Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 27, 1970
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0015hrs LZ Liz Radar sighted 4 to 5 stationary personnel at grid BS772442, negative clearance duet to the proximity of Charlie Company. At 0330hrs Radar sighted 7 to 8 personnel, stationary, at grid BS744436 negative clearance due to the proximity of Alpha Company. At 0910hrs Brigade the Military Police will have roadblocks at BS774450 from 1230hrs to 1400hrs and BS805406 from 1400hrs to 1530hrs. At 1013hrs The Brigade Commander arrived at LZ Liz, was briefed and left at 1045hrs. At 1110hrs 1-20 Infantry we request an Area of Operation extension from BS798399 to BS843381 for the period DATE/TIME 280600 to 281800 January 1970. At 1320hrs Brigade we will run the defoliation Mission on the morning of 28 January 1970. Al 1430hrs Brigade on 29 January 1970 from 1045hrs to 1145hrs a sniper team consisting of a Major, Captain, and a NCO will come to LZ Liz. They will be briefed the Commander, S3 and S2 and anyone who would like to attend. They will give a demonstration at Bunker 20 after the briefing. They will go on to San Juan Hill from here. They are from the Americal Division. At 1505hrs IOS sighted 5 to 6 personnel in VC uniforms at grid BS717453, we fired 30 HE on the target and think we have 4 KBA by the artillery. We had no people killed by artillery but do have 1 water buffalo KIA. Warlord Lead is on station and is checking out the reported 4 personnel killed by artillery at grid BS7145. In checking the area we found 1 water buffalo KIA. At 1941hrs Radar sighted 8 to 10 personnel that where moving northeast at grid BS744403, negative clearance due to the proximity of Recon Platoon. At 2145hrs Radar sighted 5 to 6 personnel with a vehicle at grid BS787469, we engaged with Artillery 105mm and expended 20 HE VT fuse.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.
Alpha Company
January 27, 1970
At 0120hrs Alpha Company we request an Urgent Dust Off for 2 US from the 64 element that were wounded by friendly fire at grid BS725451, a three man position was set up in the rear of the ambush for security reasons and one of the men saw movement in some bushes and opened fire and two US were wounded. PFC Roy M. Knutson had a flesh wound in the left arm and PFC Stephen T. Kochis had a flesh wound to both feet complete at 0140hrs. A further report at 0230hrs by Alpha Company 1st SGT at 23rd Med revealed the Knutson was wounded in the left shoulder and Kochis was wounded in the ball of left foot and right ankle between the heel and ankle. Knutson told the 1st SGT he was moving from one position to another when he was wounded at grid BS725451. At 0555hrs Alpha Company the 63 and 93 elements have started their move and the 53, 54 and 55 elements have linked up. At 0645hrs Alpha Company the 53, 54, 55, 63 and 64 elements have closed on BS744438. At 0714hrs Alpha Company all snakes have closed on BS744438. At 1230hrs Alpha Company we are moving to our Night Defense Position at BS735442. At 1355hrs Alpha Company we are now in our Night Defense Position at BS735442 and with Multiple Ambushes (9 snakes) are being put out tonight and 1942hrs.
Bravo Company
January 27, 1970
At 0546hrs Bravo Company the 67 has closed on the North Bridge and 66 closed on their semi-permanent position BS787424. At 0608hrs Bravo Company reports the 97 element is closing on BS778445 and at 0620hrs the 58 snake closed on BS783433 and the 97 closed on BS778445. At 0707hrs Bravo Company 95 closed on BS771461. At 0723hrs Bravo Company the 98 element will be moving on their bamboo cutting patrol at BS7724483 with 58 elements closed on BS783433. At 0826hrs Bravo Company the 55 element is at checkpoint (3) BS784448, they picked up one male detainee, 57 years old at this location, he had no ID and dress in black pants and red shirt. Bravo Company will continue to work with Multiple Operations in their Area of Operations. At 0855hrs Bravo 55 is at checkpoint 4 at BS783442 and at 1130hrs Bravo Company the 55 element closed on BS783433. At 1930hrs Bravo Company the 66 snake is at BS791415 and the 96 snake is moving to BS787444 and the 57 element snake is moving to BS787434. At 1946hrs bravo Company 98 snake is at BS788445 and the 96 snake is at BS787444. At 2125hrs Bravo Company the 57 element is moving to the Command Post at BS783433.
Charlie Company
January 27, 1970
Charlie Company is on LZ Liz and taken over the Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0801hrs Charlie Company the 22 element has closed on LZ Liz. At 0932hrs Charlie Company all snakes have closed on LZ Liz. At 1920hrs Charlie Company the 95 snake is moving to BS766427, the 97 snake is moving to BS762437 and the 56 snake is moving to BS767438.
Delta Company
January 27, 1970
At 0915hrs Delta Company reports we in our Day Logger is at BS752374. At 1330hrs Delta Company we located 2 tunnels at grid BS751371 the bunkers and tunnel were destroyed. At 1836hrs Delta Company we are moving to our Night Defense Position at BS747374 and closed at 1850hrs. At 1950hrs Delta Company all the following snakes are in position the 54 at BS744386, the 55 at BS743377, the 94 at BS745370, the 95 at BS754376, the 64 at BS748367, the 94 at BS745370, the 95 at BS754376, the 64 at BS748367 and the 65 at BS752366. At 2040hrs 1-20 Infantry to Delta Company we notified Delta Company of 4-3 Infantry at BS723363, our Delta Company 1-20 Infantry is ready to relay if they get into any contact tonight.
Echo Company
January 27, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0635hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Supporting Fires 3, Unobserved Mission 2 and Defense Target 4 for a total expended 13 HE, 4 WP and 7 Illumination rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0045hrs Recon reports at checkpoint 4 at BS735405. At 0150hrs Recon we are moving to checkpoint 5 at grid BS735415. At 0545hrs Recon we are going to checkpoint 6 at BS738423. At 0615hrs Recon has closed on LZ Liz. At 1730hrs Recon we are moving off LZ Liz to grid BS7441. At 1835hrs Recon we will be moving to BS739408 shortly. At 1940hrs Recon reports at our Night Defense Position at BS739408. At 2215hrs the little Al element is at BS743408.