Headquarters and Headquarter Company
July 4, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry is located at LZ Liz and continued their Mission and working with ARVN units in their Duc Pho Area of Operations. At 0840hrs requested to be able to fly a FIRE Fly mission on 4 July 2200hrs to 2300hrs in the 1-20 Infantry, Area of Operation. Along the Gaza strip to north 48 Grid line along Highway 1 and along the river back to the ocean. This Mission will be run with our own birds, passed to SGT Delagato.

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion. AT 0650hrs Bravo Company 19 Engineer at BS886288, found a wounded Vietnamese male about 30 years old, Vietnamese was evac out and at 0805hrs found a fake 105 shell set up to look like a booby trap. At 1350hrs E Troop at BS848293 had an APC hit a large mine they have 2 US KIA and 3 US WIA, the APC is on fire, Dust Off completed at 1326hrs. At 1830hrs LZ Bronco Base Defense spotted 5 VC/NVA at 845405 in military type formation, engaged them first round short 3 VC/NVA ran into hootch. Artillery hit the hootch and blew it away so far unknown results. At 2240hrs LZ Bronco Base Defense BS842379 spotted 3-4 personnel, fired 6 rounds 4.2 and 8 rounds Artillery 105 VT rounds.


Alpha Company
July 4, 1969

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 2035hrs Alpha Company reports they have 47 on the north OP and 45 on the south OP.


Bravo Company
July 4, 1969

At 0805hrs Bravo Company location is at BS724435 which will be their Day Logger with multiple patrolling in their Area of Operations. At 0845hrs Bravo Company at BS753442 detained 1 female VCS with no weapon or ID, who claimed she was 17, was a member of the Women’s Association but she quit and on both accounts the interpreter with us disagree, and said she was till active and much older then 17, so she will be taken to LZ Liz. At 2035hrs Bravo Company Night Defense Position at BS733441 with 97 at BS728447 and 68 at BS735445. At 2115hrs Bravo Company at BS735445 received sniper rounds from east, engaged with M-79 fire and now sniper fire, with no damage or casualties.


Charlie Company
July 4, 1969

At 0805hrs Charlie Company at BS825443 which will be their Day Logger and will use multiple patrolling and Search and Clear missions in their Area of Operations. At 2000hrs Charlie Company is moving into their Night Defense Position at BS830439 with 97 at BS728447 and 68 at BS735445.


Delta Company
July 4, 1969

Delta Company established their Day Logger at BS745550 and conducts saturation patrolling as they Search and Clear missions in their Area of Operations. At 2035hrs Delta Company is moving into their Night Defense Position at BS745460 with 95 at BS744466.


Echo Company
July 4, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0805hrs Recon Platoon is located at BS842376 on a Sweep and Clear operation. At 1235hrs Recon at BS836377 found some bunkers and destroyed them and the also destroy a Booby Trap mine at BS830373. At 1400hrs Recon Platoon is back on LZ Bronco.

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