Headquarters and Headquarter Company
March 29, 1971

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0130hrs 4-4 ARVN received 10 rounds 57mm recoilless rifle and 15 rounds of 82mm mortar from vicinity BS625543, negative casualties, with enemy results unknown. At 0125 Radar spotted 10 to 15 VC moving east, engaged with artillery and requested Nighthawk at BS775511. At 0148 Saber Black is on station to check out radar sighting of 10 to 15 moving east at grid BS775511 and was diverted to contact vicinity BS782433, broke for fuel at 0220hrs. At 0215hrs PF 174, at BS783433, Van Truong hamlet, PHO Xung Ville was attacked by unknown size enemy force using RPG, satchel charges and mortars, Hamlet currently in enemy hands. Read out 3 civilians KIA, 4 civilians WIA, 30 hootches destroyed and 4 RF WIA. At 0225hrs Fire Support Base LZ Liz came under mortar attach from unknown size enemy force. The Fire Support Base received 14 rounds of 82mm, mortar fire all rounds except 3 which did not detonate landed outside the perimeter vicinity the 4.2 and 105 area. The 3 rounds didn’t detonate landed within the 4.2 area with negative casualties or damage, and counter mortar fire was expended on grid BS775425 and BS723429 with negative casualties or damage. At 0240hrs 4th ARVN Regiment Headquarters, LZ Dragon came under light mortar attack from unknown size enemy force. The enemy fired 2 rounds 82mm mortar, which impacted vicinity BS733533 with negative casualties or damage. At 0330hrs Mo Duc, Thach Tru Village was attacked by estimated squad size element. The enemy entered the town from the southeast they used satchel charges an RPG. 3 hootches were destroyed negative friendly casualties or enemy results at this time. At 0340hrs PF 171 and 184 Duc Pho spotted movement outside their perimeter and engaged the area with small arms, claymores and M-79 fire. The enemy returned fire with small arms fire and RPG results Friendly 4 PF KIA and 16 PF WIA with Enemy results 3 VC KIA. At 0400hrs Saber Black at BS799365, while en route to Duc Pho for fuel along with his chase ship, received heavy small arms fire. Both aircraft received numerous hits and 1 gunner was WIA. Landed at Duc Pho and brought the wounded man to "D" Medical also requested EOD team for 3 rounds 82mm rounds that landed in 4.2 area at LZ Liz. At 0445hrs RF 712, PF 168 at BS769532, Nui Ong Do fishing Ville came under mortar and ground attack by unknown size enemy force. The mortar tube was located vicinity BS765557, the ground attack came from the south vicinity BS771527. The enemy used 82mm mortars, RPG and satchel charges. Contact was broken at 0345hrs results Friendly 5 PF WIA (PF 168 Platoon) unknown RF WIA/KIA, 4 houses destroyed and the Enemy had 1 VC KIA with 1 AK-47 CIA. At 0746hrs MACV Mo Duc at BS731541 requests Urgent Dust Off for 2 RF with multiple frag wounds caused by mortars, also 3 priority and 4 routine Dust Off where made. At 1100hrs PF cadre at BS775432 reports they found 3 NVA KIA at vicinity BS775432 and 1 AK 47 (poor condition) also blood trails and drag marks 3 KIA were US confirmed. At 1335hrs Pelican (828) 28 is on station for Recon Sweep. At 1700hrs MACV Thach Tru estimated 30 VC entered Ville destroyed and damaged 86 hootches, negative casualties were trying to persuade civilians to move to VC controlled areas. At 1730hrs Duc Pho PRU and Bravo Company 3rd Platoon, combined Operation Swept area where civilians reported wounded VC/NVA were hiding. Only findings found was a spot where an estimated 30 VC/NVA had spent the night. At 1750rhs MACV Duc Pho at 0230hrs vicinity BS789417, 3 to 4 NVA sappers tried to destroy the Song Tra Kan Bridge, results 1 NVA KIA and negative friendly casualties or damage. At 1815hrs 1-20 Infantry LZ Liz, priority Dust Off requested for 1 US with lacerations to throat, Bird #88 completed at 1820hrs E-4 Evans Barry see Bravo Company. At 1905hrs 1-4 ARVN spotted 40 VC/NVA moving southeast from grid 622524. Proximity was 1300 meters artillery fire mission called to Artillery 155 at LZ Snoopy at 1837hrs. 1-20 Infantry relayed requested for gun ships to support to 198 Infantry Brigade at 1915hrs. Saber 44 is on station at 2010hrs. At 2030hrs TMF 9C the following strings were positioned today Strings 293 A BS6751468, B BS67585461, C. BS676355453. Also Strings 294 A. BS67595545, B BS67565537, and C. BS67505528. At 2105hrs Saber 44 spotted 40 to 50 moving lights from grid BS602495 to BS625462. He stated that the lights were blinking and signaling him to land. He did not engage the area due to the size of the force. He requested additional support (gun ships) and Fire Missions. Muskets scrambled from Duc Pho to assist in engaging the area. Division stated to get gun out of area ASAP, fire artillery. Helix requested 175, 8", 155 Artillery fired TOT on time on target (twice) 2200hrs Major White called and stated that we could have the Nighthawk back up on station as soon as the 2nd TOT was fired. At 2306hrs PF 167 MACV Mo Duc reports that Nui Ong Do refugee camp is receiving 82mm mortar fire from a unknown size enemy force. At 0010hrs Mo Duc requested (1-20 Infantry) relayed Urgent Dust Off with gun ship escort for 8 PF with multiple frag wounds caused by incoming 82mm mortar fire (gun ship escort denied). At 0050hrs Dusty 89 set down at Nui Ong Do BS776535 for pick up and immediately received 1 hand frag from a 17 year old male, a VC who had been CIA. Dusty 89 lifted up to check ship, negative damage and requested Gun Ships again, also broke station to refuel. At 0120hrs Dust Off has been postponed by MACV until first light and casualties re classified as priority Results 2 PF KIA, 2 PSDF KIA, 2 PSDF WIA, 8 PF WIA and 1 VC CIA. At 2325hrs TMF Activation 2303hrs Sting 313 A unknown size Stationary target and at 2316hrs engaged with 16 He VT 155 artillery. Major Leroy E. Edwards JR was the S-3 for the 1-20 Infantry.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0245hrs Fire Support Base LZ Bronco received 5 rounds of 82mm mortar fire from unknown size enemy force, all rounds landed inside their perimeter however there was negative damage or casualties. Legend: 1st Platoon 88, 2nd Platoon 79, 3rd Platoon 39, 4th Platoon 17, CO-37.


