Headquarters and Headquarter Company
July 26, 1969
Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0705hrs 4.2 Mortar reports Schedule fire-2, Observed Missions -0 with total expend: 36 HE, 2 WP rounds. At 1440hrs LZ Liz Dust Off for 1 US, possible malaria he has high temperature (Donovan, Russell PFC) complete at 1500hrs. At 1430hrs Helix 34 is putting in an Air Strike at grid 722459.
Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion.
Alpha Company
July 26, 1969
At 0800hrs Alpha Company is leaving their Night Defense location at this time and at 0835hrs reports our present location is BS735437 have three elements out the 86 element is to Northwest, the 64 to northeast and the 13 element to the south. At 1240hrs Alpha Company all elements have closed on Day Logger. At 1350hrs Alpha Company tonight plans Night Defense Position at BS730455, 13 and 14 elements at BS730485 with the 83 element at BS728450. At 1530hrs Alpha Company reports their location at BS730455 and at 1730hrs reports they have closed on Night Defense Position at BS732454. At 1848hrs Alpha Company reports their snake location at 13 at BS730465, 14 at BS728459 63 at 728450 and 64 at 729448. At 2140hrs Alpha Company my 63 element spotted 3 VCS (Male) digging in a bunker at grid BS728447. They moved in, somehow the 3 males escaped, the element did however capture 2 females VCS at the location, the males escaped through the back entrance. Floor was all dug up, also inside were 2 baskets (4’ high, 3’wide) filled with rice. Holing prisoners for Command and Control Helicopter in the morning, have an interpreter to interrogate. The 63 element is going at 2300hrs.
Bravo Company
July 26, 1969
At 0706hrs Bravo Company has 1 more VCS male, middle age, negative ID the snake that was left out yesterday picked him up total VCS 6 females 1 male and now moving to Day Logger at 0840hrs pick up 5 1 male and 4 females VCS. At 1950hrs Bravo Company now in Night Defense Position BS824460, both snakes in their locations at 2126hrs.
Charlie Company
July 26, 1969
At 0910hrs Charlie Company Day Logger at BS743468 and using Recon in Force patrols in their Area of Operation. At 2030hrs Charlie Company is moving into their Night Defense Position BS733477 with the 63 snake BS726484, and the 83 element snake vicinity at BS720493.
Delta Company
July 26, 1969
Delta Company will continue their Security Mission for LZ Liz
Echo Company
July 26, 1969
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0705hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Schedule fires 2 with total expend: 36 HE and 2 WP. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0020hrs Recon located at BS853397 spotted 4 VC/NVA moving from our north to our south, we exploded our claymore and put out some small arms fire, but we have negative results so far. At 0935hrs Recon is in their Day Logger at BS860376 and reported their AJAX 24. Also have 4 Children ages 9-13 who have been following US each time we’re been in this area, and have been seen previous to each encounter we’re had in this area. At 1040hrs Recon Platoon reports their snake location for tonight at BS868363. At 1855hrs Recon Platoon come upon a previously bombed out location, considerable rebuilding has taken place, found 6-7 new bunkers and few hootches, also a women at the area. At 2006hrs Recon in route to our Night Defense Position and reports their position is at BS845382 at 2045hrs.