Headquarters and Headquarter Company
June 2, 1971

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0025hrs LATE SPOT vicinity grid BS724226, at 1030hrs the 31st Village Chief has been assassinated by VC and VC has have escaped. At 0445hrs Mo Duc PF 163 at Thiet Trung Bridge at BS737533 received 4 B-40 from unknown size enemy force a approximately grid BS732536 negative friendly casualties, Illumination fired with negative sightings. At 0430hrs LT Tobin inspected bunkers 3, 4, satisfactory and 6 didn’t know password. At 0452hrs Sabre 48 is on station to work radar sightings, broke station at 0507hrs with negative findings. At 0810hrs LZ Liz Access is now open. At 1100hrs Commanding General is at LZ Liz. At 1236hrs Commanding General departed LZ Liz at 1130hrs: Areas of interest: What are the enemy intentions? Why haven’t they done anything? Is the 38 LF Battalion really up in, the mountains? General discussions of present situation, asked if the Calvary had found anything in Dragon Valley. At 1236hrs Helix 36 is on station at 1313hrs at grid BS65125929 spotted 6 VC carrying RPG calling in Fire Mission request clearance for Air Strike. At 1310hrs Dolphin 24 is on station. At 1337hrs Helix 36 broke station. At 1500hrs Primo 5 is on station. At 1552hrs LATE SPOT Time of event 1430hrs Mo Duc at BS768555 H Troop found 4 concealed bunkers, 1 booby trap coke can with Petna with rip wire also 7 Punji pits, all blown in place. At 1622hrs Dolphin 24 broke station. At 2056hrs MACV at 1100hrs at BS877296, PF 103, 147, 169, 172 and 189 picked up 7 females and 3 males detainees of military age. At 2057hrs MACV at 1900hrs grid BS875326 1 PF hit booby trap, was Dusted Off request through Vietnamese Air Force denied, DAM 03, 1910hrs got through US completed at 1930hrs taken through Quang Ngai. At 2058hrs 1-20 Infantry Mechanical Ambushes out: Alpha 6, Charlie 6, Delta 4 and Recon 0 for a total of 16 out. At 2127hrs Bravo Company inspected Bunkers 15, 16, and 17 all satisfactory. At 2355hrs SGT Ruethford inspected bunkers 5, 6 and 7 found all satisfactory. Legend: 1st Platoon 34, 2nd Platoon 05, 3rd Platoon 89, 4th Platoon 78, CO-07.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
June 2, 1971

Alpha Company continued to use Patrol Bases and multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 0745hrs Alpha Company 1st Platoon Patrol is moving out to BS707505. At 1235hrs Alpha Company 3rd Platoon bought 1 105mm round from 2 male 11-13 for 4 cans of C Rations, and blown in place at BS725490. At 1601hrs Alpha Company 1st Platoon Patrol is moving out to BS716496. At 1830hrs Alpha Company 2nd Platoon Patrol while on Patrol found 1 55gal drum, closed on both sides drum is a gray with red band around it, drum is some bush, has puncture in side and appears to contain some type of liquid, 50 meters to west of drum. Kit Carson Scout found 3 booby trap signs, 1 bamboo stick with 3 rocks around it, other sign is 3" in diameter metal disc and last sign is a circle of 5 rocks. At 1918hrs Alpha Company 1st Platoon will run a patrol at 0400hrs to grid BS730486, running patrol due to intelligence that Kit Carson Scout got from Cole Kid that VC are in the area. At 2010hrs Alpha Company 3rd Platoon in their Night Defense Position at BS726475, 1st Platoon at BS721498, 2nd Platoon ambush at BS718486, 1st Platoon at BS721498, 2nd Platoon ambush at BS718486 and Command Post 2nd and 4th Platoon at BS721494 and Alpha Company has 6 Mechanical Ambush out.


Bravo Company
June 2, 1971

Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz and Access Road Security. At 0430hrs LT Tobin inspected Bunkers 3, 4 and 5 found all satisfactory with bunker 6 had no password. At 2005hrs LZ Liz LT Dolan inspected bunkers 1, 2 and 3 all satisfactory. At 2355hrs SGT Ruethford inspected bunkers 5, 6 and 7 and all were satisfactory.


Charlie Company
June 2, 1971

Charlie Company continued to use Patrol Bases and multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 0627hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon ambush and 1st Platoon ambush closed, 2nd Platoon closed to BS723404 and 1st Platoon closed to BS714423. At 0655hrs Charlie Company 3rd Platoon closed to BS717414. At 1430hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon at grid BS708428 found a body of 1 Vietnamese male dressed in NVA uniform, had been KIA about one week found a stick with trip wire nearby for the body, estimated age 30. At 1727hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon Patrol at BS725399 found 1 small animal trap at BS721396, found 1 pair ragged tiger fatigues, 1 GI frag grenade, 1 US canteen with holes, also small animal trap at BS724405 and 1 155mm round all Blew in Pace. At 2005hrs Charlie Company Night Defense Positions Command Post and 3rd Platoon at BS712412, 1st and 4th Platoon at BS665562, 2nd Platoon at BS722397, 3rd Platoon ambush at BS709411, 2nd Platoon ambush at BS725396, and 1st Platoon ambush at BS713522 with 6 Mechanical Ambush out.


Delta Company
June 2, 1971

Delta Company continued using Patrol Bases and multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 0745hrs Delta Company changed in Command Post and 2nd Platoon Patrol Base to BS673560 and 1st and 4th to BS677550. At 1105hrs Nui Vong reports that Division Artillery CO Colonel Saddler visited their location at 1015hrs. Comments, shown sampans that they have be firing up, upset at amount of negative clearances given lately, upset on negative clearances for Quad 50’s, will try to get some VT fuses, will try to get direct fire weapons either duster or 106 for Nui Vong departed at 1035hrs. At 1649hrs Delta Company 2nd Platoon request Dust Off for 1 US who hit booby trap Tim I. Davis, booby trap was a coke can of Petna 6-8" off side of trail, Bird #54, completed at 1703hrs. At 1848hrs Delta Company 1st Platoon while moving to Night Defense Position spotted 1 VC with weapon at BS657562, approximately 900 meters to northwest. Delta Company patrol checking saw three more VC with weapons evading 200 meters west near Ville saw 4 more personnel evade west, have 1 detainee male about 28, with ID dated 1911hrs request tracker team. At 2030hrs Delta Company 1st and 4th Platoon located in their Night Defense Position at BS665562 and Command Post and 2nd Platoon at BS678557. SP4 Tim Davis was attached to the 91st Evac Hospital.


Echo Company
June 2, 1971

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry. At 0612hrs Recon is moving out to Patrol Base at BS758453 and at 0712hrs Recon closed on Patrol Base at BS758453 and BS758403. At 1927hrs Recon moving out tot heir Night Defense Position at BS765411. At 2100hrs Recon element engaged 5 to 7 VC at 100meters estimated received 10 to 15 AK fired returned and continued our small arms fire and called in illumination. At 2110hrs sweeping area of contact and at 2125hrs reports negative findings will check out at first Light. At 2138hrs Recon will move 200 meters east of Night Defense Position at BS767411.

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