Headquarters and Headquarter Company
September 30, 1968
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Dottie and will continued to work with ARVN units their Area of Operations. At 0750hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC reports that Aerial Scouts will be working for 1-20 Infantry north boundary at BS6090 to BS8288, south boundary BS8282 to BS982865 they will remain there today. LRRP Cleveland at BS682865 they will remain there today, although 2 people are ill and if they are not any better will request extraction this afternoon. At 0910hrs LRRP Cleveland is being extracted at this time, taken to LZ Dottie and then back to LZ Bronco, extraction completed at 0922hrs. At 1030hrs E Troop reports their location at BS655481. At 1018hrs Aerial Scouts at BS605814 engaged 2 VC in black PJ, results 2 VC KIA, 1 M-1 rifle, also 2 sets of web gear and some documents were CIA, the documents and weapons will be evac to LZ Dottie. At 1030hrs E Troop at BS669942 had 1 APC hit an 81mm mortar round bobby trap, negative casualties, but booby trap blew 4 track blocks off, APC is being repaired at this time. At 1135hrs LATE ENTRY DATE/TIME 292050hrs September 1968 the 39 Engineer at BS630855 received unknown # of satchel charges and 20 rounds of sniper fire with negative casualties or damage and returned fire with negative assessment. At 1600hrs 1-20 Infantry E Troop reports their location at BS727892. At 1644hrs Brigade TOC to 1-20 Infantry you will not be able to conduct a Combat Assault on 1 October 1968 with Charlie Company. Division wants Charlie Company 1-20 Infantry to remain at Quang Ngai for another 3-4 days. At 1812hrs 1-20 Infantry The platoon of APC from E Troop closed back to LZ Dottie at 1810hrs. At 2100hrs 1-20 Infantry believed VC comes at BS628804, BS623787 and BS627807 also sniper fire on highway 1. They are also setting up mortars at friendly village, sources of Information Vietnamese civilians.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 1415hrs Delta Company 19 Engineer at BS917253 elements were traveling north received automatic weapons fire and small arms fire, came from both sides of the road, returned fire and continued north with negative casualties.
Alpha Company
September 30, 1968
Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Dottie.
Bravo Company
September 30, 1968
Bravo Company Center of Mass BS655948 and at 1135hrs Bravo Company is at BS665942 reports 1 APC hit booby trap 81mm Mortar round, negative casualties but booby trap blew 4 track blocks off APC, Track being repaired at this time. At 1330hrs, BS654871: found 2 Punji pits, destroyed. At 1830hrs Bravo Company (-) reports their location at BS655861 with LP’s at BS655860 and BS665862.
Charlie Company
September 30, 1968
At 0320hrs Late Report: At 0155hrs Charlie Company Quang Ngai TOC ARVN location 800 meters from Charlie Company received 15 to 20 rounds 81or 82mm mortar results 7 ARVN WHA and US with negative casualties or negative damage.
Delta Company
September 30, 1968
0151hrs Delta Company 1-20 Infantry spotted lights engaged with 81mm 2 round the results negative lights. Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Buff. At 1145hrs Delta Company at BS535805 found 1 claymore mine on the trail, destroyed in place.
Echo Company
September 30, 1968
Echo Company is located at LZ Dottie where Battalion Forward is and coordinates with the Battalion Rear Elements and Base Defense elements on LZ Dottie. The 4.2 Platoon is located on LZ Dottie where they continue to provide direct fire support for the (1-20 Infantry Battalion). Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for LZ Dottie and the 1-20 Infantry.