Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 29, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0100hrs LZ Liz Radar targets for the period 1930hrs to 2400hrs. At 1933hrs at grid BS734467 we spotted 20 to 25 personnel moving northeast and engaged them with Artillery 155 (4 HE) and Artillery 105 (7 HE) and notified Alpha Company at grid BS734467. At 2015hrs 1-20 Infantry a grid BS728456 we spotted 8 to 10 personnel moving west and were given negative clearance and Alpha Company was informed. At 0215hrs IOS sighted at grid BS765417 1 stationary light with negative clearance given and Charlie Company was informed. At 2045hrs PPS 5 at grid BS761450 sighted 4 to 5 personnel moving south and engaged with 2 WP and 3 HE of 81 Mortar. At 2100hrs Radar spotted, at grid BS790450, 3 to 4 stationary personnel and engaged with 4 HE VT of Artillery 105mm. At 2200hrs IOS sighted 1 light, stationary, at grid BS729431 and had negative clearance with Alpha Company informed and at 2210hrs PPS 5 spotted 6 to 7 personnel at grid BS750445 with negative clearance given. At 0120hrs Radar sighted 1 sampan at grid BS841401 and engaged with 17 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm. At 0200hrs Radar sighted 2 to 3 stationary personnel at grid BS808421, we engaged with 12 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm. At 0225hrs Radar sighted 2 to 3 stationary personnel at grid BS742459, negative clearance and Alpha Company was informed. At 1125hrs 1-20 Infantry the Assistant Division Commander arrived at LZ Liz, was briefed and left at 1144hrs and left at 1317hrs. At 1315hrs 1-20 Infantry the Brigade Commander arrived at LZ Liz, was briefed and left at 1340hrs. At 1455hrs 1-20 Infantry the Battalion Commander left LZ Liz for MACV Duc Pho and returned to LZ Liz at 1705hrs. At 2010hrs Radar sighted 3 lights, stationary, at grid BS741445, negative clearance was given. At 2042hrs Radar sighted 5 to 6 personnel that where moving northwest at grid BS762447, negative clearance was given due to the proximity of Charlie Company. At 2045hrs Radar sighted 8 to 10 personnel moving northeast at grid BS801460, we engaged the target with 5 firecracker rounds and 5 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm. At 2135hrs IOS sighted a stationary light at grid BS772418, we engaged with 4 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm. At 2140hrs Radar sighted 4 to 6 stationary personnel at grid BS775411, we engaged with 12 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm. At 2250hrs IOS sighted 1 stationary light at BS801453 we expended 12 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm. At 2308hrs Radar sighted 8 to 10 stationary personnel at grids BS797467 and BS800455, we engaged with 23 HE rounds of Artillery 155mm and Artillery 105mm.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 2115rhs 1-20 Infantry Lot number MA 11-18 is a bad lot of baseball grenades. The cap releases jus as soon as you pull the pin the cap goes off.


Alpha Company
January 29, 1970

At 0045hrs 1-20 Infantry we notified Alpha Company of 2 Radar targets at girds BS734464 and BS739466, they will check out the area in the morning. At 0630hrs Alpha Company 63, 64, 65, 94 and 95 snakes have closed on BS735443. At 0630hrs Alpha Company the 93 element has closed on BS735443 and the 53 elements will be checking out the area of contact at BS729460. At 0950hrs Alpha Company the location of the 53 element is at BS728458. At 1100hrs Alpha Company in checking out the area of contact last night (BS729460) we found several caves they found several satchel charges and packs in the caves. At 1220hrs Alpha Company 53 found about 500 pounds of rice and destroyed it, we are now closing on BS735443. At 1315hrs Alpha Company the 53 element will start moving at 0700hrs to girds BS728455 and BS705428 to work with the sensors and to replace sensor batteries. At 1330hrs Alpha Company the 53 element has closed on BS735443. At 1730hrs Alpha Company all snakes have move out. The 64 element check out grid BS757458 and picked up 1 Vietnamese female who said that some VC spent the night here 2 or 3 nights ago. The 63 snake has moved to BS732457, the 64 snake to BS757458, and the 65 snake to BS724453, the 93 snake to BS716458 and the 94 snake to BS722430 and the 95 snake to BS720444. At 1750hrs Alpha Company the 64 snake was on it way to their snake location when they took small arms fire from 4 VC/NVA with weapons at grid BS746459 and 63 snake has them under fire at this time, and we are calling in Artillery. Negative results on the contact this fire received from grid BS753458 was from 3 M-16, one carbine and one M-79. At 1855hrs Alpha Company the 55 element is moving to their re supply location and the 64 element will return to their Night Defense Position. At 1925hrs Alpha Company the 55 element has closed on the Night Defense Position and the 95 snake is at BS720444. At 1931hrs Alpha Company the 64 element picked up 2 Vietnamese female detainees at grid BS746459. One was about 35 and wearing dark clothing and was carrying blankets and sheets, she had no ID, and she had some papers. She was trying to evade the area. We have another female 30 years old with dark pants and white top and we will hold both until morning grid BS746459. All snakes are in location.


