Headquarters and Headquarter Company
July 22, 1971
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0019hrs Bravo Company LT Woianski inspected bunkers 15, 16, 17, 1, 2 and 3 all were satisfactory. At 0226hrs Bravo Company Waianski inspection bunkers 1, 2, 3, 17, 16 and 15 all were satisfactory. At 0510hrs Honest Blue on station in Nighthawk Box 64 and 66, had negative findings. At 0527hrs Honest Blue is checking Bronco perimeter. At 0535hrs Honest Blue is checking Liz perimeter and at 0555hrs out of perimeters and boxes and back to Chu Lai. At 0653hrs Access Road to LZ Liz has been mine sweep and clear at this time. LATE SPOT At 0915hrs 4-4 ARVN at 220820hrs vicinity BS749445 made a raid and CIA 2 VC and 2, 500 Kilos of rice, which was destroyed. At 1600hrs Primo 3 is on station at his time. At 2016hrs 2-4 ARVN at 1710hrs vicinity BS674540 while searching and clearing detonated unknown type booby trap resulting in 2 WIA, Dust Off to Quang Ngai, completed at 1740hrs called at 1730hrs. At 2016hrs 2-4 ARVN section 1 HHC at 1715hrs vicinity BS911263 while moving to Sa Huynh by jeep received sniper fire resulting 2 ARVN KIA and 3 ARVN WIA, they were evac to SA Huynh. At 2040hrs Honest Black is on station for Nighthawk Box 66 negative findings and at 2108hrs going around Bronco perimeter. At 2119hrs Honest Black is now going around LZ Liz perimeter and at 2128hrs going around Dragon perimeter. At 2134hrs going around Snoopy perimeter and at 2141hrs broke station with negative findings. At 2045hrs 1-20 Infantry Mechanical Ambushes out: Alpha 4, Charlie 2, Delta 3 and Recon 1 for a total of 10. At 2106hrs LZ Liz went on Alert at 2107hrs Access Road had 100%, North OP, South OP, Recon, 155 and 115 also had 100% at 2107hrs. Bravo Company had a 100% at 2108hrs and cease-fire was called at 2110hrs Alert ended at 2114hrs. Legend: 1st Platoon 81, 2nd Platoon 83, 3rd Platoon 59, 4th Platoon 88, CO-50.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for Chu Lai.
Alpha Company
July 22, 1971
Alpha Company will continued to use Patrol Bases and multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 1950hrs Alpha Company elements are all in their Night Defense Position 2nd Platoon and Command Post at BS708479 and 1st Platoon at BS695474.
Bravo Company
July 22, 1971
Bravo Company Continue their Security Mission for LZ Liz and Access Road security. At 2106hrs Alert with Bravo Company reaching 100% 2108hrs and Alert was ended at 2114hrs.
Charlie Company
July 22, 1971
Charlie Company set up Patrol Base and conducts multiple patrols in their Area of Operation. At 1130hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon patrol is moving to BS703501. At 1201hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon patrol closed on BS705506. Charlie Company at 1640hrs vicinity BS699491, spotted 6 VC 1,000 meters southeast of their Patrol Base, the VC evaded to the Southeast. Called in Fire Mission and was check fired due to rounds would be landing in close proximately to another friendly element. The VC where observed with weapons and were wearing black on black. Charlie Company Field Strength for today is 43. At 2005hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon Command Post in Night Defense Position at BS704503 and 2nd Platoon ambush at BS702511, Alpha Company with 2 Mechanical Ambush out.
Delta Company
July 22, 1971
Delta Company will continued to use Patrol Bases and multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 0614hrs Delta Company 2nd Platoon and Command Post is moving to Patrol Base BS758376. At 0644hrs Delta Company 1st Platoon ambush closed and 1st Platoon is moving to Patrol Base vicinity BS745382. At 0825hrs Delta Company 2nd Platoon while on patrol found at BS758379 one bunker. In Bunker was 1 US entrenching tool, incense, 3 cans of food (mackerel cans) and 5 water canisters nearby, also nearby was a well and area seemed recently used. Delta Company will put a Mechanical Ambush in area tonight and destroy the bunker tomorrow. At 0958hrs Delta Company 1st Platoon patrol is at checkpoint 2 at BS745378. At 1930hrs Delta Company field strength is 56. At 2030hrs Delta Company Command Post and 2nd Platoon at BS754368, 2nd Platoon ambush at BS750367, 1st Platoon at BS749376 and 1st Platoon ambush at BS744375 with 3 Mechanical Ambush out.
Echo Company
July 22, 1971
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry. At 0614hrs Recon is moving out to LZ Liz at this time and closed on LZ Liz at 0707hrs. At 1910hrs Recon is moving out to Night Defense Position vicinity BS764427. At 1920hrs Recon is holding at a position 600 meter north of preplanned Night Defense Position at this time. Echo Company field strength is 19. Recon closed on their Night Defense Position at 2000hrs.