Headquarters and Headquarter Company
April 30, 1968
Forward Area 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Ross for Operation WHEELER-WALLOWA and are OPCON to the 198th Light Infantry Brigade. As the 196th Light Infantry Brigade moves north to support the Marines. At 2350hrs Last night Alpha Company with the Security Mission for LZ Ross reports 2 81 or 82mm Mortar rounds landed inside the perimeter.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0937hrs Bravo Company 19th Engineers at BS763478, culvert blown with 155 round, completely destroyed road is passable, at BS758485 Check Point 125 we took out bridge culvert blown by artillery road, road is also passable except for motor bikes. At 1058hrs Road is open from LZ Bronco to Chu Lai.
Alpha Company
April 30, 1968
Alpha Company continued their Search and Clear operation in their Area of Operations. At 2350hrs Last night Alpha Company with the Security Mission for LZ Ross reports 2 81 or 82mm Mortar rounds landed inside the perimeter.
Bravo Company
April 30, 1968
Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Ryder and OP in their Area of Operation. At 0045hrs Bravo Company at BT045382 received 1 hand grenade and at 0100hrs received 3 more hand grenades no casualties or damage.
Charlie Company
April 30, 1968
Charlie Company continued to use their Search and Clear operations in their Area of Operations. At 1012hrs Charlie Company detained 2 VC age 45-50 in black PJ one had diagram of how to get claymore mine and will evac to this area.
Delta Company
April 30, 1968
Delta Company continued their Search and Clear operations in their Area of Operation. At 0230hrs Delta Company at AT997337 one person on guard heard movement to front, engaged results 1 US WHA by M-16 with sucking chest wound, Dust Off completed at 0300hrs at AT997337. At 1145hrs Delta Company 10 engaged 1 VC running, and engaged with 1 VC KIA about 26 years old. At 1511hrs Delta Company received 2-3 rounds small arms fire from AT977354, negative casualties and negative results. SGT Carlos E. Grossi attached to NSA Hospital Da Nang with gunshot wounds at 0300hrs.
Echo Company
April 30, 1968
Echo Company is located at LZ Ross where Battalion Forward is located and coordinates with the Battalion Rear Elements and the Base Defense or LZ Ross. The 4.2 Platoon is located on LZ Ross where they continue to provide direct fire support for the Battalion. Recon Platoon 10 at OP Cobra at BT049383 reported receiving 1 hand grenade from east and at 0100hrs received 3 more hand grenades, with negative casualties and results. 1-20 Infantry Recon Platoon manned OP Tiger, Cobra and Dragon. At 1105hrs Recon 10 received 11 to 15 rounds automatic weapons fire, saw 1 Vietnamese and engaged with negative results.