Headquarters and Headquarters Company
May 5, 1969
Forward Area 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Ross for Operation WHEELER-WALLOWA and are OPCON to the 198th Light Infantry Brigade. At 0215hrs LZ Colt received rounds 3 mortar with 1 inside and 2 outside the perimeter and LZ Colt at 0231hrs observed flashes at BT129368. At 0236hrs LZ Ross observed flashes every 2 minutes at 2600 mils 13,000 meters. At 0240hrs LZ Center reports they received 10-12 60mm rounds. At LZ Ross received 3 incoming rounds and reports flashes south southeast of their position. At 0305hrs LZ Ross received 82mm mortar, have 2 WHA reported, increasing number of mortars. At 0310hrs LZ Ross has fire near ammo dump, see flashes at AT005337 and BT999335. At 0615hrs LZ Ross reports 3 rounds, 2 duds landed in artillery area. At 0345hrs 1-20 Infantry reports having several 105 rounds blow in dump and tear gas they received was stored same location. At 0355hrs LZ Ross reports mortar rounds have stopped, explosions from 105 rounds are frequent. At 0410hrs LZ Ross reports receiving fire, 9 so far. At 0508hrs 1-20 Infantry reports possible rocket site at BT982225. At 0508hrs 1-20 Infantry reports of 75-100 mortars and 32 rockets, and 13 Mortar were duds. At 0600hrs 1-20 Infantry report 2 WHA Alpha Company, 2 WHA Charlie Company, 1 WHA Delta Company, 1 WHA Echo Company, 1 WHA Headquarters Company. Also1 WHA 3-18 Artillery and l WHA Alpha 26th Engineer for a total of 9, with 1 WHA from Charlie Company will evac, which was completed at 0747hrs. At 0625hrs 1-20 Infantry reports what sounded like duds were gas rounds. At 1115hrs 1-20 Infantry is alerted to provide 1 Company for Combat Assault. At 1700hrs Delta Company prepares to Combat Assault 1st PZ at 1728hrs and 2nd PZ at 1740hrs LZ completed at 1750hrs with 96 Pax.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0253hrs 11 Brigade, Duc Pho reports 16 satchel charges just outside perimeter of District Headquarter no casualties or damage. At 0250hrs LZ Bronco starting to received Mortar or satchel charges on north runway. SP5 JOHN LLOYD VORIES WAS LISTED AS KIA (John was Head Medic for Delta Company See Delta Company).
Alpha Company
May 5, 1968
Alpha Company continued Security Mission for LZ Ross and was hit hard over night with 32 rockets and 75-100 mortar rounds. At 0600hrs report 2 WHA from Alpha Company, 2 WHA Charlie Company, 1 WHA Delta Company, 1 WHA Echo Company and 1 WHA Headquarters Co. Along with 1 WHA from 3-18 Artillery, 1WHA from A26 for a total of 9 with 1 from Charlie Company will be evac, which was completed at 0747hrs. At 0835hrs Alpha Company at BT032048 reported ship received fire. At 0953hrs Alpha Company reports at BT035345 Tank hit mine negative casualties, knocked Track off tank, and track has been repaired.
Bravo Company
May 5, 1968
Bravo Company continued to use their Search and Clear operations in their Area of Operations. Alpha Company continued their Search and Clear operation in their Area of Operations. LZ Ross was hit hard over night with 32 rockets and 75-100 mortar rounds. At 0600hrs report 2 WHA from Alpha Company, 2 WHA Charlie Company, 1 WHA Delta Company, 1 WHA Echo Company and 1 WHA Headquarters Co. Along with 1 WHA from 3-18 Artillery, 1WHA from A26 for a total of 9 with 1 from Charlie Company will be evac, which was completed at 0747hrs. SP4 Michael J. Fahey and SP4 Filimon L. Perez where attached to NSA Da Nang.
Charlie Company
May 5, 1968
Charlie Company continued to use their Search and Clear operations in their Area of Operation. Alpha Company continued their Search and Clear operation in their Area of Operations. LZ Ross was hit hard over night with 32 rockets and 75-100 mortar rounds. At 0600hrs report 2 WHA from Alpha Company, 2 WHA Charlie Company, 1 WHA Delta Company, 1 WHA Echo Company and 1 WHA Headquarters Company. Along with 1 WHA from 3-18 Artillery, 1WHA from A 26 for a total of 9 with 1 from Charlie Company will be evac, which was completed at 0747hrs. SP4 Gregory T. Olsen (Headquarters Company) and PFC Esequiel Torres (Charlie Company) awarded Purple Heart.
Delta Company
May 5, 1968
Delta Company continued their Search and Clear operation in their Area of Operations. LZ Ross was hit hard over night with 32 rockets and 75-100 mortar rounds. At 0600hrs report 2 WHA from Alpha Company, 2 WHA Charlie Company, 1 WHA Delta Company, 1 WHA Echo Company and 1 WHA Headquarters Company. Along with 1 WHA from 3-18 Artillery, 1WHA from Alpha Company 26 Engineer for a total of 9 WHA. Charlie Company 1-20 Infantry 1 of WHA will be evac, which was completed at 0747hrs. Delta Company conducting Search and clear operations just northwest of LZ Ross pick up, by helicopters to help get Long Range Recon Patrol ROSIE and crew from the downed Minuteman helicopter (#66-BT170740) from the 176th AHC and the firebird gun-ship helicopter from the 71st AHC at BT0752428. At 1728hrs Delta Company conducts Combat Assault into BT073247 completed at 1750hrs and meet Bravo Company 1-6 Infantry which was bring Long Range Recon Patrol ROSIE and the helicopter crew out. Between the elements going through Delta Company has reported 7 US KHA, 3 MHA and 4 WHA. Once these elements went thru our location Delta Company 1-20 Infantry set up Night Defense Position and blocking position. Delta Company Headquarters section moving through the middle of their Night Defense Position stepped on a Bouncing Betty mine in the middle of our Night Defense Position, with results KHA 1 and WIA 6 dusted off. SP 5 JOHN LLOYD VORIES the acting head medic was the KHA, WIA our Artillery Forward Observer 2LT John C. Curbow (Charlie Battery, 6-11 Arty?) and his RTO, our 4.2 RTO along with, mostly Command Post Section WHA. Our Night Defense Position was hook up with Bravo Company 1st Battalion 6th Infantry, (Call sign Kansas) as we knew them, and LZ Center was under constant ground attack and mortar, rocket fire. SP4 JOHN LLOYD VORIES Headquarters Company Medic is LISTED AS KHA, Delta Company SP4 Ronnie M. Cowles, PFC Robert A Cable, and SSGT David Williams where evac.
Echo Company
May 5, 1968
Echo Company is located at LZ Ross where Battalion Forward, is located and coordinates with the Battalion Rear Elements and the Base Defense on LZ Ross. The 4.2 Platoon is located on LZ Ross where they continue to provide direct fire support for the Battalion. At 1843hrs Recon 20 has 1 US WHA (M) frag at AT997315 will evac tomorrow. 1-20 Infantry Recon Platoon manned OP Tiger, Cobra and Dragon.