Alpha Company
March 29, 1971

Alpha Company continued to sweep a patrolling and some Day Ambush in their Area of Operation. At 0810hrs Alpha Company 3rd Platoon patrol is moving out to BS642560. At 1105hrs Alpha Company 3rd Platoon at BS651558 found 3 tunnels opening 3’ X 3’ X 5’, tunnels led into 3 separate rooms 4’ X 6’, negative findings inside, Kit Carson scout discovered them, also tracks in rooms were fresh and destroyed. At 1138hrs Alpha Company 3rd Platoon in their Patrol Base vicinity BS656550. At 1225hrs Alpha Company 2nd Platoon patrol at BS662550 no scheduled. At 1345hrs Alpha Company 3rd Platoon at BS661558, while moving to Patrol Base, found a mortar pit 2 to 3 weeks old. It was 8’ in diameter, 2 ˝’ by 3’ deep and well camouflaged with bamboo and grass, was destroyed. At 1710hrs Alpha Company 1st Platoon is moving to BS683529. At 1925hrs Alpha Company the Command Post and 4th Platoon vicinity BS686533, 2nd and 1st Platoon at BS674554, 1st Platoon ambush BS683529, 2nd Platoon ambush at BS670544, 3rd Platoon at BS665565 with ambush vicinity BS658568. At 2105hrs Alpha Company 2nd Platoon at BS665530 heard voices approximately 800 meters to their south. Called in artillery Fire Mission heard screams coming from the vicinity will sweep in the morning.


Bravo Company
March 29, 1971

Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0225hrs Fire Support Base Liz came under mortar attack from UNSEF. The fire base received 14 rounds of 82mm mortar fire, all rounds except 3 which didn’t detonate landed outside the perimeter vicinity the 4.2" and 105mm area. The 3 that didn’t detonate landed with the 4.2 area, negative casualties or damage; counter mortar fire was expended on grid BS775426 and BS723429. At 0510hrs Bravo Company 1st Platoon moving to BS725430. At 1700hrs Bravo Company 1st Platoon is closing on LZ Liz. At 1815hrs LZ Liz priority Dust Off requested for 1 US with laceration to throat, Bird #89 completed at 1820hrs, E4 Barry Evans, Bravo Company.


Charlie Company
March 29, 1971

At 0745hrs Charlie Company all ambushes closed, all elements closed on their Patrol Base. At 1005hrs Charlie Company locations 1st Platoon at BS715445, 3rd Platoon patrols at BS719473. At 1635hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon patrol has closed on BS708448. At 1930hrs Charlie Company Command Post and 4th Platoon moving to BS714452, 3rd Platoon ambush moving to BS721474, 1st Platoon in their Night Defense Position at BS707447, 1st Platoon ambush vicinity BS699454. At 1957hrs Charlie Company Command Post 2nd and 4th Platoon in their Night Defense Position at BS728448.


Delta Company
March 29, 1971

At 0700hrs Delta Company 3rd Platoon is moving out to BS687503 and 2nd platoon patrol closed from BS681503. At 1050hrs Delta Company at BS682507, 2nd platoon found 2 partly dug tunnels, 4’ X 6" X 4’, negative finding inside, both were destroyed. Tunnel had a pool of water attached to it where fish were kept, and recently used. At 1926hrs 3rd Platoon moving to BS699518, 3rd Platoon ambush cancelled, 1st Platoon moving to BS662519. At 1940hrs Delta Command Post 2nd and 4th platoon at BS682508, 1st platoon at BS662519.


Echo Company
March 29, 1971

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry. At 0640hrs Recon is moving out to vicinity BS719405. At 1335hrs Recon at the vicinity BS738415, engaged 6 VC carrying rice bags at approximately 500 meters, they VC evaded to the south. Recon was reacting to an IOS sighting of 8 VC pack and weapons. At 1630hrs Recon reports their Night Defense Position to be in vicinity BS722418. At 2005hrs Recon is in their Night Defense Position at BS720416.

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