Headquarters and Headquarter Company
November 25, 1970

Forward Area: (1-20 Infantry Headquarters) is located at LZ Liz and will continue to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1120hrs 1-20 Infantry AMC ship on station and Battalion Commander departed LZ Liz for the Combat Assaults. At 1243hrs 1-20 Infantry AMC made snatch vicinity BS735634, they picked up 1 male, age 44 with negative ID and wearing black shorts and yellow rain coat. Has 1 VC fish in his possession and will back haul both to Mo Duc. At 1325hrs S-4 report Dolphin 639 on station for resupply. At 1320hrs Q Company IOS sighting vicinity BS676591 4 to 5 personnel with packs and weapons, negative political clearance given. Have a requested to check this clearance out Reason: Friendly 300 meters to the north, initials LNH. At 1542hrs VC moved out of wood line, there are now 10 of them with packs and weapons. At 1330hrs 1-20 Infantry Shark 2 spotted and engaged 1 military age male, hiding in the brush. Area is heavily booby trap and a known VC haven in which previous sniper fire has been received. Result is 1 VC KIA wearing all black. VC badly mangled from a direct rocket hit. At 1420hrs Shark 2, upon final extraction of Alpha Command Post, spotted 1 military male dressed in purple, hiding in a ravine in vicinity BS755596. The VC was engaged with mini guns and rockets, results 1 VC KIA. At 1421hrs S-5 Med Cap is in location vicinity BS786429. At 1507hrs Primo 4 on station for Command and Control Helicopter was sent to Charlie Company Command Post for a Visual Recon, of their Area of Operation. At 1521hrs S-5 Med Cap completed with 96 Vietnamese were treated, 1 Vietnamese child with mother evac to LZ Bronco 23 Medical for further evac to Chu Lai. At 1530hrs Primo 04 is breaking station at this time. At 1540hrs Report on 1-20 Combat Assault of Charlie Company, Recon, Alpha Company and RF 143 and PF 16, 1. PZ 1147hrs Charlie 12 LZ BS738626, 2. PZ 1207hrs Charlie 62 LZ BS733613, 3. PZ 1222hrs Charlie 82 LZ BS736613, 4. PZ 1242hrs Charlie 44 LZ BS736613, 5. PZ 1301hrs Recon LZ BS735620, 6. PZ 1355 RF 143 LZ BS733613, 7. PZ 1405 RF 143 LZ BS736616, 8. PZ 1412hrs PF 160 LZ BS735620 and 9. PZ 1418hrs NPFF LZ BS759611, 10. PZ 1430hrs Alpha 82 LZ Liz, 11. PZ 1442hrs Alpha 62 LZ Liz, 12. PZ 1500hrs Alpha 12 LZ Liz and 13. PZ 1535hrs Alpha 44 LZ Liz, Combat Assault is completed and ships are released. At 1550hrs 1-20 Infantry reacting to IOS sighting at 1320hrs Shark 2 entered grid BS676591 and engaged personnel with results 3 VC KIA. At 1630hrs Warlord 26 upon completion of box 64B moved to target grid, Warlord engaged area with negative results, Warlord was called off for a Urgent Dust Off. At 1604hrs S-4 Dolphin 639 is breaking station. At 1620hrs Brigade Area of Operation request for ¾ Battalion 4 ARVN regiment DATE/TIME/GRID 260800hrs to 302400hrs from BS700575 to BS7055 to BS728550 to BS720576, Purpose combat operation approved CAT Parker. At 1835hrs TMF Target 72C vicinity BS732446, sighted stationary target with metal confirmed and engaged at 1826hrs with 8 HE rounds 105mm Artillery. At 1840rhs Q Company IOS spotted 3 VC with weapons in the open vicinity BS691581, request Fire Mission clearance given and engaged with 12 HE rounds105mm Artillery. At 1849hrs Q Company radar sighting vicinity BS678597 sighted 2 to 3 stationary personnel, fire mission requested with negative clearance, proximity to friendly hamlet. At 1905hrs NPFF Mo Duc after insertion into the Don Quang area, the NPFF initiated a hole hunting campaign. In vicinity BS753613 they uncovered several caches totaling nearly 4 tons. More information will follow as soon as it becomes available. At 1940hrs Mo Duc to (1-20 Infantry) :through MACV Mo Duc No 1631/2/34/2. In reference to report # 362HC/DT dated November 13, 1970 of Duc Tho Village the farmers will start to work in their rice fields in the grid square BS638596, BS697586, BS688587 and BS688595, from the 15 November 1970 to 15 December 1970. It is requested that information be pass on to all subordinate units CPT CU. At 2001hrs Q Company S 72 C activated, metal confirmed and engaged at 1949hrs with 8 HE VT rounds105mm Artillery. Legend: 1st Platoon 12-18, 2nd Platoon 62-68, 3rd Platoon 82-88, 4th Platoon 32-38 and CO 44.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. Headquarters and Headquarter Company reports SP4 Lonnie F. Brown at 1615hrs 25 November was evac to 27 Surgical with fracture to right wrist fell of f a 2 ½ Ton Truck.


