ngai to Charlie Brown is restricted for mobile type. At 1000hrs 11th Brigade, Road is closed to Military traffic from LZ Bronco to Chu Lai, should have 1 lane open to traffic by 1700hrs today. 1-20 Infantry Bravo Company reports Sullen 33 at BS706431 spotted 12 VC crossing bridge going east, calling artillery with negative results. At 1835hrs From Quang Ngai CPT Hunt, Hoi Chanh from 1st Platoon 22 Company 1st Battalion 22 regiment Squad Leader. Chu Loed on 7 January stated the 22 Regiment location vicinity grids BS565590, BS585585, BS580600 and that his Company will attack Mo Duc in the very near future as early as January 9-10.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.
Alpha Company
January 7, 1969
At 0845hrs Alpha Company at BS729465 found 1 NVA pack containing misc. clothing, 2 bicycles sprocket destroyed and found in hedgerow with fighting positions and also 75 meters of trench line, with 2 spider holes, destroyed. At 1600hrs Alpha Company is at their Night Defense Position at BS726479.
Bravo Company
January 7, 1969
Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz with the Bravo Company 33 snake at 743432, 82 snake is at 765427 with 41 snake at 760441.
Charlie Company
January 7, 1969
At 0500hrs Charlie Company is moving south off of LZ Liz and by 0745hrs Charlie Company (-) is located at BS738437 and the 31 element is located at BS742392. At 0800hrs Charlie Company until 1200hrs is located at BS743437 detained 6 VC suspects for questioning. At 1600hrs Charlie Company Night Defense Position is at BS504670.
Delta Company
January 7, 1968
Delta Company still working off of LZ Dragon at 1047hrs Delta Company at BS754535 received sniper fire from front and rear, negative casualties returned fire with negative finding, and at BS743538 found booby trap hand grenade in hut, destroyed in place. At 1220hrs Delta Company at BS754538 observed a large secondary explosion after Artillery mission, believed to be an anti tank mine, at BS743538 found in a hutch 1 booby trap blown in place. At 1600hrs Delta Company 31 on LZ Dragon and the 81 element located at BS725505.
Echo Company
January 7, 1968
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon continued their SRRP operations in their Area of Operations with light enemy activities, at 1345hrs Recon reported to be on move. Recon at 1430hrs reported SRRP location at BS743432.