Headquarters and Headquarter Company
March 4, 1971

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0400hrs LZ Dragon, ARVN Compound received 4 incoming 82mm mortar rounds on the southeast side of the perimeter outside the wire, and counter mortar was fired. At 0415hrs MACV Mo Duc Chau Me OP vicinity BS752508 under attack VC of unknown strength are in possession of half of the OP. A light fire team was scrambled and Stinger 98 is on station at 0438hrs, 0510hrs Gun ships taking fire, Gun ships broke station at 0540hrs results will follow. At 0805hrs 1-4 ARVN vicinity BS615592, ARVN ambushed a squad of NVA results: 5 NVA KIA, 1 M-16 CIA, 1 AK-47 CIA with 2 packs with rice CIA (101 pounds). At 0818hrs Mo Duc, PF 142, PF 260 Chau Me OP vicinity BS752508, further Read Out on Chau Me Outpost attack: Enemy force estimated 30 to 35 VC (unknown unit) surrounded the outpost and fired 82mm and B 40 rockets into the OP. The enemy attacked and overran ½ of the outpost. The enemy was driven off at 0530hrs with results Enemy 5 VC KIA, 1 AK-47 CIA, Friendly 7 PF KIA, 3 PSDF KIA, 22 PF WIA and 6 bunkers destroyed. At 0835hrs TMF at 0830hrs String 63B, with station target with negative metal confirmed, also negative clearance due to RD Zone. At 0920hrs Sow Motion 10 is breaking station. At 1310hrs Slow Motion 3 is on station for Command and Control Helicopter. At 2105hrs PF 712 vicinity BS741651 the patrol engaged 10 VC resulting in 3 VC KIA, CIA 1 AK 47, 4 60mm rounds not US confirmed, negative friendly casualties. Legend: 1st Platoon 47, 2nd Platoon 34, 3rd Platoon 92, 4th Platoon 93, CO-99.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and will

continue with their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
March 4, 1971

At 0130hrs Alpha 3rd Platoon vicinity BS676536 had a mechanical ambush detonate and check will check the area again at first light with negative finding. At 0725hrs Command Post with 3rd and 4th Platoon is at BS378541, 2nd Platoon BS677556 and 1st Platoon at BS666530. At 1115hrs Alpha Company 1st Platoon vicinity BS665527 moving to Patrol Base found 2 tunnel complexes. The tunnels were old and approximately 150 meters apart and looked recently used. They located one to the north approximately 75 meter from a trail in a heavy thicket. Dimensions of tunnels opening 5’ square, down approximately 4’ and in diameter 4’ and about 20’ long. There is a 10’ by 10’ room at the end of the tunnel. Requested 2 (40lb) shape charges to destroy it. At 1900hrs Alpha Company Command Post, 3rd and 4th Platoon BS678542, 1st Platoon BS663528, 2nd Platoon BS674559, BS670564, 3rd Platoon BS675536, and at 2040hrs 1st Platoon is located vicinity BS666528.


Bravo Company
March 4, 1971

Bravo Company continued to set up Patrol Bases and use multiple patrolling and Day Ambushes in their Area of Operation. At 0730hrs Bravo Company reports their Patrol Bases Command Post, 3rd and 4th Platoons Patrol Base at BS723440 and 1st and 3rd Platoons at BS762413. At 1925hrs Bravo Company 1st and 3rd Platoon Night Defense Position at BS767421 and at 2000hrs Bravo Company remainder at BS715435.


Charlie Company
March 4, 1971

Charlie Company believed they have the Security Mission for LZ Liz and road Security.


Delta Company
March 4, 1971

Delta Company 1st and 3rd Platoon continued to patrol their Area of Operation. At 1030hrs Delta Company 1st Platoon patrol is at checkpoint 2 at BS686527. At 1055hrs Delta Company 3rd Platoon M patrol is at checkpoint 3 at BS686527. At 1145hrs Delta Company 3rd Platoon M patrol has closed on vicinity BS704533. At 1500hrs Delta Company 1st Platoon H patrol is at checkpoint 2 vicinity BS694545. At 1903hrs Delta Company reports all patrol have closed on their position. At 2050hrs 2nd Platoon ambush was cancelled.


Echo Company
March 4, 1971

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry. At 1800hrs Recon is moving out for BS777406 and at 1900hrs we have closed on their location.

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