Headquarters and Headquarter Company
December 4, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1105hrs Charlie Company clear the GAZA Strip of all people, use Artillery when necessary and Navy will have gun ships available tomorrow.

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion. At 0735hrs 1-20 Infantry rear, Charlie Company needs one hook sortie with one 500 billet of water and 1 200gals billet of fuel. At 1001hrs Hook 718 is on station for pick up. At 1410hrs Executive Officer has informed us that E Troop will not be going on Stand Down, with 1-20 Infantry so do not request transportation for them.


Alpha Company
December 4, 1969

At 0800hrs Alpha Company we are now on LZ Liz and taken over the Security Mission of LZ Liz. At 1816hrs the 75 elements is at checkpoint 1 (BS763423) and negative finding. At 1920hrs Alpha Company 75 is in location at BS767407.


Bravo Company
December 4, 1969

Bravo Company will conduct Sweep and Clears Operations, multiple patrolling, day and night ambushes in their Area of Operation. At 0950hrs Bravo Company Rangers are moving to BS775430. At 1240hrs The Rangers are moving to BS783433. At 1313hrs Bravo Company 12 element reacting from Intelligence report from MACV Duc Pho. Requested Dust Off for 1 NVA dug out of Bunker after he refused to come out and we threw a frag grenade in to get him out. He was wearing brown pant, we also dug up 1 NVA brown belt, 1 NVA canteen cover, 1 US canteen and cup, 1 NVA hammock and 1 poncho, with package of salt and 800 pound of rice. The Dust Off was completed tat 1320hrs. At 1500hrs Bravo Company the Gorilla element is at grid BS821423. At 1816hrs Bravo Company 12 element is located at BS783433 and at 1845hrs Gorilla and 34 are in location at BS787434 and BS761453 with 72 is moving to BS776415. At 1955hrs Bravo Company have been notified that Artillery and 4.2 Mortar will provide Illumination for tonight’s operation we can only give one hour duration. At 2310hrs Bravo Company the 72 has closed on Southern Bridge. The Flare ships for tonight operation was cancelled.


Charlie Company
December 4, 1969

At 0627hrs Charlie Company 72 and 42 elements plus 2 tracks are moving out to BS846407 will be returning to our location after they refuel. At 0740hrs Charlie Company we need 1 hook sortie we need one billet of water and one billet of fuel along with 1 billet back haul. Charlie Company is sending the 32 element to check out intelligence (one squad of VC at BS803444). Charlie Company was informed on 2 hook sorties are scheduled for 1000hrs. At 0740hrs 1-20 Infantry pass the information to Bud Pad. At 0940hrs Charlie Company 32 element is at grid BS803444 and has spotted 4 people who ran into the tree line. At 1105hrs 1-20 Infantry to Charlie Company: Clear the Gaza Strip of all people uses artillery when necessary and the Navy will have Gun ships available tomorrow. At 1244hrs Charlie Company the 32 element closed on BS833437 along with the 42 element the stay behind element at BS793483. At 1255hrs Bravo Company the 15 element is moving to its Command Position at BS783433. The 12 element is digging out one Vietnamese from a bunker at BS790446 and the 37 element is in the blocking position at BS789455. At 1316hrs Charlie Company and the 12 element with two APC are a blocking force at BS815423. At 1352hrs Charlie Company the M- Boats will not be at your location today but tomorrow. Charlie Company is working on the Security of the Gaza Strip Operation. At 1746hrs Charlie Company new location for the Tiger snake location is BS837405. At 1945hrs Harold 6 is in location at the 36 snake location at BS814446. At 2125hrs 1-20 Infantry Charlie Company is to conduct small operations to their north and burn hootches. People are moving back to this area and Charlie Company is to pin point the area where this is happening.


Delta Company
December 4, 1969

0755hrs Delta Company reports they are now leaving LZ Liz as Alpha Company takes over the security mission for LZ Liz. At 1200hrs Delta Company will have ambushes at the following locations: BS752444 and BS755447, with the 73 element in location vicinity BS763438, the 74 vicinity BS766449 and at 1802hrs the 75 element moved to vicinity BS771441.


Echo Company
December 4, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0536hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Defense Targets 4, Supporting Missions 14, Observed Missions 2 with total expend 54 HE and 5 WP rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon will continue their Security Mission for the (1-20 Infantry TOC).

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