Headquarters and Headquarter Company
October 29, 1968
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Thunder and will continued to work with ARVN units their Area of Operations. At 2240hrs 1-20 Infantry Spot light jeep ran off side of hill at LZ Thunder, checking out incident. Not able to make damage assessment until morning will have track pull out Jeep, driver not hurt.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.
Alpha Company
October 29, 1968
Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0714hrs Alpha Company LRRP team spotted 4 VC with weapons vicinity BS750352 called artillery at this time, at 0830hrs location Charlie Company LRRP BS753358. At 0915hrs Alpha Company at BS750352 spotted 7 VC with weapons moving from north to south calling in artillery at this time. At 1352hrs Alpha Company LRRP) has observed 1 VC with weapon call in artillery with negative assessment. At 1700hrs the LRRP observed 1 female giving bundle to 2 males evaded to west. Alpha Company while moving into ambush site engaged 2 VC with weapons with negative assessment evaded to the east. At 1745hrs Alpha Company 1 VCS confessed he had a fake ID and was evac to LZ Bronco.
Bravo Company
October 29, 1968
Bravo Company has the Security Mission for LZ Dragon. Bravo Company has a ambush 82 BS726435, with 40 roving patrol check point 1 BS729511, 2 BS720509, 3 BS716505, 4 BS725510.
Charlie Company
October 29, 1968
Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Thunder. Charlie Company LRRP is located at BS818297. At 2240hrs 1-20 Infantry Spot light jeep ran off side of hill at LZ Thunder, checking out incident. Not able to make damage assessment until morning will have track pull out Jeep, driver not hurt.
Delta Company
October 29, 1968
Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Charlie Brown and security for Bridge 94. At 0820hrs Delta Company reports D 40 on Bridge 94, D 63 at BS920255 and Delta Company (-) a LZ Charlie Brown. At 2115hrs Delta Company reports 3 ambushes D-41 at BS917194, D-69 at BS917250, D 94 has L Post at BS933229, D 68 roving patrol CP 1 at BS916250, CP 2 at BS9122244 and CP 3 at BS917266.
Echo Company
October 29, 1968
Echo Company is located at LZ Thunder where Battalion Forward is and coordinates with the Battalion Rear Elements and Base Defense elements on LZ Thunder. The 4.2 Platoon is located on LZ Thunder and 2 squads on LZ Charlie Brown where they continue to provide direct fire support for the (1-20 Infantry Battalion). Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for LZ Dottie with 1 Platoon from Bravo Company.