Headquarters and Headquarter Company
August 25, 1969
Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0605hrs Battalion Command Message "Use Proper Radio Procedure" is given to all companies. At 0845hrs LZ Liz the defoliate chopper (Dolphin 430 is now on station. At 0850hrs Recon Platoon is located at BS792482, will be moving south from this location. At 0950hrs Recon Platoon report their location at BS798479. At 1105hrs S-3 1-20 Infantry LZ Liz Recon and Delta Company have be notified and roger that they have good PZ’s in case they are needed as a reactionary force for the 1st of 1st Calvary near OD Lake. Both Recon and Delta Company can be ready for pickup in 30 minutes notice. AJAX: Alpha Company 120, Bravo Company 87, Charlie Company 105, Delta Company 107, 4.2 Mortar Platoon 27 and Recon Platoon 26. At 1955hrs Recon Platoon is in their ambush site at BS804473.
Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion. At 0100hrs LZ Bronco reports they are back on White Alert. At 1030hrs Charlie Company 39 Engineer at BS796409 founds 1 82mm mortar round and 1 105mm round rigged as command detonated mine, destroyed in place. At 1140hrs LZ Bronco is now on Yellow Alert incoming rockets 6 140mm rockets. At 1200hrs LZ Bronco back on White Alert.
Alpha Company
August 25, 1969
At 1410hrs Alpha Company 44 element closed on our location. At 2022hrs Alpha Company OP are in location, call sign 66. At 2135hrs our OP Spotted movement out to our front, 2 trip flares went off and saw a man running fired M-60, M-79 and M-16 rounds and had negative further at grid BS711607.
Bravo Company
August 25, 1969
At 0700hrs Bravo Company 85 element with the RF picked up 1 VC male age 20 while the RF were interrogating the VC, the element took sniper fire from a near by Ville. The fire has ceased and the 85 element will continue to sweep the area. The male VCS captured at grid BS766454; he was wearing a blue uniform of unfamiliar to us. He seems to be a hard core VC. At 0805hrs the Bravo 88 north (Ajax 9) and south 85 is (Ajax11). At 0814hrs Bravo Company is leaving the Night Defense Position and moving to their Day Logger. (At 0845hrs LZ Liz the defoliate chopper [Dolphin 430] is on station). At 1010hrs we are no in our Day Logger BS770457, at 1045hrs Charlie Company at grid BS766454 our 85 element picked up another VCS, 15 years of age, he had an ID the RF thinks he is a good VC suspect. At 1815hrs Bravo Company moves into their Night Defense Position at BS780450. The 85 element is moving out and at 2325hrs the Bravo 88 element snake had movement to their front, engaged with small arms; movement turned out to be an animal, will move to secondary snake position at BS784427.
Charlie Company
August 25, 1969
Charlie Company has the Security Mission for LZ Liz and Access Road.
Delta Company
August 25, 1969
At 0635hrs Delta Company moving out to Day logger location at BS718435 and 64 element moves out for a Recon in Force. At 1105 Recon and Delta Company alerted to be able to become a Reactionary force for 1st of 1st Calvary near OD Lake. Both can be ready in 30 minutes notice. At 1950hrs Delta Company are in Night Defense Position BS713453 with 45snake BS726436, 44 snake BS718436 and 65 Snake at BS715429. At 2328hrs both 44 and 45 elements spotted packs engaged with grenades and Blew claymores then moved back to a new ambush position.
Echo Company
August 25, 1969
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0622hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Defense Targets 2, Observe Mission 8 total expend 54 HE, 3 WP rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon conducts a Combat Assault 1st PZ at 0639hrs and the LZ at 0645hrs with 4 ships and 1 lift. At 1105hrs Recon and Delta Company have been notified and roger that they have good PZ’s in case they are needed as a reactionary force for 1st of 1st Calvary near OD Lake. Be ready for pickup in 30minutes notice. Recon Platoon at 1530hrs reports their location at BS799474.