Headquarters and Headquarter Company
August 5, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0025hrs MACV Duc Pho from 050600hrs to 051700hrs we will sweep and block in the AREA of Operation Bs780450 to BS795450 to BS795435 to BS780435. At 0850hrs 1-20 Infantry requests an Area of Operation extension from the 4 Regiment from BS700573 south to BS700550 east to BS738550 in the Date /Time/Grid 080600hrs to 091200hrs for the purpose of combat operations was approved by Brigade and 4 Regiment 2 ARVN Division #B 101. At 1100hrs 11 Brigade an Area of Operation Extension is requested by E Troop for 1-1 Calvary, with RF, PF, PSDF and Nation Police in the Date/Time/Grid 060800hrs to 061900hrs in the area BS768467 to BS710428 to BS750390 to BS790413 to BS768467 excluding LZ Liz and OP #3. At 1515hrs TMF String 76 was activated by 3 personnel that where moving southeast to southwest at 3 miles per hour, with no metal detected and negative clearance was given due to the proximity of friendly. At 1730hrs 26 Engineer a total of 60 hours were worked clearing 80 acres (550 X 600) from BS696586 to BS677582 to BS703585. Reports destroying 11 bunkers, 75 meters of trench, 50 meters of tunnels, 2 booby traps, small with pressure devices and detonated with no damage by D7, 1 60mm round and 300 pounds of rice wrapped in plastic and in good condition was evac to MACV Mo Duc. Also some documents and 60 pairs of sandals were found at BS698584. Also 11 D7, 1 CEV, 1 AC and 1 M548 are operational.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
August 5, 1970

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission with Charlie Company 26th Engineer in their land clearing operations. Alpha Company requested a Dust Off for one Vietnamese Child with a minor head wound from grid BS727617, the child was brought to Command Post by two Vietnamese females and said they found the child lying on ground at BS735615 and wounds appear minor. Alpha Company is using patrol and sweeping area in the Area of Operation. At 1905hrs Alpha Company at BS702508 found 1 57mm round partially buried will destroy in place. Alpha Company Night Defense Position is located at BS756774 and BS755605 with some ambushes out.


Bravo Company
August 5, 1970

Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz and the Access Road.


Charlie Company
August 5, 1970

At 0914hrs Charlie Company the 55 element has closed on BS707622 and the 56 element has closed on BS707622. Charlie Company with RF 116, 146, 937 and RF Platoon 147, 144, 168 continued their Hamlet Pacification program with security mission for highway 1. At 1420hrs Charlie Company request a priority Dust Off for 1 Vietnamese child with a broken foot (caused by engineer dropping a heavy object on the child foot.) completed at 1445hrs. At 1800hrs Charlie Company at BS706570 (At 1700hrs) Mohawk was taking pictures and took 3 rounds of small arms fire he was flying at 1500’ and had no hits, casualties or damage, the area was engaged with Artillery. At 1945hrs we request an Urgent Dust Off for 1 RD cadre man wounded by a grenade, thrown by US from Charlie Company 56 element doing H & I. The Senior Advisor, Mo Duc District Chief along with 1-20 Infantry Battalion CO and the Battalion S-3 will investigate the incident tomorrow.


Delta Company
August 5, 1970

At 0620hrs Delta Company the 34 element is moving to BS764560 and the 74 element is moving to BS764567. At 0909hrs Delta Company the 75 element is moving to BS758575 and the 56 element is moving to BS733575. At 1125hrs Delta Company at BS761570 we found a booby tap, a combination four small cans of Petna, with wire pull device. Three of the cans were secured along a trail under a hedgerow and placed in the hedgerow. The wire was stretched across a trail and a hole was in the trail just large enough for a foot to fit in, the wire was covered with plastic and dirt and appeared to be 2 to 3 months old. Also while moving through a Ville at BS759560 we picked up one female detainee. In years old and wearing all black, she has a false ID and the PF were suspicious of her. Name Nguyen Thi Me, all the children in the area stayed away from her. She was evacuated to MI. At 1645hrs Delta Company we request a routine Dust Off for one US the head medic, with a temperature of 101 nausea and chills, complete at 1710hrs. At 1930hrs Delta Company at BS755564, we request a Urgent Dust Off of one U.S. from sniper fire. He has two wounds on the shoulder and one to the area Line # 94M complete at 1940hrs, Name: Russell Marshall E-3.The Delta Company 34 was moving to their ambush site when they took 4-8 rounds of sniper fire from the west, both rounds hit one man. The Delta Company 54 element moved out to check the area and saw two personnel evading them at approximate 150 meters. At 2050hrs Delta Company reports multiply ambushes are all in their locations. PFC Russell Marshall (gunshot wound right shoulder) was evac to the 91st Evac Hospital.


Echo Company
August 5, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0345hrs 4.2 ammo reports Fire Mission 1 with total expend 5 HE rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 1230hrs Recon Platoon in the Combat Assault to BS793436 the 1st PZ was at 1230hrs and 1st LZ was at 1235hrs. Recon Platoon at BS789442 we found 1 rucksack in a bunker. The Intelligence platoon from Quang Ngai has 3 VC KIA, 2 weapons and some documents CIA. Also they found some addition bunkers. The KIA’s were 18, 20 and 25 years old. They were wearing shorts and light colored shirts. The 2 weapons were 1 AK44 and 1 M-14, both in very poor condition. They were killed while in a bunker as the Quang Ngai personnel threw in some frag grenades. The rucksack contained some food and a hammock. The documents had PSYOPS papers, a daily journal and some leave papers (believe to be false). At 1445hrs Recon Platoon we request an urgent Dust Off for 5 PF who hit a booby trap with trip wire device (81mm mortar round) at grid BS790445. All had frag wounds to the legs and arms with no traumatic amputations, competed at 1450hrs. These were the Brigade informed Quang Ngai personnel of messages. At 1600hrs Recon Platoon we are back on LZ Liz.

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