Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 28, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0020hrs Radar sighted 1 vehicle stationary at grid BS742412 we had negative clearance due to the proximity of Recon. At 0035hrs Radar sighted 2 to 4 stationary personnel at grid BS734418, we engaged with 18 HE rounds of 4.2 Mortar. At 0522hrs Radar sighted 4 to 5 stationary personnel at grid BS73224550, negative clearance due to the location of Alpha Company. At 0603hrs Radar sighted 1 light, stationary at grid BS736443 we have negative clearance due to the proximity of friendly. At 0935hrs the Brigade Commander arrived at LZ Liz and was brief and left at 0946hrs. At 1025hrs 11 Brigade Dolphin 3 we picked up 3 Vietnamese detainees at grid BS826424, 2 males, 16 to 40 old and 1 female 25 year old, also 1 male had a false ID and the female has no ID and all 3 were dressed in black, all the detainees are a result of the 11 Brigade snatch team. The detainees were sent to LZ Liz and later released. At 1115hrs 1-20 Infantry the Division Commander is at LZ Liz was briefed and left LZ Liz at 1123hrs. At 1320hrs the Battalion Commander has left LZ Liz for Dolphin Park and returned at 1720hrs. At 1805hrs 1-20 Infantry we ill have a defoliation mission on the South OP between 0900hrs and 1100hrs on 29 January 1970. At 2130hrs Radar sighted 5 to 6 personnel, stationary, at grid BS765443 negative clearance was given due to the proximity of Charlie Company. At 2215hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Alpha and Delta Company Recon locations at BS743415, BS740415 and BS743410. At 2230hrs 1-20 Infantry Alpha, Bravo, and Delta Companies were notified that there will be a class at 1045hrs and that, they will stay for lunch. They will be picked up at 1030hrs.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
January 28, 1970

At 0535hrs Alpha Company the 63, 64, 65, 94, 55, 54, and the 53 elements are moving back to BS735442. At 0704hrs Alpha Company all snakes have closed on BS735442. At 1703hrs Alpha Company request an Urgent Dust Off for one US with stomach wounds due to incoming M-79 frag wounds, Name PFC Kurtess H. Todd complete at 1718hrs at grid BS735442. At 1840hrs Alpha Company the 53 element is at 727452, the 54 element is moving to BS728450 and the 95 element is moving to BS738456. At 1915hrs Alpha Company the 53 and 55 elements have spotted thirteen (VC/NVA) at grid BS729460, the 55 element engaged the personnel with small arms. The VC/NVA had packs and weapons we are firing Artillery at this time and The 53 and 55 elements will check out the area, also Radar also spotted 20 to 25 personnel evading to the northeast, they also were wearing helmets. At 2030hrs Alpha Company the 63 is at BS728437, the 64 snake is at BS723436 and the 65 snake is at BS724440. At 2100hrs Alpha Company the 54, 53, and 55 elements is moving out to check the area of BS729460 found 1 female (NVA) KIA with a pack and wearing a jungle hat. When we were checking out the area, we received fire from a haystack we believe it was 2 to 3 automatic weapons. We engaged with small arms and M60, we found another Vietnamese female VC in a bunker. She had a pack, 2 notebooks of papers, a flashlight and 2 batteries for it, two parachutes and wearing dark blue pajamas and in a bush hat. She had no weapon and we will check out the papers at first light. The haystack had a bunker dug under the haystack of unknown size. We will be staying in this area over night. At 2140hrs Alpha Company the emergency re supply ship Dolphin 677 is on station along with Shark 9 and a flare ship. At 2148hrs Alpha Company the emergency re supply was complete and Dolphin 677 and Shark 9 broke station. At 2210hrs Alpha Company the 93 element is at BS734458, the 94 element is at BS743455, the 95 element is at BS738456, the new location for the 53, 54 and 55 elements is at BS733458. PFC Roy M. Knutson, Stephen T. Kochis (1/27/70) and PFC Howard K. Todd was evac to the 91st Evac Hospital.


Bravo Company
January 28, 1970

At 0730hrs Bravo Company all snakes have closed (BS783433) and the 63 and 68 elements are moving out with the 63 element to BS798399 and BS843386 (both sides of the stream) and the 68 element to BS780382. At 0920hrs Bravo Company the 68 element while on their patrol pick-up one male detainee checked out his ID and then let the detainee go after checking out his ID. The 68 element received 15-20 rounds of small arms fire from BS788382. We returned fire with negative results. At 0958hrs Bravo Company the 68 element has closed on their semi-permanent position and the 63 and 66 elements have finished their sweep with negative finding. At 1209hrs Bravo Company an intelligence report reveals there are 3 VC, 1 AK47, 1M-16 and M-1 Carbine at grid BS776427 Bravo Company would like to react and put a blocking force at grid BS774428. At 1310hrs Bravo Company in reaction to intelligence conducted a Combat Assault by Bravo Company the 53 and 54 elements conduct a Combat Assault from BS783433 at 1305hrs to grid BS774428 at 1320hrs and at 1400hrs reports negative results. At 1530hrs we have one Gun ship, trail #15688 down at the Twin Ville it had mechanical failure. At 1658hrs Bravo Company the 53 element has closed on BS783433. At 2100hrs Bravo Company reports the 55 and 57 snakes at BS728428, the 98 snake is at BS776450 and the 57 snake is at BS724440. We have PFC Kurtess H. Walker for a incident on 0930hrs on January 28, 1970, Treated and Released at the Field medical for Frag wound to the knee Status change to errors’ report.


Charlie Company
January 28, 1970

Charlie Company is on LZ Liz and taken over the Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0700hrs Charlie Company the 97 element has closed on LZ Liz. At 0942hrs Charlie Company all snakes have closed on LZ Liz. At 1800hrs Lt. Ching inspects Bunkers for Charlie Company. At 1858hrs Charlie Company the 55 element is moving to Bs777441 and the 66 element is moving to BS764414. At 1945hrs Charlie Company the 66 snake is at BS764414, the 55 snake is at BS777441, the 96 snake is at BS766435 and the 67 snake is at BS763438.


Delta Company
January 28, 1970

At 0710hrs Delta Company all snakes have closed on BS749376. At 1116hrs Delta Company we are moving to our preplanned Day Logger at BS750375. At 1213hrs Delta Company when moving to their Day Logger and pick-up 5 Vietnamese (male) detainees, age from 8 to 10 years of age. We will take the detainees into Day Logger and Kit Carson Scout will interrogate them at BS751373. At 1855hrs Delta Company the 54 element is moving to BS741392, the 55 element is moving to BS744387, the 94 element is moving to BS745386. Also Delta Company the 95 element is moving to BS745380, the 64 element is moving to BS753391, the 65 element is moving to BS753384 and all snakes closed at 1919hrs.


Echo Company
January 28, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0625hrs 4.2 Platoon report Supporting Fires 10, Observed Mission 4, Unobserved Mission 1 and Defense Target 3 for a total expended 42 HE, 3 WP and 25 Illumination rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0210hrs Little Al has linked up with the rest of the element and we moving out in pursuit of the Radar target at grid BS742412. At 0255hrs Recon is at BS742412 and checked out the area with negative results and we will stay here the rest of the night. At 0624hrs Recon we are moving back to LZ Liz and closed at 0701hrs. At 1825hrs Recon we are moving to grid BS734410. At 1910hrs Recon Little John is moving to BS740415, Robin Hood is moving to BS743415 and Little Al is moving to BS743410.

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