Headquarters and Headquarter Company
July 27, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1105hrs Brigade E Troop (-) 1-1 Calvary will be OPCON to the 1-20 Infantry effective 290800 July 1970 for an operation on the Gaza Strip. At 1630hrs S-5 report, PSYOPS were conducted in the 1-20 Infantry Area of Operation at the following grids BS7542 with 22,000 leaflets targeted at C-219 with 5 minutes of tape time. At BS7361 28,000 leaflets were targeted at C19 with 5 minutes of tape time and VIP leaflets were dropped at BS7447, BS7167, BS7064 and BS7364. Brigade night missions were conducted at BS7467, BS7360 with 15 minutes of tape for each project. At 1750hrs 26 Engineer at total of 63 hours were worked clearing 70 acres (600 X 800) in the area BS753635, BS752629, BS756635 and BS756629 and at BS759635 to BS759631. Destroying 4 bunkers, 200 meters of tunnels, 1 booby trap (sandbag filled with rice which exploded when the dossier hit it), and some documents were found and sent to Military Intelligence. We have 9 D7, 1 CEV, 1 AC and 1 M548 operational, with 1 D7 deadline with blown track. At 1800hrs Primo 3 at BS750650 we saw 3 abandoned rucksacks in an abandoned village. Also spotted a recent campsite and are now checking out the area and at grid BS782537 we have 1 KIA, male 25 years old, dressed in black with 1 weapon AK47 CIA he tried to hide in a mangrove near the water. At 2055hrs TMF we had a frequency modulation at 2030hrs at string 74, target B 2 personnel moving west to east at 3 miles per hour with metal confirmed, shot at 2141hrs with 24 VT HE of 105 Artillery. At Visual Recon Team for 1st light but was not available. Legend: 1st Platoon 24-29, 34-39 2nd Platoon 54-59 3rd Platoon and 20 is Commanding Officer.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
July 27, 1970

Alpha Company used Saturation Patrolling in their Area of Operation today. At 0620hrs Alpha Company we are moving to the Day Logger at BS717628. At 1020hrs Alpha Company 24 element picked up 3 female detainees in their Day Logger at BS725581. None had ID, 1 30 years old wearing black and blue, 1 26 years old wearing black and blue and 1 32 wearing black and blue and were released by the Nation Police. At 1110hrs Alpha Company we found a 4’ X 4’ bunker with cement sides and dirt top at BS729614 which was blown in palace. The 56 element spotted 1 person with a bush hat and pack through the sniper rifle scope. The person was engaged and in checking the area we found a letter and sent to this person from a VC we found no blood trails. He was engaged at 500 meters. The person reappeared at BS733615 and the sniper is engaging. Also another person was sighted at BS734615 by the 58 element and the 56 and 58 elements swept the area and found 1 bunker4’ wide by 4’ high and 10’ long and made of concrete. We were unable to blow the bunker, long which was blown. The names of the letter area ANH Nguyen (receiver) and from Nighi HA (sender) will return to Military Intelligence. At 1830hrs Alpha Company the 35 element found documents in bunker at BS755630. 6 VC newspapers (November to May), 2 notebooks of 100 pages each, 6 pages of plans for June, they will be extracted to Military Intelligence. At 1920hrs Alpha Company the 57 element found in the abandoned 2 story stone house (ruined), documents, note book pages, ledger type notes which will be evac to Military Intelligence tomorrow. At 2023hrs Alpha Company Night Defense Position at BS724594 with multiple ambushes tonight.


Bravo Company
July 27, 1970

Bravo Company continued their joint Operations with PF and RF units on their Hamlet Pacification and security of Highway 1. Bravo Company used multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation today. At 0610hrs Bravo Company the 37 element is moving to the Day Logger at BS747666. At 0720hrs Bravo Company the 36 patrol for tonight is moving to BS745667. At 08450hrs Bravo Company 28 element will replace the 27 element on the patrol to BS709629. At 0945hrs Bravo Company the 28 element is at checkpoint 4 at BS701632. At 1445hrs Bravo Company the change in call signs for the 24 element area as follows tonight ambush is 26 this afternoon patrol is the 28 and the morning patrol is the 37 element. At 2044hrs Bravo Company 34 element took 1 60mm incoming at BS753655 from BS753656 and engaged the area with 81mm and Artillery. We also took small arms fire with one PF slightly wounded from frag of incoming 60mm, Dust Off not required, the round landed about 5’ inside the perimeter wire.


Charlie Company
July 27, 1970

At 0700hrs Charlie Company the 14 element with the PF on point, engaged 5 personnel at BS758568. They were moving southwest resulting in one VC, WIA, 25-30, dressed in black pants and black shirt with no weapon and the WIA CIA said one of those that evaded was a Lt. and 2 of them who evade to the southwest were armed with M16. At 0745hrs Charlie Company reports the 28 element is sweeping to BS743578, the 36 element is moving to BS751556 and the 34 element is in the Day Logger at BS755553. The VC WIA CIA was Dust Off at 0836hrs from BS753563. At 0950hrs Charlie Company spotted 4 personnel at BS790542 and called in Primo. The 4 tried to evade but were caught. 2 where civilians and were released with the other 2 held, the interpreter said 1 had a mark on his shoulder from carrying a weapon, names: Tran Dung, 15 years old and admitted to being a guerilla, and Tran Be age 30 and they where sent in to Military Intelligence. At 1000hrs Charlie Company at grid BS753546 the 38 element sprung their ambush on 1 person who was walking point for an element of 5 men. 4 men were walking 300 meters behind the point man. We told the point man to stop, he tried to evade and was engaged resulting in 1 VC WIA. The 4 persons behind the point man evaded, 1 of which had a weapon. The VC had 1 NVA canteen, a US pistol belt, 1 waterproof rucksack, documents in his wallet, 2 US frag grenade with no ID, also was dress in all black. At 1000hrs Charlie Company requests Routine Dust Off for WIA VC with stomach wounds Dust Off completed at 1010hrs. At 1020hrs Charlie Company we have received intelligence from a detainee that admitted being a hamlet leader stating that there ware 3 VC hid in a tunnel also 16 VC who eat chow at 1600 daily at Mrs. Tom House in the vicinity of BS765560. Also if Charlie Company can get to the tunnel as quickly as we can get the 3 VC, they have grenades but no weapons. Further report: immediate intelligence received from the captured VC guerilla states that 3 more VC are now hiding in a tunnel vicinity of BS761559, we request 1 UH-1 immediately to hit this tunnel. The VC will lead the element in. At 1025hrs Charlie Company 38 element is checking out the area of the ambush and found 1 dead female with a rucksack. The rucksack contained band aids, toothbrush, and paste, black materials for PJ and camouflaged material. Charlie Company continued there saturation patrolling in their Area of Operations. Total for Day Charlie Company has 2 VC KIA and 1 VC WIA with 9 booby trap fuses CIA, 3 Vietnamese were detained and returned to Military Intelligence.


Delta Company
July 27, 1970

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz and Security Mission for the Access Road.


Echo Company
July 27, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0530hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Fire Mission 1 for a total expended of 13 Illumination rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0910hrs Recon Platoon we are moving from LZ Liz to BS747637. At 1130hrs Recon Platoon reports their location at BS747368 and the TMF with them request Dust Off due to heat exhaustion at BS747368 completed at 1345hrs. Recon Platoon closed on LZ Liz and their Security Mission for the 1-20 Infantry.

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