Headquarters and Headquarter Company
September 26, 1971

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Siberia and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0430hrs Alpha Company on LZ West went to 100% Alert when a trip flare went off in front of bunker, under Illumination a small patrol checked it out with negative results. At 0455hrs LZ West went back to 50% alert for remainder of night. At 0700hrs 1-20 Infantry Hornet 18 Command and Control Bird is on station. At 1140hrs Brigade Commander is at LZ Siberia. At 0740hrs Alpha Company Command Post and 1st Platoon conducted Combat Assault: 1st PZ LZ West Alpha CP and 1st Platoon LZ Aspen at BT083402 and BT136445, 2nd PZ BT136445 26 Engineers LZ at BT083402, 3rd PZ BT136445 26 Engineer LZ at LZ Aspen, 4th PZ was for Charlie Company 2nd Platoon and Recon from Charlie and Bravo Troop 1-1 Calvary at 0939hrs to LZ Siberia. At 1755hrs Charlie Company and 1-1 Calvary at BT015337, their lead element received 5 60mm mortar rounds from the west, RF engaged and 2 VC evaded to the west with no further findings. At 1755hrs Late Spot at 0815hrs gun ships working with 1-20 Infantry on Combat Assault of Alpha Company received ground fire observed 10 VC with packs and weapons gun ships engaged, 1-1 Calvary checked the area found numerous bunkers negative further.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for Chu Lai.


Alpha Company
September 26, 1971

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ West. At 0430hrs Alpha Company LZ West went to 100 % Alert when a trip flare went off in front of bunker and under Illumination a small patrol checked it out with negative results. At 0455hrs Alpha Company LZ West went back to 50% Alert for the remainder of night. At 0740hrs Alpha Company Command Post and 1st Platoon conducted a Combat Assault from LZ West to LZ Aspen and at 1355hrs Alpha Company 2nd Platoon to LZ Siberia for Security. At 0815hrs Gun ships received Small Arms Fire when then where picking up and engaged the area with fire.


Bravo Company
September 26, 1971

Bravo Company continued to use saturation patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 1934hrs Bravo Company 2nd Platoon with Command Post has moved into their Night Defense Position at AT906259 and the 1st Platoon has moved into their Night Defense Position at AT906266.


Charlie Company
September 26, 1971

Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Siberia. At 0910hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon and Recon Platoon was pick up from Charlie and Bravo troop 1-1 Calvary at BT0339 and taken to LZ Siberia.


Delta Company
September 26, 1971

At 0910hrs Delta Company 2nd Platoon with 2 squads on patrol moving out and at 1812hrs Delta Company with all patrols back at their Patrol Base are moving out to their Night Defense Position at AT868246 along with the 2nd Platoon Night Defense Position at AT906259. The 2nd Platoon has a snake in located at AT868242, which they closed on at location at 1934hrs.


Echo Company
September 26, 1971

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Siberia, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon will continue their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry.

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