Headquarters and Headquarter Company
June 27, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1102hrs TMF FN is in progress at String 66a with 4 personnel that where moving southeast, at 3 miles per hour and confirmed by metal. It was shot at 1110hrs with 16 VT rounds of Artillery 105mm from LZ Bronco (247 degree). A Visual Recon Team was requested at grid BS7536. At 1145hrs Shark 6 the area of the TMF target was checked with negative results. At 1430hrs Battalion Commander we picked up 2 Vietnamese (females), ages 28 and 18, both dressed in black clothing at grid BS817414 and evac to Military Intelligence. At 1645hrs S-5 report, at BS7743 28,000 VIP leaflets were dropped and at BS7352 28,000 VIP were dropped. At BS7264 37,000 Chieu Hoi leaflets plus 8 minutes of Chieu Hoi tape was place and at BS6952, 13 minutes of Chieu Hoi taped was played and targeted at the 38 LP, Also 1 Med Cap at Duc Pho hospital treating 14 Civilians. At 1645hrs Charlie Company 26 Engineer in the land clearing operation a total of 13 acres were cleared with 11 French Mortar round destroyed and 1 D7 is deadline with a belly pan damaged. At 2342hrs TMF String 72a was activated by 3 persons moving east to west with no metal detected and engaged with 16 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm and a later activation was fired with 12 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and will continue their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 1315hrs 11 Brigade Base Defense found 1 NVA KIA, 3-4 days old with 1 RPG-7 launcher CIA.


Alpha Company
June 27, 1970

At 0725hrs Alpha Company at BS735425 in old Night Defense Position detained 1 male with ID that said he was 12 years old detainee looks older so ID is believed to be false evac to LZ Liz. At 0757hrs Alpha Company at BS749411 the 91 element found a trail marker 5’ off the trail. They found a Chi Com grenade with a trip wire device, which was destroyed in place. The marker was a cloth tied to bush point in the direction of the Chi Com grenade. At 1825hrs at BS801429 found 1 NVA KBA over 24 hours old. Alpha Company will use Saturation Patrolling in their Area of Operation today and at 2017hrs we are in our Night Defense Position at BS743405 with multiple ambushes out.


Bravo Company
June 27, 1970

At 2300hrs Bravo Company and the PF from the fishing Ville, 147 PF Platoon at grid BS815400 received small arms fire to their north, approximately enemy grid is BS815404, and engaged with small arms. The 91 element from Bravo Company was sent out as a reaction force, 2 PF were WIA and Dust Off with gunshot wound in their arms and legs. The gun ships with the Dust Off worked over the area with negative finding. The PF had one PF KIA also at 0015hrs a further report stated that the PF is in contact and 6 VC with M-16 and AK47, the VC were moving to the northeast and evaded to the northeast. The contact was at BS815400 the PF KIA and wounded personnel were the results of frag thrown by the VC, the proximity at which the frag was thrown is unknown.


Charlie Company
June 27, 1970

Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz and Access Road. At 2003hrs Charlie Company all Access Road snake are in location and the 23 element is in location from BS760435 to BS776435.


Delta Company
June 27, 1970

Delta Company will conducted Patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 0619hrs Delta Company the 24 element and is moving on their patrol to BS733636. At 0833hrs Delta 24 element is at BS741649 and the 94 element at BS738648 found several civilians in the area are checking ID. At 1640hrs Delta Company the 23 patrol is at checkpoint 2 at BS757663, the 93 element is moving to BS739654, the 93 element is moving to BS740645 and the 25 element is moving to BS741645. At 1730hrs Delta Company the 92 patrol is at checkpoint 3 at BS740658, the 25 element is at checkpoint 1 at BS741645 and the 23 element is at checkpoint at BS750650.


Echo Company
June 27, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 4.2 Platoon reports Fire Mission 15 for a total expended of 83 HE, 39 WP, 24 Illumination and 30 CS rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0030hrs DELAYED REPORT at DATE/TIME 262305hrs June 1970 at BS753595 had a Mechanical ambush detonated at BS755596 with results 2 VC KIA. At 0710hrs Recon Platoon the 24 element is at BS764586, the 25 element is at BS770583 and the 23 element in their Day Logger is at BS756597. 1 of the KIA last night had a medical card, which said he was shot in the stomach in 1969. At 1015hrs Recon Platoon last night at 2100hrs at BS768583 we picked up 1 female, age 16 with no ID and dressed in all black. The commandos unit says she is a VCS, and was turned into Military Intelligence. At 1500hrs Recon Platoon 23 element is at BS758601, the 24 element is at BS753612, the 25 element is at BS754603 and the 25 element is on their patrol to BS7657. At 1720hrs Recon Platoon the 25 element is moving to BS765445 and closed at 1855hrs with negative findings. At 2025hrs Recon the 23 snake is at BS758601, the 24 element is at BS753612, the 25 element is at BS773575, the 26 element is at BS750583 and the 22 element is at BS754603.

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