Alpha Company
November 25, 1970

At 0915hrs Alpha Company 2nd Platoon found suspect booby trap vicinity BS757594. They found 2 batteries and some trip wire but could not find explosives, located by a trail in a thicket. Threw 2 hand frag in area but had negative secondary explosions and 1st Platoon found a 155mm Artillery round in some bushes vicinity BS765596. It was full of Petna but did not look like it was set up as a booby trap, destroyed in place. At 1020hrs Alpha Company 1st Platoon vicinity BS766593 discovered a hole, 10’ long and 3’ wide. It had a bamboo support shaped in a V with 2 ponchos over the bamboo. Checked out with negative findings, then we destroyed the hole. At 1030hrs A Company 3rd Platoon found 2 notes in a clearing around vicinity BS758592, do not have interpreter and can’t read it, will send in on resupply ship. At 1325hrs S-4: Dolphin 639 is on station for resupply of battalion. At 1140hrs Combat Assault by C, Recon, RF 142 PF 60, National Police and Alpha Company was last, and last LZ at 1543hrs cold Alpha Company back hauled to LZ Liz for Security Mission.


Bravo Company
November 25, 1970

At 1940hrs Bravo Company 2nd Platoon while on a Clover leaf Patrol vicinity BS738585, saw 3 females in a hootch. When element closed in they tried to evade but were captured. Two of the detainees was 20, negative ID, wearing all black, and the three one was 30, negative ID, wearing all black and they will be extracted to Mo Duc. The 3rd Platoon vicinity BS753553 had their point man set off a Booby trap. It was a hand frag with wire, booby trap, it was a hand frag with wire, booby exploded but nobody was hurt it was located on a trail. The 2nd Platoon detained 3 females, 30-30 years of age, negative ID’s. 1st Platoon moving to their Patrol Base spotted 4 Military age engaged with small arms and Artillery at 650 meters with negative results. 1st Platoon patrol, found a Booby trap with a smoke grenade with can of Petna, and trip wire across trail, marked on both side and branch end of a rip limb was pointing to the spot. All Booby traps had been destroyed in place today. The 3rd Platoon detained 2 males 38 & 51 and 2 females 22 & 35, 1st platoon behind ambush engaged 1 VC dressed in black at 150 meters resulting in 1 VC killed. Pack contained 1 NVA poncho, mosquito met, and a small bag of rice.


Charlie Company
November 25, 1970

At 1412hrs Charlie Company 3rd Platoon found 1 booby trap in vicinity BS738635, it was 1 small can of Petna, with smoke grenade fuse, and nylon trip wire. It was located on a trail, in a hole and camouflaged with twigs and leaves, destroyed in place. Charlie Company conducted their Combat Assault with 1st PZ at 1147hrs and Last LZ at 1306hrs in the vicinity BS736613. At 1445hrs 1st Platoon has detained 150 Vietnamese personnel vicinity BS738626 ages vary from 3 months to 70 tears. They were carrying farm equipment and moving west. All were interrogated, all but 3 were released. 1 Male 16 dressed in black Truong Toan, 1 male 34 dressed in Black NGUYEN Diew and 1 male 33 dressed in black Ncthi Xuan. All had ID but were evacuation to Mo Duc. At 1610hrs Charlie Company 3rd and 4th Platoon with the Command Post at BS739626 with the 1st and 2nd Platoon at BS732611. At 1730hrs Charlie Company 3rd Platoon while searching in the vicinity BS738625, found a M-60 ammo can, the same can was pulled out and open by a rope. Inside was a booby trap made from a smoke grenade with Petna wrapped with a heavy gauge wire for the shrapnel effect. It had a safety pin in place of the normal pin, and fish line for the trip wire. It was not set to detonate and was destroyed in place. At 1901hrs Charlie Company found 3 booby traps: BS736612, 2 days old, 1 can of Petna with smoke grenade fuse, and nylon trip wire, located near a grove in high grass, about 1 month old. At BS738614 1 can of Petna with smoke grenade fuse and nylon trip wire. All booby trap were destroyed in place. At 1935hrs Charlie Company vicinity BS731611, 3rd Platoon found 1 US claymore in vicinity BS731611, mine was rigged to command detonate location on a trail leading into a village, well camouflaged destroyed in place. At 1940hrs Charlie Company 3rd, 4th, and Command Post BS739625, 2nd Platoon BS737617, BS735614, 1st Platoon BS733614, BS734616, BS734613, 3rd Platoon ambush BS738628. At 2345hrs Charlie Company Command Post element in the Night Defense Position heard 2 shots approximately 100 meters to the south of their location vicinity BS739626, these were not incoming rounds.


Delta Company
November 25, 1970

Delta Company continued to work their Area of Operation with patrolling. At 0912hrs Delta Company 3rd Platoon patrol moving out for BS660554. At 0945hrs Delta Company 3rd Platoon at checkpoint 2 vicinity BS660554. And at 0950hrs Delta Company 2nd Platoon patrol at checkpoint 1 at BS651561. At 1030hrs Delta Company 2nd Platoon and 1st Platoon patrols both closed on BS668560. At 1202hrs Delta Company 1st Platoon patrol is moving out for BS686563. At 1330hrs Delta Company 2nd Platoon patrol is moving out for BS650566 and 1st Platoon is moving out for BS680561. At 1920hrs Delta Company reports the Night locations Command Post BS664562, 2nd Platoon BS657562, BS658561, 1st Platoon BS662565 and 3rd Platoon BS669558.


Echo Company
November 25, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0920hrs Recon Platoon at BS768578 picked up 3 detainees, 1 male 15 wearing all black with negative ID, 1 male 45 wearing black and white with no ID, had shrapnel and bullet marks on his body approximately 1 year old. Recon will bring to Alpha Company for extraction. Also 1male 40 years old, wearing all white. At 1640hrs Recon Platoon vicinity BS735627 found 1 155mm Artillery round booby trap with pressure release device on a trial approximately 2 week old. Buried 2 feet under the ground, can of Petna was buried under the round. It was in a hole 6" wide and 3" deep booby trap destroyed in place. At 1912hrs Recon Platoon 1st squad at BS735625 and 2nd squad is at BS735628.

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