Headquarters and Headquarter Company
September 23, 1971
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Siberia and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0102hrs Bravo Company 1-20 Infantry Practice Alert on LZ West 100% and end Alert at 130hrs and judged satisfactory. At 0830hrs 1-20 Infantry AMC Bird is on station for Combat Assault of Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta Companies and Recon Combat Assault. At 0830hrs 1-20 Infantry Lift birds are on station for Combat Assault: 1st PZ at 0830hrs Bravo Company LZ Command Post and 2nd Platoon 1st LZ at 0855hrs AT910271, 2nd PZ at 0857hrs Alpha Company 2nd LZ at 0905hrs LZ West, 3rd PZ Alpha Company 3rd LZ at 0930hrs LZ West, 4th PZ at 0928hrs Bravo Company 4th LZ AT0932hrs 4th LZ AT910271, 5th PZ at 0945hrs Alpha Company 5th LZ at 0955hrs LZ West, 6th PZ at 1040hrs Recon Platoon 6th LZ at 1054hrs LZ Siberia, 7th PZ at 1058hrs Delta Company 1st Platoon 7th LZ at 1110hrs at AT864248, 8th PZ at 1112hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon 8th LZ at 1126hrs at BT038392 and 9th PZ at 1127hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon 9th LZ at 1135hrs LZ Siberia. At 1135hrs AMC and Slicks have completed Combat Assault and are released. At 1445hrs Division aide arrived at LZ Siberia and departed at 1445hrs. At 1700hrs LATE SPOT: from Brigade to 1-20 Infantry S-3 Bravo Company not to go north or west of AT903264.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for Chu Lai.
Alpha Company
September 23, 1971
At 0700hrs Alpha Company 1st Platoon moving to PZ and closed at 0730hrs. At 0850hrs Alpha Company 2nd Platoon and Command Post in PZ at AT875271. At 0932hrs Alpha Company is picked up to be moved to LZ West to take over the Security Mission for LZ West and replace Bravo Company at LZ West.
Bravo Company
September 23, 1971
Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ West. At 0102hrs Bravo Company 1-20 Infantry reported on LZ West 100% Alert and at 0130hrs Practice Alert judged satisfactory. At 0805hrs Bravo Company Command Post with 1st Platoon conducts a Combat Assault 1st PZ and Bravo Company 2nd Platoon both to AT910271. At 1330hrs Bravo Company 2nd Platoon is moving to AT905275, at 1518hrs Bravo Company 1st Platoon on patrol to AT905276. At 1820hrs Bravo Company Command Post with 2nd Platoon is moving to their Night Defense Position at AT905272 and 1st Platoon is moving to their Night Defense Position at AT909263. At 1700hrs Message from Brigade to Bravo Company they are not to North or west of AT903264 until given OK.
Charlie Company
September 23, 1971
Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Siberia. At 1126hrs 2nd Platoon LZ is at BT038392 and the 1st Platoon is back hauled to LZ Siberia and at 1400hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon is OPCON to Charlie Troop 1-1 Calvary. At BT038392 they hit a pressure type mine while on patrol results is 2 US WHA C 0525 and 8697 Dust Off completed at 1425hrs. Charlie Company reports that SP4 James M. Costable and other was a photographer they were evac to 95th Evac Hospital.
Delta Company
September 23, 1971
At 1058hrs Delta Company 1st Platoon PZ is at 1110hrs and LZ at 1112hrs to LZ Siberia. At 1310hrs Delta Company 1st Platoon is on patrol moving out to AT865254 and 2nd Platoon going to AT864255. At 1900hrs Delta Company Delta Company Command Post 2nd Platoon are in their Night Defense Position at AT866246 with a 2nd Platoon snake at AT868248.
Echo Company
September 23, 1971
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Siberia, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry.