Headquarters and Headquarter Company
September 26, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1001hrs 1-20 Infantry LZ Liz one VCS is Dust Off with gunshot wound in leg. At 1600hrs Paving north BS797401, 39th Engineer will haul and 19th Engineer will crush, haul, and pave provided the paving machine is repaired, it is deadline because of broken feed chain. At 1455hrs Helix 37 FAC is putting in an Air Strike at BS828437, two structures destroyed and one bunker destroyed.

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion. At 0515hrs Target Detection String D-6 picked up 8-10 persons with metal at BS740370 engaged with 8 HE rounds of 105 Artillery. At 0607hrs Target Detection String D-6 picked up movement at BS794319 engaged with 31 HE rounds 105 Artillery.


Alpha Company
September 26, 1969

At 0735hrs Alpha Company we have finished chow and moving out at this time. At 0740 Alpha Company is located at BS811483, starting our Sweep and Clear Operation 31 element south to BS810479 then east to BS812470 and then north to grid BS807479 our Day Logger. Alpha Company the 61 element sweep south to grid BS803464, then west to grid BS798470, then north to grid BS798479 and to our Day Logger. At 0908hrs Alpha Company at grid BS806466 we found a cache of rice, digging it up now and by 1020hrs the 61 element found approximately 1000 pounds of rice. At 1100hrs Alpha Company has move to their Day Logger at BS805467 and all elements are at Day Logger at this time. At 1138hrs Alpha Company is at BS814458 and reported that this will be our Night Defense Position. At 1738hrs at BS814458 observed 3 VC with weapons AK 47 and engaged with negative results. At 1850hrs at BS815454 received 3 to 4 rounds of small arms fire and 1 round M-79 and returned fire with small arms and 81mm Mortar with negative casualties or damage or negative finding.


Bravo Company
September 26, 1969

Bravo Company will use their Night Defense Position for their Day Logger at BS783433 and saturation patrolling in their Area of Operation the 61 element is moving down the red ball to pull security for Engineer 01, 02, 03 elements have closed on Day logger. At 0814hrs the 61 element is leaving Day logger for paving security. At 0914hrs Bravo Company at 1200hrs 01 will have a drill at grid BS788428. At 2000hrs Bravo Company has reported they have move into their Night Defense Position at BS784431. Bravo Company will use saturation night ambushes 64 BS783434, 66 BS777443, 32 BS775453, 33 BS760448 and 34 BS777403. At 2220hrs Bravo Company the 65 element at BS783434 spotted 4 VC/NVA moving west engaged with small arms fire and results unknown at this time and will check in morning. At 2335hrs Bravo Company the 61 element has one VC/NVA pinned down behind a haystack. They are going to get into a good position so they can make him a KIA. After this, they will split up and back sweep to see what they can pick up. We will advise on results of the contact.


Charlie Company
September 26, 1969

At 0600hrs Charlie Company reports all snakes have closed and we are now leaving out Night Defense Position. At 0802hrs Charlie Company at BS794470 found 800 pounds of rice and will evac to Bronco, but due to the field location where not able to evac the rice therefore destroyed it in place. At 1332hrs Charlie Company at BS798459 detained 3 VCS females, age 25-30 and 1 male 95 old, had ID but PRU says VC will evac to Bronco. At 1803hrs Charlie Company at BS798459 detained 1 VCS age 65. Picked him up in a hootch he had NVA Uniform and the making of 2 NVA flags. At 2000hrs Charlie Company is moving into their Night Defense Position at BS805455, with 04 at BS805459 and 03 at BS803453.


Delta Company
September 26, 1969

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0646hrs Delta Company reports 81mm ammo report expended 14 HE, 4 WP and 2 Illumination with 531 HE, 280 WP and 223 Illumination rounds. At 1003hrs LZ Liz requests a routine Dust Off for 1 Vietnamese female with a gunshot wound of upper leg Dust Off is completed at 1003hrs. At 2015hrs Delta Company reports their locations the 04 element is in there snake location and at 2141hrs Bunker 18 is taking sniper fire. At 2213hrs Delta Company 18 called the Delta Company 81mm mortar and requested Defense Target 7, DT 7 was plotted and recorded as 1346 mil, Bunker 18 observed the first round fired and called the 81mm mortar and requested an adjustment of add 150. 81mm mortar was plotted this, the adjustment of add 150 was plotted as 1273mils elevation then gunner is adjusting his gun adjusted to 1375 mils, elevation resulting in a short round. Results 3 US WIA from Bunker18 and assigned to Delta Company, where treated at the Battalion Aid Station, their wounds did not require a Dust Off.


Echo Company
September 26, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0615hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Observed Mission 7 for a total expended 45 HE rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0800hrs Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz and the 1-20 Infantry.

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