Headquarters and Headquarter Company
September 29, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0115hrs Area of Operation request B-51 approved by Major Wright 4-21 Infantry. At 0230hrs MACV Duc Pho Van Truong, Twin Ville, Trau CAU received incoming mortars followed by ground attacks Trau Cau and Twin Ville both repelled all ground attacks. At 0615hrs TMF fire Mission S-61B sighted 7 personnel that where moving east to west at 2 miles per hour, metal confirmed, negative clearance RD Zone. At 0745hrs MACV Mo Duc Urgent Dust Off for 5 litter, 1. Ambush civilians hit unknown type Booby Trap at BS731541. At 0915hrs Bravo Troop 1-1 Calvary, 2 tracks to refuel and move out then. At 0927hrs Bravo Troop 1-1 Calvary moved off LZ Dragon, will drop 2 tracks. At 1145hrs 1-20 Ships on station (Rice Knights) mission has begun, at BS735613, 5 detainees, drop off completed at 1225hrs, at 1245hrs 3 detainees at BS730612. All Detainees where sent to Military Intelligence at 1250hrs. At 1500hrs 1-20 Infantry Birds on station for Phase II (of Rice Knights) mission has begun at this time. Primo 5 found 1 M-16 at BS688592, at BS765569 detained 1 male age 22, no ID, Birds off station and mission completed at 1645hrs. At 1715hrs Rice Knights dropped in and picked up 1 Vietnamese male hiding in hedgerow at BS756578, moved north to Big Red and save 1 Vietnamese male 23- 30 vicinity BS736613. Then Victor A dropped in could not find him in hedgerow and over to BS687587 Primo spotted a small base camp in that area, found M-16 and destroyed medical supplies and 1 flashlight. At 1755hrs Bravo Troop Urgent Dust Off for 1 US at BS682576, due to Booby Trap, 60mm with trip wire, #052 H, completed at 1805hrs. At 1755hrs LZ Liz Bunker 16 at BS756435, 1 male Chu Hoi dressed in black, age 17 to 20, walked up to the wire. At 1830hrs Bravo Troop 1-1 Calvary 50 meters from BS682576 found M-72 law in the bushes, destroyed in place. Legend: 1st Platoon 54-59, 2nd Platoon 84-89, 3rd Platoon 34-39, 4th Platoon 04-09 and CO 12.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
September 29, 1970

At LZ Liz Alpha Company Bunker 16 BS756435, 1 male Chu Hoi dressed in black 17-20 years walked up to the wire and Alpha Company brought him in. Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz.


Bravo Company
September 29, 1970

At 1230hrs Bravo Company 12 element detained 1 male 45 at BS709575, 1 female 30 and at BS716567 1 male 35 and 1 female 33 all will be taken to the Village screening committee.


Charlie Company
September 29, 1970

At 0712hrs Charlie Company 84 element has moved out for BS661501, the 54 element has moved out for BS649500 and the 34 element has moved out for BS649518. At 0947hrs Charlie Company at BS648506 the 56 element was following the tracks less then 2 hours old to a tunnel and in process of blowing it and checking remains. At BS648503 found 5 fighting position, 30’ apart in a circle, in end is a tunnel. At 1107hrs Charlie Company at BS652509, 36 element found a stone wall 4’ high 2’ wide, was broken in places. Runs along base from BS649505 to BS650510, 54 said the big trail going through area pointed out by 12, is not well used. There are 2 or 3 spots where it looked as if someone walked off the trail, not recently. At 1250hrs Delta Company at BS669576 found 2 tons of rice, this year harvest, good condition, in cans and baskets, it looked as if someone had tried to burn it, they will bag it and have it ready for extraction. At 1845hrs Charlie Company all patrols closed. Charlie Company 84 is moving to BS653503 and the 34 element is moving to BS652507. At 1945hrs Charlie Company Command Post, B Troop 1-1 in location BS653504, the 84 element at BS653503, the 64 element in location at BS652507.


Delta Company
September 29, 1970

At 0750hrs Delta Company 37 element is moving out for BS677582 and the 56 element is moving north of 54 to find Day Logger across the blue. At 0945hrs Delta Company reports location 54 in Day logger at BS656575 with 84 at Day Logger at BS665578. 1920hrs Delta Company at BS671575 with the 34 element has 1 US with gun shot to left calf, as a result of friendly fire. The element that moved out to their ambush location was walking in front of the M-60 gunner, who thought gun was on safe the man will get a priority Dust Off in the morning.


Echo Company
September 29, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0640hrs Recon Platoon is moving out of snake location at BS803415. At 0650hrs Recon Urgent Dust Off for 2 US at BS802420, 155 Booby trap trip type, multiple frag to both legs, Miller and Coker completed at 0712hrs. At 0745hrs Recon Platoon in their objective area and conducting clover leafs, negative results at this time. At 0805hrs Recon Platoon will be at pick up point in 15 minutes, BS790417. At 0855hrs Recon Platoon has closed on LZ Liz. SGT Jim D. Coker (11F40) and SP4 Bruce D. Miller (11B20) where attached to the 91st Evac Hospital sick.

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