Headquarters and Headquarter Company
March 27, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0355hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Radar at 2030hrs sighted 10 to 15 stationary personnel at BS790464 and engaged with 10 HE and 9 fire cracker rounds of Artillery 105 and at 2050hrs 8 to 10 stationary personnel were sighted at BS797423 and engaged with 32 HE of Artillery 105. At 2140hrs Radar sighted 6 to 8 stationary personnel at BS732428 and engaged with 18 HE of Artillery 105. At 0920hrs Brigade we will have a LOH and Shark today the same as scheduled for 26 March 1970, Brigade will come out and pick up CPT Bassett to go to Brigade for the briefing and then a Visual Recon and the LOH will drop CPT Bassett off at LZ Liz.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0730hrs Charlie Company 39 Engineer at BS715603 mine sweep team received 4-5 rounds small arms fire with no casualties or damage while heading north and again while heading south we returned fire with small arms fire and automatic weapons fire with unknown results.


Alpha Company
March 27, 1970

At 1010hrs Alpha Company the 62 element found an old NVA/VC base camp at BS755327. The camp was approximately one month old and used by about 30 people. Several hootches destroyed were found with trails leading to the north, southwest and west from hootches. Alpha Company closed into their Night Defense Position at BS764340.


Bravo Company
March 27, 1970

At 1640hrs Bravo Company the 67 element has 4 Vietnamese female detainees at BS767443 who evaded and will be turned over to MACV. At 1646hrs Bravo Company the 67 element has 1 male VC KIA with no ID approximately 25 years old and had some documents evading at BS766443 and we sent in documents to MACV.


Charlie Company
March 27, 1970

Charlie Company has the Security Mission for LZ Liz and the 16 element is at BS762453 at 0530hrs. At 1855hrs the Charlie Company 35 element is moving to BS761435.


Delta Company
March 27, 1970

Delta Company will be using Day loggers and saturation patrolling of their Area of Operation. At 0708hrs Delta Company all patrols are moving out the 12 patrol to BS69940, 13 to BS710412, 14 to BS710420, 62 to BS700420, 63 to BS700427 and the 64 to BS710427. At 1852hrs Delta Company all elements closed to BS725414 our Night Defense Position.


Echo Company
March 27, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0625hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Scheduled Fires 12, Observed Missions 2 and Defense Targets 2 with at total expended 42 He, 4 WOP and 47 Illumination. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0737hrs E Troop reports we are starting our sweep. At 0832hrs E Troop at grid BS801461 we blew a homemade booby trap. It was a bamboo joint with black powder and blasting cap attached to a trip wire, it was blown in place. At 1030hrs E Troop is at BS801475, we found several tunnels and evidence of resent activity in the area. At 1207hrs E Troop we are going south and are now at BS822443. At 1350hrs E Troop found one bandoleer of M16 ammo also some food and some clothes at BS821449. We had one APC hit an antipersonnel mine at BS812439 with negative damage or casualties. At 1650hrs E Troop is on the Red ball and dropped off on the access road, they closed on LZ Liz.

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