Headquarters and Headquarter Company
August 30, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0645hrs Battalion Command Message "Select LZ Free of Barriers". At 1035hrs LZ Liz 1 US vehicle (jeep) hit unknown type mine on LZ Liz access road. At this time we have one US WIA SP Renew, one US KIA SSGT Kelly, no further info at this time. At 1130hrs 26th Engineer report one mine LZ Liz access road. There was no frag from mine, probably a satchel type charge, with one blasting cap. Looks like a command detonated type mine 40-50 pounds size, making the hole, 3 feet deep by 4 feet wide, probably composition B explosive and Jeep is 100% loss. At 1235hrs E Troop 1st Calvary 3 tracks will be going up to Alpha’s location tracks 25, 26, and 27. At 2015hrs LZ Liz Delta Company reports Bunker 7 sensors picked up movement engaging with M-16.

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion.


Alpha Company
August 30, 1969

At 1610hrs Alpha Company we are now at BS726565. At 1626hrs Alpha Company progress report of road payment. Facing south, the left side of road ends 30 meter north of the Night Defense Position. At 1950hrs our OP’s tonight 66 element 48, 48, 86, 66 element to the North. Alpha Company reports the 48 element to the southwest and the Alpha 86 element will move to the southeast about 150 meters out.


Bravo Company
August 30, 1969

By 0616hrs Bravo Company all blocking elements are in position at 0950hrs the entire element is moving back to Day Logger. The 49 element will remain in the same location. At 1140hrs all element are at the southern most bridge today and the 45 will be element at the northern most location with the 46 element will be at the southern bridge site and the 44 element will patrol between the both locations. Bravo Company will be using saturation patrolling and some Daylight ambushes in their Area of Operation.


Charlie Company
August 30, 1969

At 0710hrs Charlie Company Snake 44 element spotted 3 to 4 (VC/NVA) and fired on them, checking area out found a blood trail, but no body. In same area the 44 element found about 60 pounds of rice, cans of rations and canteen. At 0905hrs Charlie Company summary of the 44 snake following blood trail into a cave put grenade and CS in it. There was another entrance to cave the NVA got out of. Continued to flow blood trails found 1 US type first aid bandage, negative body. At 1147hrs Charlie Company the 64 element at BS722464, they found a few more bunkers unoccupied and still checking area out. At 2105hrs Charlie Company our new Night Defense Position is at BS724463 and our 64 element will snake at BS723469 with 2 other snakes are out. At 2140hrs Request Urgent Dust Off for 2 US who were with the 44 element on snake when they hit a booby trap, causing multiple frag wounds n their legs and back (Scarberry and Herrdon). One of the men who was injure said he felt it released when he stepped on it completed at 1212hrs. At 2255hrs Charlie Company change in location of snake 44 is at BS726467 and my 64 is at BS7222463.


Delta Company
August 30, 1969

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. Delta Company at 1035hrs 1 US vehicle (jeep) hit unknown type mine on LIZ access road and at this time we have 1 US KHA SSG WILLIAM FRANCIS KELLY and US WHA SP4 Renew. At 1945hrs Delta Company the 45element ambush is now leaving the wire going to their ambush position. 2045hrs 45 elements is in location Sensor People are now planting devices. Delta Company has the security mission for LZ Liz. SSGT WILLIAM FRANCIS KELLY LISTED AS KHA. SP4 Bobby W. Renew was evac to the 91st Evac Hospital.


Echo Company
August 30, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. 4.2 Platoon reports Defense Targets 1, Schedule Mission 1, Observe Mission 6 total expend 45 HE, 5 WP, 2 Illumination rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. LOOK FOR RECON PLATOON SGT Charles Bachmann was attached to 91st Evac Hospital (11B40).

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