Headquarters and Headquarter Company
April 5, 1970
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0530hrs Charlie Company spotted a light in same location as Sharks got the 5 VC KIA at BS724457. We will call in artillery, there where 2 secondary explosions. At 0925hrs Midnight Cowboy has a negative situation report and their present location is at BS681454. At 1050hrs 1-20 Infantry we request an Area of Operation extension from BS746370 west to BS740370 south to BS740350 and east to BS742350 for the period DATE/TIME/GRID 051800 April 70 from the present, the purpose is to conduct combat operations. At 1340hrs Brigade LRRP Midnight Cowboy found an old Night Defense Position at BS683451 with evidence of a large size element fortified positions have been built up in the area. Several foxholes have had over head covers placed on the positions in the past 3 to 5 days. Several trails lead from the area. We will check out the area until 1600hrs. At 1415hrs Warlord is on station and is checking the area of BS720348, several trails were spotted in this location. At 1930hrs 1-20 Infantry TMF at 1900hrs negative clearance was given on 6 to 8 personnel moving north to south at 4 MPH with metal and at 1900hrs the engagement of 6 personnel that are moving northeast to southwest. At 2115hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Mechanical ambushes for 5 April 1970 Bravo Company 6, Charlie Company 17 and Delta Company 4.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.
Alpha Company
April 5, 1970
At 0900hrs Alpha Company 41 moving to BS756362 and the 61 moving to BS762360 continue to patrol their Area of Operation. At 1218hrs Alpha Company we request an Urgent Dust Off for one US with MFW of left arm and leg and one PF with MFW over the right eve. The booby trap was a hand frag grenade with trip wire, complete at 1230hrs. The US was SP4 Thomas G Elmore. At 1600hrs Alpha Company 01, 02, 95 elements are moving to BS753373 and found some mats made of freshly cut bamboo for drying rice along with 10 sleeping positions at BS750354 all where destroyed. At 1731hrs Alpha Company 41element found 20 pounds of rice, in metal cans, some papers, assorted clothing, an old type US gas mask case, and old US pack at BS755375, the papers will be turned in and other items will be destroyed. At 1907hrs Alpha Company we are at our Night Defense Position at BS757374. Late Report 2100hrs we found one 250pound bomb at 100-150 meters north of our Night Defense Position and at BS757379 we request an EOD Team to blow the bomb. SP4 Thomas G. Elmore was evac to the 91st Evac Hospital sigh FW left shoulder and left upper leg.
Bravo Company
April 5, 1970
At 0550hrs Bravo Company 61 element is blocking from BS770412 to BS783416, the 01, 02, and 95 elements will sweep east of the river of BS7743 and 43 element will sweep to BS774432. At 0645hrs we request an urgent Dust Off for one VC female with gunshot wound, she was evading and tried to escape from the 65 element and the 169 PF Platoon engaged at grid BS811425, completed at 0705hrs. At 1820hrs Bravo Company the 43 element blew two family type bunkers at BS775442 and M-79 canister round. Bravo Company the 43 element picked up one female detainee with no ID, dressed in black and green and 24 years old grid BS762445. MACV will handle the detainee. At 1922hrs Bravo Company the 04 element drew fire going into their snake location at BS789432 resulting in one M-16 destroyed, one pair of binoculars lost. The area was engaged with Artillery along with 81mm Mortar fire and is checking out the area we have negative finding, an estimated 4 VC in the area. The 01 element is moving to the area of contact at BS789431 and closed at 2050hrs with negative finding. Bravo Company reports at 0500hrs Hope, Willie Jr. PFC evac to 91 Evac with frag wound to left leg.
Charlie Company
April 5, 1970
At 0530hrs Charlie Company spotted a light in same location as Sharks got the 5 VC KIA at BS724457. We will call in artillery, there where 2 secondary explosions. The 0540hrs the 41 element is moving out to Cordon Gia An (1) and the 03 element is moving to search it at BS753445. The 61, 05, 01 and 44 elements will close on the Day Logger at BS750454. At 1255hrs Charlie Company picked up one male detainee at grid BS749446, he is suspected of being a rice carrier with no ID. Charlie Company will have multiple ambushes out again tonight. At 1805hrs Charlie Company we are in our Night Defense Position BS738455. At 1935hrs Charlie Company the 45 element fired on 12 VC at 75 meters at BS735440 and found 14 baskets of food and medical supplies and 7 poles with 2 cans each of them containing more food. Charlie Company detained 1 male Vietnamese and 1 M26 hand frag.
Delta Company
April 5, 1970
Delta Company continued with their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0920hrs Delta Company 62, 02, 43 and 64 element closed on LZ Liz. At 1514hrs Delta Company request urgent Dust Off for one US with gunshot wound in the side, security element on the LZ Liz access Road at BS765437 was firing at cans off the road. One of the men’s M-16 jammed and attempting to clear weapon extracted round and bolt went forward discharging one round which entered the back of the accompanying individual. Dust off was completed immediately using 11 Brigade Common and Control helicopter at 1517hrs. The individual was (DOA) at LZ Bronco. At 1930hrs Delta Company O4 element is at BS758414. Delta Company reports SP4 PAUL MATTHEW CAHILL IS LISTED AS KIA.
Echo Company
April 5, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0703hrs 4.2 Platoon report Observed Mission 10 and 1 Defense Target for a total of 23 HE, 2 WP and 80 Illumination rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0814hrs Recon Platoon all elements have linked up and are making a weep to the red ball. At 1116hrs Recon Platoon our Day Logger at BS783418. At 1130hrs Recon Platoon we picked up 1 Vietnamese female detainee at BS783416. 1 was 40 to 45 and the other 2 were in there 30 and dressed in all black except 1 had a white top. 1 detainee had no ID and 2 had ID but the Kit Carson Scout says they are false. We will be sending the detainees in to Military Intelligence. We picked up 5 more female detainees, 4 where age 30 to 35 and 1 age 50, 2 had on all black and 3 had white tops vicinity grid BS783416. At 1245hrs Recon Platoon we have 1 male Vietnamese Detainee and 1 female detainee at grid BS783416. The male is approximately 19 years old and wearing a green shirt and black pants and the female was about 25 years old and wearing a green shirt and black pants with no ID. At 1805hrs Recon Platoon reports their present location at BS805418. At 1923hrs Recon Platoon the 61 snake is moving to BS797414, the 64 moving to BS804411 and the 62 snake is moving to BS803418 and close on their location at 2035hrs.