Headquarters and Headquarter Company
August 23, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0410hrs TMF String 73 was activated by 6 personnel that where moving northeast at 2 miles per hour with metal detected. The target was engaged with 6 rounds of HE rounds 105 Artillery and a Visual Recon Team was requested. At 0415hrs Radar at 1950hrs 3 to 6 stationary personnel was sighted at BS727446 and were engaged with 4 HE rounds of 4.2 HE Mortar. At 2135hrs 10 to 15 personnel were sighted digging in at BS725479 and engaged with 18 HE rounds of 105 Artillery. At 2335hrs 2 to 4 stationary personnel were sighted at BS697424 with negative clearance, and at 0105hrs 1 to 5 stationary personnel were sighted at BS714406 and engaged with 8 HE rounds of 105 Artillery. At 0400hrs 6 personnel were moving northeast and engaged with 6 HE rounds of 105 Artillery. At 0905hrs TMF String 61 Target A was activated by 4 personnel that where moving east to west at 2 miles per hour with metal confirmed. A Visual Recon Team was requested and approved by Brigade. Engaged with 12 HE rounds of 105 Artillery, which was shot into grid BS705438. At 1012hrs TMF Fire Mission at String 76 on a stationary target with negative metal confirmation and negative clearance due to an RD Zone. At 1015hrs Primo 2 picked up 1 male detainee, 41 years old with no ID at BS755404. His name is Huynh Hay and acting suspicious. Also 1 additional male, 15 years old and negative ID and they were with a group of 10 personnel, who were carrying wood, they were released. At 1107hrs Brigade APD #95 to be flown 23 August 1970 for 45 minutes in the area Upper Left BS6445 and Lower Right BS7138 with hot spots BS697453 to BS704444, BS667441, BS645430 to BS662407 and BS695406. Reports on continuous hot spots from BS700436 to BS702440 a hut at BS695459 and trails at BS664407. At 1200hrs LZ Liz the 6 detainees (4 from Delta Company and 2 from Primo) were interrogated and released. At 1345hrs E Troop at BS725479 found 4 graves were uncovered and were about 1 to 2 weeks old. The bodies were too decomposed to recognize. The Kit Carson Scout said they were VC and still checking the area. These were determined to be KBA of Charlie Battery 1-82 Artillery. At 1410hrs TMF String 61b has 4 packs moving east to west at 2 miles per hour with metal detected. Engaged with 6 VT HE rounds of 105 Artillery, we requested a Visual Recon Team at 1415hrs. At 1520hrs 1-20 Infantry in the Combat Assault of Delta Company at BS7942 is completed. Class 5 material from a hook was dropped in the area to include claymores (need US to secure the equipment). At 1752hrs Primo 2 spotted 1 250-pound bomb at BS816434, there were cans in the area. It appeared that the bomb had been tampered with. At 1805hrs Primo 2 spotted 2 holes at BS815435, 1 freshly covered and the other 1 was open. There are trays of rice and plastic bags around the holes and looks to be a possible rice cache. At 1845hrs Intelligence Report C3 rating on an unidentified VC Unit of 40 men plus C219 with 20 men and their mission is to protect VC commo lines and attack allied defenses 27 August through 10 September.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
August 23, 1970

At 0800hrs Alpha Company the 09, 01and 15 elements received 2 rounds of semi automatic sniper fire while on the move. The rounds came from the west at 150 meters we pursued the sniper into Ville at BS690567 and found one booby trap with trip wire, made of a 60mm and frag grenade which was tripped by a dog, swept the Ville with negative finding. Alpha Company and E troop at 1030hrs took block positions at BS698572 and moved to BS687547. Alpha Company request priority Dust Off for one Vietnamese female at BS695544 who stepped on a booby trap has wounds to legs and chest completed at 1215hrs. Night Defense Position for Alpha Task Force is at BS687549.


Bravo Company
August 23, 1970

Bravo Company will used multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation today.


Charlie Company
August 23, 1970

At 1045hrs Charlie Company the 2 locations are at BS765450 and BS772428. At 1705hrs Charlie Company the 93 element is moving to BS762456 and the 44 element is moving to BS774437. At 1915hrs Charlie Company Night Defense Position is at BS768445 and the 42 element is moving to BS774445. At 2120hrs Charlie Company 04 element is at BS771412 and the 95 element is at BS762403 and the 61 element is at BS772426.


Delta Company
August 23, 1970

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 1034hrs Delta Company 43 Patrol detained 4 Vietnamese picking up dud rounds at BS757427. All were females ranging in age from 9-13 and were taken to Military Intelligence.


Echo Company
August 23, 1970

Echo Company Headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0416hrs 4.2 Mortar Platoon reports Fire Missions 3 for a total expended of HE 76 rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for the 1-20 Infantry on LZ Liz.

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