Headquarters and Headquarter Company
February 23, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0420hrs 1-20 Infantry Radar sighted at 1900hrs 4-5 personnel and 19 to 20 personnel at 1920hrs moving southwest at grid BS783464 and were engaged with 24 HE of 4.2 Mortar rounds. At 2015hrs 10 to 15 personnel were sighted moving north at grid BS760394 with negative clearance and Delta Company given information at 2116hrs. At 2045hrs 8 to 10 personnel were sighted moving east at BS774779 with negative clearance and Bravo and Charlie Companies were notified. At 2110hrs 8 to 10 personnel were sighted moving southwest at grid BS786465 and engaged with 9 HE of Artillery 155mm rounds and at 2200hrs 10 to 15 stationary personnel were sighted at grid BS790473 and engaged with 9 HE Artillery 155mm. At 0820hrs 1-20 Infantry reports The Battalion Commander left LZ Liz for Chu Lai and returned at 1250hrs. At 1410hrs Warlord Lead is on station and is working in the area of Tripoli. At 1750hrs 1-20 Infantry all bunkers are in satisfactory condition and all have plumb bobs. Charlie Company inspected by CPT Donovan, HHC by LT Johnson, Headquarters and Headquarters Company and Headquarters and Headquarters (Rear) by PFC Robinson and the 1-82 Artillery by 1SGT Jaroza. At 2130hrs 1-20 Infantry the Battalion Commander left LZ Liz on a Combat Assault and returned at 2250hrs.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 1230hrs 39 Engineer at LZ Max reports at BS808373 Engineer repair unit was caught in a cross fire between ARVN and PF units and Duc Pho Military Police was able to extract US personnel without casualties, crew will not return until MACV reports the area clear, Duc Pho Area is clear.


Alpha Company
February 23, 1970

Alpha Company is at Chu Lai for their Stand Down.


Bravo Company
February 23, 1970

Bravo Company used saturation patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 1910hrs Bravo Company we request an Urgent Dust Off for 1 PF with a gun shot wound and is unconscious from friendly fire (147 RF Platoon). He was hit in neck Dust Off completed at 1917hrs. At 1945hrs Bravo Company we will not be able to provide security for the mine sweep until after the Chinook comes in from Chu Lai. Bravo Company the Command Post heard a large explosion 200 meters south of the Command Post and fired illumination and saw 3 personnel with negative results.


Charlie Company
February 23, 1970

Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 1109hrs we request an Urgent Dust Off for 2 US with face wounds (Webster and Mericka), the 2 men were digging an alternate fighting position and filling sand bags on Bunker #7, Dust Off completed at 1117hrs. One of the men hit something with his shovel approximately 6 to 7 inches below the top of the ground and it exploded. It was believed to be a blasting cap. All snakes are in location the 34 SRRP is at BS756458, the 75 is roving at BS765437 and BS769438, the 75a from BS760436 to BS765437, and the 75b from BS769438 to BS774431. SP4 James R. Merica Jr. (Multiple frag wounds to face) and SGT Paul R. Webster lacerations to face and left hand) were evac to the 95th Evac Hospital.


Delta Company
February 23, 1970

At 0707hrs Delta Company all snakes are closed on BS753400 and we will be moving out in 15 minutes to our Day Loggers. At 0900hrs Delta Company we have closed on our Day Logger position at BS736416. We have checked out BS749400 with negative results and the 35 element is at BS737396. At 1315hrs Delta Company 72 has closed on BS736416. They found one VC letter or document in a hedgerow at BS748425, it was sent off to LZ Liz. The 32 and 42 elements have closed on BS736416 with negative results. At 1817hrs Delta Company we are in our Night Defense Position at BS764427 and at 1970 reports all snakes are in location 42 at BS762420, 72 at BS764415 and 32 at BS775425.


Echo Company
February 23, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0625hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Observed Missions 2 for a total of 24 HE rounds were expended. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0432hrs Recon Platoon reports all snakes have closed on BS748461 and at 0450hrs Recon Platoon we are moving out on our sweep to BS749437 and sweep to Bravo 76 and 72 blocking forces. At 0615hrs Recon Platoon the PRU working with Recon have picked up 2 female detainees will on their sweep from their snake location. Both have ID however, one of them age 20 with a VC husband and the other age 50, who has a son who is a VC. She said her son left earlier this morning, both were found in a hootch with several documents, a picture of Ho Chi Minh and a Communist (NFL) flag were discovered. The detainees will be turned over to MACV authorities. At 0903hrs Recon Platoon we found 2 VC/NVA in a very well concealed hole in a hedgerow, the results are 2 VC KIA. One was wearing a blue NVA uniform and the other was wearing black pajamas, documents have been found but no weapon. The element is still searching the hole at grid BS749450. The 42 element has linked up with the 42 element in a sweep of the area. At 0935hrs Recon the PRU have 2 male detainees and 1 female detainee, the female is 16 years of age and has an ID and was picked up at BS749450. One of the males, age 35 has an ID and was picked up at BS749450 and the other age 17 was picked up at BS746437, they will all be all be sent to MACV. At 1135hrs Recon Platoon we have closed on LZ Liz. The evacuation of Recon from LZ Liz to Bud Pad was completed at 1334hrs. At 1530hrs 1-20 Infantry the Battalion Commander left LZ Liz on a Visual Recon and returned to LZ Liz at 1700hrs. At 2200hrs Recon Platoon in a Combat Assault of Recon to the radar target at BS789471, the PZ was at 2137hrs and the LZ was at BS789471 at 2159hrs. At 2325hrs Recon at first light tomorrow you will sweep the following grids BS790477, BS800477, BS800458, and BS790458. At 2330hrs Recon reports their snake location 44 at BS7934709, 42 at BS791466 and 28 is at BS790462.

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