Headquarters and Headquarter Company
August 27, 1970
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0400hrs Radar at 2110hr String 73B was activated by personnel at BS77783752 and engaged with 12 HE rounds of 105 Artillery. At 2120hrs 8 to 10 stationary personnel were sighted at BS73364088 and engaged with 22 HE rounds of 105 Artillery. At 2220hrs 1 to 3 stationary personnel were sighted at BS732455 and Charlie Company was informed. At 2330hrs 10 to 15 personnel were sighted that where moving northeast at BS7875146 and engaged with 20 HE rounds of 105 Artillery. At 0150hrs 3 to 6 stationary personnel were sighted at BS7224476 and engaged with 21 HE rounds of 105 Artillery. At 0819hrs TMF String 61T was activated by 6 packs that were moving east to west at 6 miles per hour with metal confirmed, negative clearance due friendly in the area. At 1100hrs 1-20 Infantry we request an Area of Operation extension from the 4 Regiment in the Date/Time/Grid now until 302400hrs August 1970 from BS700532 to BS700520 to BS720520 to BS720542 for the purpose of Land Clearing and Night Defense Position for the Engineers was Disapproved by the 4 Regiment. At 1130hrs TMF Sting 73 was activated by 4 personnel that where moving northeast to southwest at 3 miles per hour with metal confirmed negative clearance due to an RD Zone. A request for an insertion was disapproved with a Visual Recon Team approved. At 1930hrs Shark 04 spotted 3 campfires at BS7436 with cooking pots around the area. Radar on the south OP picked up an unknown number of personnel stationary at BS747368 and clearance was given Sharks to work the area and Artillery and engaged the area. At 2011hrs TMF Sting 73B 2 to 3 personnel were moving southwest to northeast at 2 miles per hour with metal detected and engaged with 8 VT rounds of 105 Artillery.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.
Alpha Company
August 27, 1970
Alpha Company will be using Saturation Patrolling in their Area of Operation today.
Bravo Company
August 27, 1970
Bravo Company has the Security Mission for LZ Liz and the Access Road.
Charlie Company
August 27, 1970
At 0500hrs Charlie Company the 05 element is moving to BS717454 and the 55 element is moving to BS726406. At 0910hrs Charlie Company 01 element found 1 55gallon drum of CS with explosives in the center at BS718453. The trails in the area seemed to be used extensively and we also found a irrigation ditch which was possibly used by the VC as it one foot by 300’. And up trail a possible VC swimming hole was found at BS723452. At 1030hrs Charlie Company reports the 03 element found 3 155 rounds, one old and 2 new with the powder minus the fuses. They were found in the area BS725443 and all three was destroyed in place. At 1004hrs Charlie Company the 53 ambush and patrol has closed on BS747402. At 1059hrs the 01 element has 50 rounds of M60 ammo, at 1734hrs Charlie Company at BS724443 (VIP Program) 2 (155) rounds bought for 300$Vietnamese, 60 rounds of M-60 ammo 200$Vietnamese and 1 (155) round 300$Vietnamese, all paid by 1LT Sorter 2nd Platoon. At 1927hrs the 91, 41 and 39 element are moving to the Night Defense Position at BS727427.
Delta Company
August 27, 1970
Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 1445hrs Delta Company conducts a Combat Assault in Reaction to TMF sighting the 1st LZ was 1457hrs with insertions at BS760373, BS771361 and BS778366. At 1520hrs Delta Company had 5 detainees and sent to MI, one male and four females, ages 20-32 old. They were acting suspicious and evading at BS777367. At 1611hrs the 51 element has 3 detainees, 2 females, and 1 male, all with ID’s and picked-up at BS778375, these are to be moving to Military Intelligence by vehicle. The 2 females were hiding and picked up by a LOH and one male was evading. At 2130hrs Delta Company Bunker 7 has movement to their front with 81mm illumination fired with negative findings also Bunker 20 has moving lights at BS768409 with clearance for 81mm at LIZ to fire. At 2310hrs Nighthawk is on station in Box 1 with negative friendly but to follow rules of Engagement.
Echo Company
August 27, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0400hrs 4.2 Mortar Platoon reports Fire Mission 1 for a total expended of HE 30 and WP 10 rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 1440hrs Recon Platoon reports 92 is at BS710403. At 1645hrs Recon the 92 element is moving to BS7141 and at 1755hrs reports they have closed on BS718408. At 1900hrs Recon Platoon the 92 element will wait until dark to move to their ambush location at BS710403. At 1935hrs Recon the 91 element is at BS706366. At 1942hrs Recon the 92 element is 100 meters east of their preplanned location at BS709403.