Headquarters and Headquarter Company
September 27, 1970
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0030hrs MACV Duc Pho PF 181 Compound received 3 M-79 rounds with results 1 PF WIA. 1-20 Infantry fired 12 Illumination rounds in support, negative findings on enemy casualties. At 1100hrs Alpha Company and Bravo Troop 1-1 Calvary at BS662564, bagging rice for extraction. At 1325hrs 1-20 Infantry requests Area of Operation extension B-42 Date/Time/Grid extension to 302400hrs September requests following area added from BS6949 to BS6948 to BS7148 to BS7150. At 1645hrs Delta Company 36 element is moving out to BS711551, the 58 element at BS710560, 86 is moving to BS711541 and 88 is moving late to BS715545. At 1800hrs Brigade to 1-20 infantry Division request for Air Calvary Box 68 A Upper Left BS7560 and Lower Right BS7953 69 B Upper Left BS8047 and LR BS8442. At 1915hrs Bravo Troop 1-1 Calvary saw large personnel 500 to 600 meters away facing northwest at BS665503, were standing with hands on hips observing what Bravo Troop was doing, had OD uniforms, negative packs or weapons, negative friendly, H and I with 155 Artillery. At 1915hrs Bravo Troop 1-1 Calvary at BS665570 had 1 of it Mechanical Ambushes detonated with H and I with 81mm will check out area in the morning. Late Reports Mechanical Ambush detonated resulting in 2 VC KIA, 1 VC WIA, 1 M-16, 1 AK 47 CIA. Legend: 1st Platoon 54-59, 2nd Platoon 84-89, 3rd Platoon 34-39, 4th Platoon 04-09 and CO 12.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.
Alpha Company
September 27, 1970
At 0915hrs Alpha Company 37 Day Ambush in location at BS680580. At 1100hrs Alpha Company and Bravo 1/1 Calvary at BS662564, are bagging Rice for extraction. Alpha Company 34 element found 3 hootches at BS678580 occupied by 3-6 Vietnamese, inside the hootch was 10 pounds of Corn, 15-20 Chieu Hoi leaflets neatly folded, fireplaces 2 days old, picture of 8" gun with US and ARVN, also an old SP Box with GI blanket neatly in half. At 1450hrs Alpha Company after bagging the rice had decided that the rice cache was underestimated by 1,000 pounds, that will be need to be extracted. At 2100hrs Alpha Company 12, 04, 80 elements at BS665563 spotted a campfire through the Starlight scoop, unknown number of personnel around the fire. Was going to send an element out, but it was too marshy, we hit it with M-16 and M-79 fire, and the personnel then left the area. We then put the Night Defense Position on 100% alert.
Bravo Company
September 27, 1970
At 0730hrs Bravo Company 36 element has 1 female detainee about 20, no ID, and will be turned over to MACV Mo Duc. At 1110hrs Bravo Company Urgent Dust Off request for US heat casualty with the 54 element at BS745633. Bravo Company reports PFC Forrest D. Patterson at 1030hrs 11B was treated and released 23 Medical with multiple frag wounds left arm.
Charlie Company
September 27, 1970
At 0710hrs Charlie Company the 87 element has moved out for BS667542, the 37 element has moved out to BS656532 and 57 element moved out for BS653520. At 0855hrs Charlie Company the 87 element is at checkpoint 1 at BS656532, the 37 element at checkpoint BS667542 and the 57 element at checkpoint 1 at BS656520. Charlie Company will use Patrolling and Day Ambushes in the Area of Operation at 2010 34hrs September at BS667519 and 36 at BS605517. At 1925hrs Charlie Company 04, 84 and 12 element in location at BS669516 and the 86 moving out for BS667504.
Delta Company
September 27, 1970
At 0610hrs Delta Company 34 and 54 elements moving to Day Logger at BS713564 and at 0630hrs Delta Company 34, 12 and 04 in their Day Logger at BS720559. At 0700hrs Delta Company 54 is in Day Logger at BS707558 and 84 in Day Logger at BS704556. At 0925hrs Delta Company 34 at BS715557 and BS680580 received 10-15 rounds of AK 47 from their east 150 meters, Delta Company 34 swept into the area with Helix 34 flying overhead check the area with negative finding. At 0945hrs Delta Company BS703554 request Urgent Dust Off for 2 Vietnamese civilians male tripped a booby trap on a rice paddy dike, 60mm round with trip wire, frag in arm and side. Delta Company 85 carried them back to 84 element’s Day Logger, at BS712548 and completed at 1000hrs. At 1055hrs Delta Company at BS713564 found 2 Booby Traps in their Day Logger, pressure release type, covered with tile and dirt, which the rain washed away, small cans filled with Petna, all booby traps destroyed in place. At 1906hrs Delta Company 34, 12 and 04 elements is moving to their Night Defense Position at BS715557.
Echo Company
September 27, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for (1-20 Infantry) TASK FORCE HONIJYO.