Headquarters and Headquarter Company
July 24, 1971
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0430hrs 1-20 Infantry: Charlie Company Area of Operation Box ASAP to 261800, BS6952 to BS6948, to BS7248 to BS7252 to start: 1 ARVN (HUNG), Mo Duc (ANH), Brigade (DAH). Bravo Company Area of Operation Box ASAP to 041800, BS6948 to BS690423 east along 515 to BS697425 to BS7245 to BS7248 to start: 4 ARVN (Hung), Mo Duc (ANH), Duc Pho (DRC) Brigade (DAH). At 0706hrs 1-20 Infantry LZ Liz Access Road has been mine swept. At 0712hrs 1-20 Infantry Dolphin 26 is on station at this time. At 1201hrs 1-20 Infantry Delta Company Combat Assault 5 ships: first PZ BS748383 at 1140hrs LZ BS762338 and BS755374, 2nd and last LZ 5 ships at 1208hrs. At 1600hrs 1-20 Infantry Primo 3 is on station at this time. At 1555hrs Division Command General arrived at LZ Liz. At 1700rhs Primo 3 broke station at this time. At 1945hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Field Strength: Bravo 59, Charlie 47, Delta 57, Echo 17 and HHC 10. At 2045hrs 1-20 Infantry Mechanical Ambushes out: Bravo 2, Charlie 2 and Delta 4 and Recon 1 for a total of 9 out. At 2050hrs 1-20 Infantry Hornets Black on station to check box 67X, negative findings. At 1555hrs Division Command General arrived at LZ Liz. At 1700hrs Primo 3 broke station at this time. At 1945hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Field Strength: Bravo 59, Charlie 47, Delta 57, Echo 17 and HHC 10. At 2045hrs 1-20 Infantry Mechanical Ambushes out: Bravo 2, Charlie 2 and Delta 4 and Recon 1 for a total of 9 out. At 2050hrs 1-20 Infantry Hones Black on station to check box 67X, negative findings. At 2106hrs Hornets Black is checking Bronco perimeters. At 2110hrs Hornets Black now checking Liz perimeter and then at 2115hrs checking Snoopy perimeter and broke station at 2127hrs. Legend: 1st Platoon 81, 2nd Platoon 83, 3rd Platoon 59, 4th Platoon 88, CO-50.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for Chu Lai.
Alpha Company
July 24, 1971
Alpha Company continued with their Security Mission for LZ Liz and with a Access Road Security Mission.
Bravo Company
July 24, 1971
Bravo Company will continued to use Patrol Bases and multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 2026hrs Bravo Company Command Post with 1st Platoon in their Night Defense Position is at BS704473 and 2nd Platoon at BS694464 with 2 Mechanical Ambush out.
Charlie Company
July 24, 1971
Charlie Company set up Patrol Base and conducts multiple patrols in their Area of Operation. At 0925hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon Patrol is moving to BS706493. At 1140hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon patrol has closed vicinity BS701494. At 1630hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon patrol is moving to BS706492. At 2020hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon and Command Post in their Night Defense Position at BS703501 with 2nd Platoon ambush at BS705506 with 2 Mechanical Ambush out.
Delta Company
July 24, 1971
Delta Company will continued to use Patrol Bases and multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 0620hrs Delta Company 2nd Platoon ambush is moving to link up with the 2nd Platoon and Command Post, the 1st Platoon is moving to PZ at BS754368. At 0655hrs Delta Company 2nd Platoon and Command Post in PZ at BS754368. Delta Company conducted Combat Assault with 5 ships with 1st PZ at 1140hrs and Last LZ at 1208hrs. Delta Company had LZ at BS762338 and BS755374. At 2014hrs Delta Company in Night Defense Position Command Post and 2nd Platoon at BS768345, 1st Platoon at BS764347 with 4 Mechanical Ambush out.
Echo Company
July 24, 1971
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry. At 0618hrs Recon is moving to LZ Liz at this time. At 0651hrs Recon has closed on LZ Liz at this time. At 1828hrs Recon is moving to Night Defense Position at BS758442. At 1931hrs Recon while moving to their Night Defense Position found a booby trap at vicinity BS757441, on the trail, Booby trap was a 105 round with pressure trip device, will blow it in the morning (WP) round and at 0705hrs blew it in place. At 2015hrs Recon reports in their Night Defense Position vicinity BS758442.