Headquarters and Headquarter Company
February 23, 1969
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0200hrs 1-20 Infantry LZ Liz received 25-30 rounds of 60mm rounds and small arms fire, have 2 VC KIA, mortar flashes at BS764430, also 1 WIA. At 2010hrs SA Huynh received unknown number of 60mm mortars, fired 81mm with negative effect. At 0250hrs MACV Duc Pho received unknown number of mortars with negative casualties. Delta 19th Engineer at Bs875312 received 7 rounds unknown type mortar, no casualties, fire Artillery counter fire, with negative results. At 0350hrs LZ Thunder Engineers received several rounds 60mm mortar and small arms fire. At 0400hrs Engineer liaison reports the Bridges 406, 411, 408 and 409 are completely destroyed. At 0735hrs 1-20 Infantry SRRP Calvin spotted Recoilless Rifle being fired at LZ Bronco, calling in artillery at BS725413. At 1005hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Charlie Company 3-1 Infantry locations 81 is at BS796404 and 61 at BS794380. At 1040hrs LZ Liz Bravo Company found 1 unexpended B-40 rocket round, going to blow ammo in place, other material will be evac to LZ Bronco. At 1200hrs LZ Liz an addition, 1 man cut hand while opening Illumination canister, 1 man burn hand on hot tube. Also one man received minor cut on nose from frag. Delta Company 19th Engineer Mine Sweeping reports the road open at 1130hrs. At 1310hrs Helix 33 at BS764401 sighted possible launcher for rockets, 5 foot long, 1 foot in diameter bright shiny and point at LZ Liz. At 1445hrs Resupply ship at BS843365 received automatic weapons fire, Sharks scramble and Command and Control Helicopter 1-20 infantry also received automatic weapons fire when flew over.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0338hrs LZ Bronco Bunker #56 had 1 round RPG land 15 meters to right front of bunker, and 1 round 20 meters behind POL tank, negative casualties, the rounds were fired from 200 meters out and engaged with 50 cal, negative results. At 0415hrs LZ Bronco received 40-50 rounds 60mm and 82mm also 2 or more rounds of 75 Recoilless Rifle rounds. Results 1 US KIA, 8 US WIA (A/ 4-21 Infantry) with 2 US WIA Artillery then 1 US WIA (Headquarters and Headquarter Company). At 0835hrs LZ Bronco Main Gate #1 reports several blood trails and human body parts on access road. Possible VC taken under fire last night, RF bunker reports KIA, 3 Chi Com hand grenades, 3 B-40 rockets rounds and 1 VC NLF flag with slogan "To Kill to Win" written on it. At 0846hrs Quang Ngai MACV Compound 1 round 82mm hit Vietnamese Officers Club, and US dispensary with negative casualties. Also 1 22mm round hit US warehouse, 1 US civilian KIA. At 0910hrs Alpha Company 19th Engineer at BS784427 Mine Sweep team found a ditch in middle of road going wet to east and 10 feet long, road still passable. At 1030hrs 1-20 Infantry LZ Liz Dust Off schedule at 0400hrs, is now being completed at 1028hrs for dog Hander for 59th Dog Platoon (Thunder-Bevik, Wayne). At 1-20 Infantry observed rockets being fired from 1 tube indirection of Duc Pho. LZ Bronco received 3 rounds. At 1430hrs 1-20 Infantry reports that Bravo Company has replace Charlie 3-1 Infantry as OPCON to the 1-20 Infantry Bravo Company 74 at BS836377, 44 at BS833398, 74 at BS793397, 45 at BS803364, 49 at BS790376, 14 at BS786377 and 44 at BS798374. At 2131hrs Charlie Company reports that Bridge #108 has been blown, putting artillery on area at this time. At 2250hrs LZ Thunder received approximately 25 rounds of small arms fire, negative casualties, returned fire with 81mm mortar negative results.
Alpha Company
February 23, 1969
At 0210hrs Alpha Company reports Sa Huynh received unknown number of 60mm rounds and return fire with 81mm mortar with unknown results. Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for Charlie Brown with 61 on Bridge 94 and 62 on Bridge 95. At 1140hrs Alpha Company reports last night Bridges 87, 88, 89, 70, 97, 100, and 101 received small arms fire and automatic weapons fire. At 1200hrs Alpha Company 21 element is located at BS912212. At 1600hrs Delta Company now has 14 on Bridge 94 and 15 on Bridge 95. At 2131hrs Charlie Company reports that Bridge 106 has been blown, putting in Artillery on area at this time. 1-20 Infantry SRRP reported: at 0735hrs SRRP Calvin spotted Recoilless Rife being fired at Bronco, calling in Artillery, at 0925hrs SRRP Detroit at BS641577 spotted 6 people to the north of the river, calling in Artillery at this time, and Akins is at BS905233.
Bravo Company
February 23, 1969
At 0200hrs LZ Liz Bravo Company received 20 to 30 rounds of 60mm fire and small arms fire, have 2 VC KIA, mortar flashes at BS764430 also 1 US WHA evac. Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz with the 81 element is on Bridge 124 and at 1005hrs 24 OP at BS753436 and 69 OP at BS754420. At 1030hrs LZ Liz Dust Off at 0400hrs was cancelled he is going to be Dust Off completed at 1028hrs Dog hander from 59th (dog Thunder and handler Devik, Wayne). At 1030hrs 1-20 OP Liz at BS710421 observed rockets being fired from 1 tube in direction of Duc Pho, Bronco received 5 rounds. At 1040hrs Bravo Company at 2230hrs reports increased civilian activity in BS7641 approximately 3 times the normal number. They are digging in field and milling around. At 1245hrs upon search of wire, the following are found propaganda material and 14 Chi grenades. At 1040hrs found 1 unexploded B40 rocket round. Going to blow ammo in place, proof material will be evac to Bronco. At 1200hrs LZ Liz 1 man cut his hand while opening illumination canister, 1 man burn at hand on hot tube and 1 man received minor cut on nose from frag. At 1600hrs Bravo Company Night positions 17 on Bridge 124, 46 at BS753436 and 81 at BS754420. 1-20 Infantry SRRP reported: at 0735hrs SRRP Calvin spotted Recoilless Rife being fired at Bronco, calling in Artillery, at 0925hrs SRRP Detroit at BS641577 spotted 6 people to the north of the river, calling in Artillery at this time, and Akins BS905233.
Charlie Company
February 23, 1969
At 0350hrs LZ Thunder Engineers received several rounds 60mm mortar and small arms fire, negative casualties return fire with negative results. At 0415hrs Charlie Company at BS875312 observed 4 VC on access road, engaged with 50 caliber, results 1 VC KIA are looking for other three in morning. Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Thunder. At 2131hrs Charlie Company reports that Bridge # 106 has been blown, putting in Artillery on area at this time. At 2250hrs LZ Thunder received approximately 25 rounds of small arms fire, return fire with 81mm mortar fire with unknown results. 1-20 Infantry SRRP reported: at 0735hrs SRRP Calvin spotted Recoilless Rife being fired at Bronco, calling in Artillery, at 0925hrs SRRP Detroit at BS641577 spotted 6 people to the north of the river, calling in Artillery at this time, and Akins BS905233.
Delta Company
February 23, 1969
Delta Company OPCON to 4-21 Infantry continued their Security Mission for LZ Dragon. At 1030hrs Delta Company at BS735532 detained 12 VC suspects for questioning. At 1005hrs Delta Company has 1 Platoon and E Troop at BS735329. 1-20 Infantry SRRP reported: at 0735hrs SRRP Calvin spotted Recoilless Rife being fired at Bronco, calling in Artillery, at 0925hrs SRRP Detroit at BS641577 spotted 6 people to the north of the river, calling in Artillery at this time, and Akins BS905233.
Echo Company
February 23, 1969
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Charlie Brown, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz.