Headquarters and Headquarter Company
October 30, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1410hrs Alpha Company 3-1 Infantry locations 91 element BS758403, the 51 element BS763696, Night Defense Position BS745385, the 91 snake at BS746393, the 51 snake at BS753390 and the 01 snake BS752386. At 1345hrs Command and Control Helicopter picked up one VCS, military age, male, at grid BS765432, we tried to rescue him by helicopter but he tried to evade by swimming under water he had no ID. At 1500hrs REFUGEE: We picked up 125 refugees (Children and females) at grid BS776446 and brought them to LZ Liz completed at 1500hrs and many refused to leave the area. At 1950hrs Alpha Company 3-1 Infantry report their locations the 51 element BS758405, the 56 element BS755401, the 01 element at BS749382, the 06 element BS749380, the 91 element BS751392, the 07 and 31 elements at BS750386.

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion.


Alpha Company
October 30, 1969

Alpha Company continued the Security Mission for the Clearing Operation. At 0850hrs Alpha Company Request Urgent Dust Off, 1 US was hit will booby trap Command and Control Helicopter is making the Dust Off. The man’s name is Ralph Wilson, and he has frag wounds of the chest, stomach and possible a leg amputated. We believe he stepped on a 105 round, pressure release device, Dust Off completed at 0855hrs. We found a booby trap, 105mm round and 250 pound bomb, and we will blow them in place. At 1526hrs Alpha Company and Bravo Company Priority Dust Off 1 US with head injury possible a concussion (Gray), Bravo Company has 2 US Dust Off, 1 with hand injury, the other with a possible fractured ankle (Miles and Uriarte) Pick-up BS798475 ETA 10-15 minutes Complete 1534hrs. Vehicles that are our 1 DC Rome Plow, 2 EIMCO Rome plow, 5 EIMCO Bull Blades, 3 APC, 1548hrs, these are new figures totals. At 1630hrs Alpha Company land clearing total for today is 175 acres cleared, grids BS795475, BS797471, BS807480, BS818477 and Tomorrow’s area is BS797471, BS798468, BS808477, and BS809474. I believe Charlie Company WIA that PFC Robert L. Gray and PFC Ralph C. Wilson were two of the personnel WIA.


Bravo Company
October 30, 1969

Bravo Company is working with Vietnamese conduct Sweep and Clear operation and Multiple Patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 1526hrs Bravo Company has 2 US Dusted Off, 1 with hand injury (Miles and Uriarte) and other with possible fractured ankle, pick up site BS798475 completed at BS1534hrs. I believe the Bravo Company WIA SP4 Miles and PFC Raula Uriarte.


Charlie Company
October 30, 1969

At 0150hrs Charlie Company at grid BS718442 my 92 and 93 snakes spotted movement on both sides of their snake location and fired their claymores and returned to the Night Defense Position. We will check out the area when it gets light with negative results. At 1840hrs Charlie Company we are moving into our Night Defense Position at BS726443.


Delta Company
October 30, 1969

Delta Company will continue their Security Mission for LZ Liz.


Echo Company
October 30, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0840hrs Recon Platoon we are at grid BS828452. At 1505hrs Recon Platoon reports we have closed on LZ Liz.

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