Bravo Company
January 29, 1970

At 0010hrs Bravo Company we received 8 to 10 incoming rounds from 3 directions (south, east and west) at grid BS783433 2 to 3 rounds came in from each direction from about 100 to 150 meters. We engaged with small arms and engaged the area with artillery. At 0616hrs Bravo Company the 97 element closed on BS771461 and at 0645hrs 55, 66 and 98 elements have closed on their locations. At 0708hrs Bravo Company the 57 element is moving to BS799441. At 1005hrs Bravo Company at grid BS790447 and BS800441 the 57 element picked up one female. They caught her burying rice (a sandbag) full near the River. The PF found out that her son is a VC and comes across the river at night to pick up the rice. We are putting out snake in the area tonight. At 1013hrs Bravo Company the 97 element is moving to grid BS785440 their clearing operation. At 1120hrs Bravo Company 57 has closed on BS783433 and the 97 has closed on BS771461. Bravo Company 93 element saw a small secret entrance to the Twin Ville near hooch. We went back tonight to check it out and the entrance led to a 9’ X 6’ room where we found marijuana, 2 hand frag, a trigger mechanism, and 2 females and 1 Vietnamese child and will interrogate them tomorrow. Additional items found at BS778446 12 Kilograms of marijuana, 2 cases of speed dope, medical supplies, parts for a 30 cal M1 carbine and 11 round of 30 cal. At 2035hrs Bravo Company the 95 is at BS769441 and the 63 is at BS788416 also 66 is at BS794410 and 54 is at BS806436. At 2245hrs Bravo Company 54 element spotted one VC/NVA about 35-40 meters to their southwest, we think he is wounded and are firing illumination to check area grid BS806436.


Charlie Company
January 29, 1970

Charlie Company is on LZ Liz and taken over the Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0907hrs Charlie Company the 66 and 67 elements have closed on LZ Liz. At 1955hrs Charlie Company reports the 56 element is at BS759445, the 95 element is at BS766438 and the 57 element is at BS762438.


Delta Company
January 29, 1970

At 0630hrs Delta Company all snakes have closed and we are moving out to our Day Logger. At 0905hrs Delta Company has moved into their Day Logger BS747408. At 1045hrs Delta Company now reports their Day Logger at BS760405. At 1245hrs at grid BS750391 we blew a dud 105 rounds in place. At 1655hrs Delta Company moved into our Night Defense Position BS741409. At 1830hrs we are in our snake location 55 element at grid BS734407 and Delta Company is in their Night Defense Position at grid BS739410. At 2004hrs Delta Company snake location the 54 at BS740401, the 64 at BS733398, the 65 at BS754403, the 66 element to BS725412, the 94 element at BS744417, the 95 element at BS726406 and the 96 element at BS739415.


Echo Company
January 29, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0705hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Supporting Fires 13, Observed Mission 1 and Defense Target 4 for a total expended 45 HE, 4 WP and 50 Illumination rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0626hrs Recon all of our elements have linked up and we are returning to LZ Liz and closed on LZ Liz at 0708hrs. At 1000hrs Recon we are moving off LZ Liz. At 1135hrs we are at grid BS762405. At 1145hrs Recon our OP are at Robin Hood at BS769390, Little Al at BS768385 and Will Scarlet at BS773390. At 1440hrs Recon our present location are at Robin Hood at BS770398, Little John at BS768385 and Little Al at BS767398.

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