Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 2, 1969

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0850hrs Helix 03 at BS703546 engage location 1 secondary fire, 2 spider holes destroyed and 1 structure damage. At 1645hrs Helix 33 at BS770515 engaged location and 1 structure destroy and possible KIA. At 0802hrs Helix 33 at BS770490 spotted 2 dinks evading to east towards the tree line. At 1800hrs 1-20 Infantry reports SRRP location spotted 8 more dinks at location BS786395 where they spotted 17 dinks before.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. Alpha Company is in for their Stand Down.


Alpha Company
January 2, 1969

Alpha Company is at LZ Bronco at 1440hrs on their last day of Stand Down.


Bravo Company
January 2, 1969

At 1015hrs Bravo Company at BS814346 found a hut, continued misc. documents, 8 AK-47 rounds, Documents evac and rest items destroyed. At 1640hrs Bravo Company Night Defense Position is at BS814436 with L SRRP at BS702509, T SRRP at BS732376.


Charlie Company
January 2, 1969

Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. The 81 element is at BS745405 and the 31 element at BS754401. At 1600hrs 1-20 Infantry at 1530 with Gun ship went down with engine with negative injuries, crew evac to Duc Pho. They are using Chinook to snatch Gun Ship and Charlie Company 1-20 infantry is now providing security, Completed at 1815hrs. 1LT Steven R. Kosach took over command around this time.


Delta Company
January 2, 1969

At 1000hrs Delta Company at BS770535 found 82mm booby trap, and destroyed in place. At 1040hrs Delta 81 and Command Post join up with tracks at BS770535. At 1640hrs Delta Company is located at LZ Dragon.


Echo Company
January 2, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their SRRP located at BS699416. At 1340hrs Recon Platoon report their SRRP at BS702418. At 1545hrs while being extracted 1 Gun Ship went down, crew evac, down equipment failure, no body was hurt. At 1550hrs Recon providing security until they where extract to LZ Liz found 1 VC KIA by KBA, with a Chinook to extract sharks to LZ Liz.

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