Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 25, 1969

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0830hrs 1-20 Infantry Command and Control Helicopter evac 1 male VCS for questioning to LZ Liz negative weapon or ID. At 0705hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Combat Assault for Bravo and Recon is completed to BS751456 at 0727hrs.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
January 25, 1969

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Dragon.


Bravo Company
January 25, 1969

Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz.


Charlie Company
January 25, 1969

Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Thunder with Charlie 21 element Recon in Force to BS882331.


Delta Company
January 25, 1969

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Charlie Brown. At 1245hrs Delta Company at BS719590 called for Dust Off for Vietnamese hit by US Truck and completed at 1248hrs to Duc Pho. At 1700hrs Delta Company at BS923263 found 3 graves, contained 3 VC KBA, less then 24 hours old.


Echo Company
January 25, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0705hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Combat Assault for Bravo and Recon is completed to BS751456 at 0727hrs. At 0820hrs Recon reports their Recon at BS758452 1 VC evading result is 1 VC KIA purple shirt black pants, at BS757457 pick up 6 VC CIA taken to LZ Liz. At 1050hrs Recon Platoon at BS750457 request priority Dust Off for man with frag wound in Back fro a hand grenade he threw, Dust Off completed at 1040hrs evac to Duc Pho completed at 1040hrs.At 1205hrs Recon Platoon reports their location at BS757455. At 1435hrs Recon Platoon reports their location at LZ Liz with two SRRP at BS709671, BS866292, and BS888233. PFC Richard Catusco was evac to 312th Evac Hospital sick at 1000hrs.

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