Headquarters and Headquarter Company
April 30, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0430hrs 1-20 Infantry Radar Targets at 2035hrs 2 to 3 vehicles were sighted at BS740409 and engaged with 46 rounds Artillery 105mm and 5 rounds Artillery 8"and at 2345hrs 8 to 10 personnel were sighted at BS843350 and was passed on to MACV. At 1100hrs Brigade to 1-20 Infantry Area of Operation extension request from 4-3 Infantry from BS7045 to BS7245 to BS720418 for the period DATE/TIME 301200 to 032400hrs May 1970 for the purpose of combat operations was approved by CPT Bassett. At 1150hrs Brigade to 1-20 Infantry, Air Calvary Area of Operation extension requests box #59 in the upper left of BS6552 and lower right of BS7340 on 1 May 1970 from 0600hrs to 1800hrs and was approved by CPT Bassett Brigade. At 1614hrs Shark 7 at grid BS715498 we found 1 female body wrapped in a nylon type body bag. The head was blown off. The body was located on a trail approximately 30 meters below a cave complex. We also found some cooking pots and utensils in the area. Artillery and rocket fire was evident in the area of the body, there was noting worth recovering.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0815hrs Charlie Company 39 Engineer at BS798399 found 1 Booby Trap M-26 hand grenade buried in surrounded with propaganda leaflets written in English.


Alpha Company
April 30, 1970

Alpha Company used mostly Day Ambush and some patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 1145hrs 174 Aviation at BS737433 UH-1H went down due to mechanical problems at the above grid. It was secured by Alpha Company with negative casualties the crew and Helicopter was extracted at 1400hrs and taken to LZ Bronco. Alpha Company at BS747457 moved into to their Night Defense Position at 1640hrs. Alpha Company requests a priority Dust Off for one US who cut his left foot with a machete and is bleeding heavily at grid BS746450. SP4 Calvin Wedgeworth was evac to the 91st Evac Hospital.


Bravo Company
April 30, 1970

At 2200hrs Bravo Company the 58 compound received a couple rounds of M-79 and small arms fire to their north at 150 to 200 meters. The RF spotted four VC moving around a haystack and engaged them with negative finding in checking out the area.


Charlie Company
April 30, 1970

Charlie Company has the Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0720hrs Charlie Company the 35 element is moving to BS765445. At 0750hrs Charlie Company the 56 snake has closed on LZ Liz. At 1920hrs Charlie Company the 95 element has closed on BS753413 and the 96 element is on the access road.


Delta Company
April 30, 1970

Delta Company will use multiple Patrols and multiple Day ambush and night ambush in their Area of Operation. At 0619hrs Delta Company all snakes have closed. At 1936hrs Delta Company reports 70 and 53 Night Defense Position is at BS754396 and at 2015hrs Delta 93 and 73 is at BS776376. At 2054hrs Delta Company reports their multiple night snake are all in their locations. At 2115hrs Delta Company the 33 element believed they spotted 3 personnel through their starlight scope to their front at BS775385, we engaged with small arms fire and 81mm mortar but had negative findings. We will check out the area further in the morning.


Echo Company
April 30, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon reports their 61 element snake is at BS833416, the 62 snake is at BS820423 and the 63 element is at BS826418.

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