Headquarters and Headquarter Company
October 6, 1969
Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. The 4.2 Platoon Ammo Report 5 scheduled fires with total expended 20 HE rounds. At 0840hrs 26th Engineer we found a small bobby trap by the Ville at the end of the access road gird BS777445. It was made of what looked like the head of an large Artillery round and 2 M-79 rounds. We will blow it in place and then come back with heavier demo later to make sure that it is taken care of. At 1545hrs AJAXES Alpha Company 122, Bravo Company 115, Charlie Company Stand Down, D Company 97 OPCON to 4-21 Infantry, Recon 25 and 4.2 Platoon 16. At 1605hrs Command and Control Helicopter landed at Southern Bridge Site BS789416, he took 1sniper rounds, resulting in the peter pilot being hit in the upper leg. At BS795413 there is a statue this is where the sniper was believed to be at we are having an element to check it our.
Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion.
Alpha Company
October 6, 1969
At 0636hrs Alpha Company our 82 element Combat Assault to grid BS755396, the 1st PZ is 0625hrs and last LZ was 0636hrs. At 0750hrs the 82 element is at BS754404 we have negative findings at this time and there is no sign of activity in these Areas. At 1855hrs Alpha Company the 85 element is moving out for their snake location. Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz.
Bravo Company
October 6, 1969
At 0820hrs Bravo Company initial contact report: The 54 element is receiving a heavy volume of fire from several positions. Two automatic weapons and 3 small arms, requests gun ships for support. The enemy fire coming from BS783397 which is to the 54 southwest, there has are no casualties at this time. At 1100hrs Bravo Company there are Vietnamese on the Southern Bridge. They say that there is a small element 6 VC at grid BS781413 who would like to Hoi Chanh but are afraid of the Range Squad of US. We think it should be good idea to look into this report. Bravo Company will use some saturation patrolling and daylight ambushes. At 1400hrs Bravo Company LATE Report: the 52 elements on their Patrol made contact with 2 VC with weapons. The VC evaded into Ville and the 52 followed. The Villagers said 1 VC is seriously wounded but would give no information on the route of the VC escape. We have 3 VCS from the Ville at the North Bridge who we will turn in. Bravo Company at 1913hrs all snakes are in position, when the 53 snake was moving to our snake location but received 5 incoming M-79 rounds. Utility is on station at 1300hrs Tail # 186.
Charlie Company
October 6, 1969
Charlie Company is at Chu Lai and will continue their Stand Down.
Delta Company
October 6, 1969
Delta Company is still OPCON to the 4-21 Infantry. At 2230hrs Delta Company is now linked up with C 4-21 in their Night Defense Position vicinity grid BS822268. C 4-21 had the perimeter probed on their side, they received small arms fire and hand grenades which resulted in 2 friendly WIA with frag wounds who were dusted off. Delta Company and a trip flare go off by a claymore, friendly frag was thrown resulting in wounds received by LT Duke (Head and Hand slight) he was dusted off to Chu Lai but was OK. 2LT Charles L. Duke was evac to 91st Evac Hospital.
Echo Company
October 6, 1969
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. The 4.2 Platoon reports Schedule fires 5 with total expend 20 HE rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0642hrs Recon Platoon we are moving out of our snake location. At 0735hrs Recon Platoon at grid BS751445 we have one male VCS, 22 years old, with no ID. He was evading and we had to run him down and catch him. At 0925hrs Recon Platoon we have checked out all preplanned areas. The element will regroup and start moving back to LZ Liz. At 0955hrs Recon we have closed on LZ Liz at this time with 1 VCS.