Headquarters and Headquarter Company
December 7, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1205hrs 1-20 Infantry we request an Area of Operation extension to grid BS7850 and east to the river. At 1400hrs AJAX: Alpha Company 95, Bravo Company 112, Charlie Company 128, Delta Company 114, Recon Platoon 29 and 4.2 Platoon 26. At 1550hrs 1-20 Infantry reports an Vietnamese vehicle hit a mine at grid BS793409, resulting in 1 Engineer Dust Off with frag wounds of the arm. We also had 3 Vietnamese children and one Vietnamese male (the Driver) killed. It was believed to be either a 155mm Artillery round or 105mm Artillery round. At 1620hrs Message from 11th Infantry Brigade Effective: immediately no US troops will burn Vietnamese hootches unless, accompanied by RF/PF or National Police. 11 Brigade the Command General desires that the next equipment to be extracted is to be the two dossiers the APC will come over land if possible. At 2015hrs MACV Mo Duc the National Police will be ready to go to Charlie Company at 0730hrs tomorrow.

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion. (1-20 Infantry Battalion) Rear, S-4 to all units: Defective grenade M26A1 lot defect in the timing device Lot PA32-1. Advise us if you have any on hand and the quantity you have. At 1210hrs Charlie Company 26 Engineer at BS753583 Mo Duc Road results 1 Vietnamese WIA with wounds to left legs and arms, Dust Off completed at 1235hrs to LZ Bronco. Charlie Company 26 Engineer report the people in hamlet said VC came into hamlet and KIA POP son, Baby son and wounded 1 female. Some of the people said the ARVN came into the Hamlet and took food, then mortared the hamlet pass on the S-5 Section.


Alpha Company
December 7, 1969

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 1620hrs Message from Brigade Effective immediately: no US troops will burn Vietnamese hootches unless they are accompanied by RF/PF or Nation Police. At 1940hrs Alpha reports their Snakes Locations 15 at BS776441, 34 at BS763437 and 76 at BS769439.


Bravo Company
December 7, 1969

Bravo Company reports at 0627hrs the 76 element has closed on BS789417and at 0647hrs the 16 element has closed on BS783433 along with 34 closed at BS771461. At 0900hrs Bravo Company reports element is moving to grid BS775449 and at 0926hrs Bravo Company the Ranger Team is moving to grid BS780464. At 1005hrs the 15 element found VC/NVA fighting position with overhead cover. There was about 200 to 300 pounds of rice. We are destroying fighting position and the rice grid BS774420. Bravo Company reports the 72 and 73 elements conduct Combat Assault from BS789418 to BS810421 (72 and BS810429 (73). The Combat Assault started at 1031hrs completed 1050hrs. At 1150hrs Bravo Company the 75 element has completed their patrol and is moving back to BS787424. At 1200hrs Bravo Company my 72 element has completed their sweep with negative results. We are moving back to our Command Post. Charlie Company has informed that they are to pull back the element that was blocking for the B72 element. At 1300hrs the Ranger Team has closed on BS783433. At 1810hrs the 72 reports who was to go on patrol to BS778413 has been cancelled for 080600 DATE/TIME December 1969, we will move from the South bridge at 2100hrs to Check Point 1 to BS794406 and then to their objective at BS787407. We request Illumination on the objective at 2200hrs for 30 minutes, be prepare to furnish illumination for 1 hour. At 1825hrs Bravo Company the 37 element and the Gorilla element are moving out to BS778450 and BS790445 respectively. At 1840hrs Bravo Company the Gorilla element while checking for the 3 VC/NVA. We are moving in single file about 800 meters to our northeast. We are checking out the area at this time. At 1850hrs Bravo Company the 13 element on the North Bridge had three M-79 rounds fired at them from their southwest at approximately BS773456 negative casualties.


Charlie Company
December 7, 1969

At 0625hrs Charlie Company the 14 element has moved back into our perimeter at BS833437. At 0820hrs Charlie Company the 32 element is in the southern blocking force at BS830410. The 72 element will be moving out in 60 minutes. In 10 minutes the 12 elements will move out to the north to our Area of Operations line and make a sweep to the south. At 0840hrs Charlie Company we have 1400 pounds of rice at our Command Post at BS833437, this rice is bagged and ready for extraction, we have 12 100 pound bags and 1 bag ½ full plus 12 Sand bags full of rice. At 0940hrs Charlie Company the 12 element has reached its destination (grid BS803494) and will be making a sweep to the south. When we moved into this location we found a lot of civilians evading to the north, on the other side of the Area of Operation line where there is a lot of hootches. On the sweep to the south we will be blowing bunkers. At 1002hrs Charlie Company the 12 element received 5 to 6 rounds of small arms from the east we returned fire with small arms fire with negative results. We did find an AK 47 clip with 2 rounds in it at BS790500 but no other finding. At 1020hrs Charlie Company 72 element has picked up 5 male detainees 2 (military age) other 3 are younger then military age. We caught the detainees as they were crossing river and one was changing his cloths and none of them had ID. We will take the detainee back to the Command Post for questioning. At 1025hrs out 2 blocking forces are the 72 element is at BS819431 and the 32 element is at BS820422. At 1200hrs Bravo Company 72 sweep is done and Charlie Company can move out of the blocking position. At 1520hrs Bravo Company has new snake location for Gorilla element at BS790445 and Bravo 37 has closed on BS778445 and the 73 element has closed on South Bridge. At 1708hrs Charlie Company at 1600hrs 2 M-Boats were extracted with 2 tractors and 1 M-Boat on the beach. The M-Boat was not repaired this AM. At 1810hrs the Marines are said requesting M-Boats for tonight to free the M-Boat that is beached. The M-Boat will be on station at 1900hrs, and we requested illumination grid BS833438. At 2200hrs Charlie Company reports the M-Boats have beached and will be breaking station at this time. They tried unsuccessfully to move the beached M-Boat, they will continue at first light in AM.


Delta Company
December 7, 1969

Delta Company at their Day Logger at BS722434 will start to sweep east. The 12 element made a sweep through the area of recent bunkers construction with negative results. Delta Company one female detainee, approximately 60 years of age, is supposed to be supporting a baby son who is VC. Delta Company reports at 1640hrs moving to the Night Defense Position at vicinity BS723430. All elements have night ambushes out near the Night Defense Position.


Echo Company
December 7, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0553hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Defense Targets 1 Supporting Missions 9, Observed Missions 4 with total expend 29 HE and 9 WP rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon will continue their Security Mission for LZ Liz and the (1-20 Infantry) TOC.

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