Headquarters and Headquarter Company
May 28, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0130hrs Nighthawk is on station and broke station at 2010hrs with negative findings. At 0730hrs Brigade the following grids are cleared for the test fire of the Sharks from 0600hrs to 1200hrs BS8341, BS8340, BS8838, BS8441, BS8440, BS8439, BS8438, BS8540 and BS8439, cleared by 1LT Ronan. At 0735hrs Charlie Company 4-3 Infantry we have moved to BS770450 for work. At 0930hrs 26 Engineer at 0915hrs we blew 1 105 booby trap, pressure type, at BS774547 with a crater of 4’X 2’ with negative casualties or damage. At 0917hrs a 155 booby trap was a pressure device was blown with negative casualties or damage and 3 bolts were blown out of the blade of a D7 but is still operational. At 1020hrs Reference the 4 Chieu Hoi from yesterday no intelligence was acquired. Two of them had been to Officer School but are no VC but members of Farmer’s Association. 1 is an educational advisor and had been teaching children in "No man’s land". At 1155hrs Dolphin 13 has broken station. At 1515hrs IOS the pink team reacted to the sighting of 1 VC with a weapon at BS747406. They discovered and destroyed 1 newly constructed and camouflaged bunker. At 1520hrs Charlie Company 4-3 Infantry we have 3 females detained and 1 Vietnamese girl at BS770550. They had no ID cards, there were 2 age 30 to 40, 1 25 to 30 and 1 9 to 10. At 1630hrs Charlie Company 26 Engineer a total of 74 acres were cleared in area of BS773550, BS7725543 and BS779540 with a total of 26 hours and 500 gallons of fuel used. 17 bunkers, 4 fighting positions, 3 booby traps, 1 law, 1 155 round and 1 homemade Chi Con grenade were found and destroyed. 4 D7 are operational and 1 is in for maintenance with 2 CEV operational. At 1715hrs IOS spotted a 50’ antenna and engaged with Artillery. At 1830hrs Charlie Company 4-3 Infantry our new location is at BS768557. At 1925hrs Charlie Company 4-3 Infantry we received 4 incoming rounds of 82mm mortar fire from approximately 1800 meters to their northwest. The rounds landed approximately 20 meters from their perimeter and returned fire with small arms fire and 50 caliber. Also artillery and M-79, contact was broken at grid BS778557, there were negative casualties or damage and the 02 snake will check the area in the morning. Suspected enemy grid was BS759564. At 2025hrs Radar sighted 2 to 3 personnel moving east at BS772442 with negative clearance. At 2145hrs Rice Resume’ to Brigade is as follows: from 1 April to 20 May 43,000 pounds were extracted from 21 May to present 135,600 pounds were found, extracted 119,500 with 15,500 pounds to be extracted. At 2155hrs Radar sighted 5 to 10 stationary personnel at BS814432 Bravo Company was informed.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
May 28, 1970

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 1510hrs Alpha Company we request a routine for 2 US Lafitte and Schaeffer with a .45 Caliber wounds from Liz. Schaeffer was cleaning his weapon and it discharged hitting him on the fingers and hitting Laffitte on the toes, completed at 1520hrs. At 1955hrs Alpha Company the access road snakes is in their locations. SP4 Ralph R. Laffitte and PFC John W. Shaeffer was evac to the 91st Evac Hospital.


Bravo Company
May 28, 1970

Bravo Company continued to work with the ARVN Forces with multiple patrolling and ambushes in their Area of Operation. At 0545hrs Bravo Company the 06 element has closed with negative finding and the 05 element is moving out. At 0620hrs Bravo Company the 26 element is blocking at BS776461 and the 25 element is at check point 2 at BS7794060. At 1236hrs Bravo Company we have one Vietnamese female, age 21 with no ID at grid BS813413. It was the 147 RF who picked her up and will be sent to MACV. At 1715hrs Bravo Company 10 PF from the 147 RF spotted one VC and killed him, approximately 40. The VC documents and 2 M26 hand frag, his rank was equivalent to 1st Sgt. At 1855hrs Bravo Company the 43 element picked up one Vietnamese female about 1230hrs the Vietnamese after questioning her released her. At 2250hrs Bravo Company 26 element at the North Bridge received 1 82mm mortar round inside their perimeter with no damage. The PF with the 26 element believe they saw muzzle flash and think it came from north of LZ Max. The 44 snake (169 RF Company) Vietnamese snake sprung their snake on 30 VC with weapons. They engaged at 15 meters with the enemy evading north. There was reported no casualties or damage and they had no knowledge of uniforms and received 20 rounds of AK 47 fire.


Charlie Company
May 28, 1970

Charlie Company is located at Bronco to carry out their Stand Down.


Delta Company
May 28, 1970

Delta Company continued to use Search and Clear operations in their Area of Operation. At 0700hrs Delta Company we have closed on Day Logger and will be working shortly. At 1236hrs Delta Company we picked up one VC at BS739573, a female, age 47, wearing black pajamas. She is a Women’s Association member. Her husband defected from the VC 10 years ago. She will be taken to MACV Mo Duc. At 1910hrs Delta Company at grid BS739573 we found a 7000 pounds rice cache. It was in deep holes and wrapped in plastic. There was about 500 to 800 pounds in each hole, some under floors in hootches and some under haystacks. It was in good shape and from last harvest. At 2011 Delta Company the 02 element notified to check the area for the B38 suspected mortar site at BS759561, will do at first light. At 2030hrs Delta Company the 02 snake is at BS763567, the 03 snake at BS743564, the 22 snake is at BS739575, the 26 snake us at BS740561 and the 44 snake is at BS740571. At 2145hrs Rice Resume’ to Brigade is as follows: from 1 April to 20 May 43,000 pounds were extracted from 21 May to present 135,600 pounds were found, extracted 119,500 with 15,500 pounds to be extracted.


Echo Company
May 28, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0620hrs Recon Platoon we are moving back to LZ Liz. Recon Platoon takes over their Security Mission for LZ Liz.

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