Headquarters and Headquarter Company
April 7, 1971

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. RF 165, Mo Duc BS693539, reports OP Pax received incoming 60mm mortars inside their perimeter with negative casualties or damage. At 0315hrs Delta 1-1 Calvary Radar sighting at BS813435 12 to 15 personnel moving southwest, engaged with artillery and requested Nighthawk, Saber 40 is on station at 0330hrs had negative findings, moved North vicinity BS773558 to search area of previous contact, broke station at 0435hrs with negative results. At 0930hrs MACV Mo Duc request 1 Urgent Dust Off for 2 PF from OP Pax with gunshot and multiple frag wounds, completed at 0920hrs. At 0945hrs 1-20 Infantry while flying over the area of yesterday’s air and artillery strike, Slow Motion 4 observed 2 bunkers destroyed, opening to a possible tunnel complex and many open trench lines, near vicinity of BS630536. At 1400hrs Minuteman 34 is on station for re supply. At 1745hrs MACV Mo Duc at BS763472 received request for 1 Urgent Dust Off for 14 year old Vietnamese child with head injuries, Doc Control advised all civilian. Dust Off must go through Vietnamese Air Force. Vietnam Air Force refused Dust Off initials VTD: 1LT Doc Control sent Dusty 54 completed at 1840hrs. At 1900hrs PF 161 OP Pax BS693539, received 7 rounds 82mm mortar fire from grid vicinity BS668523, counter mortar fire was employed from LZ Dragon, Negative casualties or damage. At 1930hrs MACV Mo Duc requests Urgent Dust Off for 1 Vietnamese civilian with gunshot wound to the chest, received wound by VC sniper fire, requested through Vietnamese Air Force, denied request, initials VTD completed at 1936hrs. At 2100hrs F Troop 8th Calvary, Saber 44 is on station to work Box 31A (center of mass BS6654). At 2120hrs Saber 44 while working in box 31 A Saber 44 took fire from grid BS682536 approximately 25 rounds from 3 weapons, returned fire with unknown results. At 2140hrs Saber 44 took fire from BS695527 from 2 weapons 15 rounds, returned fire with unknown results, called in Artillery Fire Mission. Saber 44 diverted to LZ Bronco at 2150hrs. At 2151hrs LZ Bronco reported they were taking incoming mortars at this time. Nighthawk divert to Bronco to check on suspect enemy mortar at grid BS786373, Bronco received a total of 3 rounds 82mm mortar all rounds landed in the 723 Maintenance area with results 3 US WIA. At 2200hrs LZ Liz called Alert at 2200hrs and Alert 100% over at 2205hrs. At 2230hrs TMF Fire Mission at 2202hrs String 294 Target B, has a stationary target unknown number with negative confirmation of metal and engaged at 2204hrs with 20 HE rounds 81mm mortar and at 2207hrs engaged with 8 HE VT Artillery 155mm. At 2310hrs TMF Fire Mission at 2202hrs String 294 Target B has a stationary target unknown number, negative metal confirmation and engaged at 2257hrs with 24 HE rounds 81mm mortar and at 2303hrs engaged with 16 HE VT rounds Artillery 155. Legend: 1st Platoon 39, 2nd Platoon 74, 3rd Platoon 31, 4th Platoon 57, CO-52.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
April 7, 1971

At 1035hrs Alpha Company, 3rd Platoon is moving out to BS628522. At 1035hrs 3rd Platoon patrol is moving out to BS628522, with 3rd Platoon patrol at checkpoint 1 at BS628522. At 1045hrs 3rd Platoon patrol is moving to checkpoint 2 at BS629522.


Bravo Company
April 7, 1971

At 0646hrs Bravo Company all element are moving. At 1225hrs 2nd Platoon at BS635540, while sweeping the area found 2 M-79 rounds. At 1345hrs Bravo Company at BS636538 found 1 large cave approximately 20’ X 20’ opening is 3’ X 3’ it had recently been caved in. Also found 12’ X 12’ hooch, it had not been used in at least 4-7 days, had also been destroyed. Upon further search of area found NVA uniform, ammo pouch, 2 caves 5’ X 10’ in height, 4’ wide, 10 to 15’ deep, six 2 man hooch’s 5’ X 5’, 2 US PRC 25 batteries (destroyed), 1 US flashlight (destroyed) area was heavily bloodied with many blood trails. At 1926hrs Bravo Company 1st and 3rd Platoons reports their Night Defense Position at BS639532. At 2000hrs Bravo Company 2nd, 4th Platoons and Command Post vicinity BS639544.


Charlie Company
April 7, 1971

Charlie Company is using patrols and multiple Day Ambushes in their Area of Operation today. At 0647hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon is moving out to BS705422 which will be their Day Ambush location. At 0815hrs Charlie Company 3rd and 4th Platoons is moving to BS712408 and at 0820hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon patrol is moving to BS644552. At 1935hrs Charlie Company 3rd and 4th Platoon in the Night Defense Position at BS715405, the 2nd Platoon with ambush vicinity BS701424.


Delta Company
April 7, 1971

Delta Company has taken over the Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 2225hrs Delta Company reports that Bunker 16, BS761434, spotted 2 or 3 personnel run across the Western portion of the access road. They engaged the area with M-79 fire with unknown results, personnel were moving from South to North.


Echo Company
April 7, 1971

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry.

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