Headquarters and Headquarter Company
July 22, 1970
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0100hrs TMF at 0045hrs String 66 was activated on an unknown target with unknown number and direction. The time of the shot was 0052hrs with 6 VT of 105 Artillery rounds. Visual Recon Team requested but negative team available from CPT Robinson at 0130hrs Brigade S-2. At 0915hrs 26 Engineer wrap up for 21 July 1970 a total of 600 gallons of fuel, 6 pounds of explosive was used in a total of 64 hours. Clear 65 acres BS731690 to BS738650 to BS738685 along the river to start, they destroyed 1 booby trap 155mm Artillery round with pressure release, discovered and destroyed 20 bunkers along with 1 5" naval round and 1 Chi Com grenade. They have 8 D7 operational, 3 D7 dead line, track, track seat, fan belt and transmission filter, with 1 CEV operation, 1 AC operational and 1 M548 operational. At 1010hrs Brigade on 21 July 1970 RF 182 killed the VC Security Chief of Duc Thuan, Mo Duc and at 1032hrs to Brigade 1-20 Infantry used a total of 20 Mechanical ambushes Bravo Company 6, Charlie Company 6, Delta Company 6 and Recon Platoon had 2. Alpha Company is still OPCON to 4-3 Infantry. At 1727hrs S-5 Report for the period 20-22 as no report on proceeding day. Psyclogical Operations were conducted at the following grids BS7744, BS7163, BS6966 and BS7266 with 112,000 leaflets and 20 minutes of tape. BS7341 and BS7360 with 28,000 each on C-219 and C-19 and 15 minutes of tap on operation family reunion, 5 Vietnamese families with a member of their family being VC have been targeted by the S-5 section. Processing for personalized leaflets with pictures of the family are underway and should completed by the 23rd. The families are from the Duc Pho District and 5 more are being gathered for the Mo Duc District. At 1745hrs the 26 Engineer Rap Up in a total of 72 hours 80 acres were cleared (500 X 600) BS742675 to BS744675 to BS744675 to BS743678. Also a second grids BS739683 to BS745683 connect these points all south cleared, they destroyed 12 bunkers, 100meters tunnel, 1 booby trap discovered and destroyed 1 81mm round. They have 9 D7 operational and 2 D7 deal line for tracks, 1 CEV operational, 1 AC operational and 1 M548 operational. At 1841hrs Primo 3 at BS750630 took automatic small arms fire from BS752633 and returned fire. The spotted 10 enemy packs, several mortar rounds, sharks requested and on station at 1855hrs broke at 2115hrs they did expend. AMC is on station at 1910hrs with 2 slicks for Bravo Company. At 2015hrs Primo 6 as the Bravo Company 38 and 28 elements moved in to get the packs, Primo 6 took small arms fire from the northwest at 300 meters. The LOH wend down and was on fire for a short time, it did not explode and the pilot and crewman escaped with minor injuries and evac to LZ Bronco by Dolphin 24. As the 38 and 28 elements moved out of the area a hand frag was thrown at them from a tunnel from 5 meters and the 38 and 28 elements returned small arms fire at the 2 fleeing enemy for details see message Bravo Company. At 2250hrs PPS 5 on the north OP slighted at BS730430 3 to 4 stationary personnel with negative clearance due to the approximately of a friendly Ville. At 2335hrs Radar sighted 5 to 6 stationary personnel were sighted at BS777504 with negative clearance and Recon Platoon was informed. LEGEND: 1st Platoon 24-29, 2nd Platoon 34-39, 3rd Platoon 54-59, 4th Platoon 14-19, CO 20.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 1535hrs 4-3 Infantry reports at BS613493 Alpha Company OPCON to 4-3 Infantry called for a routine Dust Off for 1 US believed to have blood poisoning to the hand and arm, from a cut on his hand, SP4 Daniel Comache from Alpha Company was evac.
Alpha Company
July 22, 1970
At 100hrs Alpha Company continued their OPCON to the 4-3 Infantry and continued their night and Day Ambushes with Search and Clear Operations in their Area of Operation. Report from 4-3 Infantry at BS613493 Alpha Company OPCON to 4-3 Infantry call for routine Dust Off 1 US believed to have blood poisoning to the hand and arm, from cut on hand (SP4 Daniel Comache).
Bravo Company
July 22, 1970
Bravo Company continued their joint Operations with PF and RF units on their Hamlet Pacification and security of Highway 1. At 0735hrs Bravo Company the 35 patrol went out on an Intelligence report to BS752674 have found 1 booby trap pressure release type consist of 2 60mm rounds, 1 can of explosive, 1 US mine M-14 type inside a T-pot with the top cut off. They were found in a hedgerow and destroyed in place. At 1245hrs Bravo Company the 34 element at grid BS741680 called for an Urgent Dust Off for an Urgent Dust Off for 1 US hit by booby trap wounds to the head, chest and legs multiple frag wounds, also 1 Kit Carson Scout with Multiple frag wounds, both hands blown off. US line # SGT Marlatt, Kit Carson Scout Bang Luong, and 2 PF the Dust Off was completed by Dust Off Bird #89 at 1302hrs. At 1320hrs Bravo Company 34 element picked up 1 male detainee with bad ID, 17 found in the area of booby trap. At 1727hrs Bravo Company the 27 element is moving out to bridge location at BS682609. At 1919hrs Bravo Company conducted a Combat Assault the 1st PZ was at 1919hrs with the 26 and 28 elements, the 1st LZ was at 1925hrs, 2nd LZ with the 38 element at 1938hrs at grid BS750630. At 1841hrs Primo 6 at BS750630 Primo 3 took automatic small arms fire from BS750633, returned fire. The spotted 10 enemy packs, several mortar rounds, sharks requested and on station at 1855hrs broke at 2115hrs did expend into the contact area. Bravo Company was alerted for Combat Assault 2 slick, 1 AMC requested Flare ship requested at 1935hrs on station about 1950hrs broke at 2115hrs. AMC is on station about 1910hrs with 2 slicks. At 1910 Bravo Company in Combat Assault the 1st PZ was at 1919hrs with the 26 and 28 elements the 1st LZ was at 1925hrs LZ cold, 2nd LZ was at 1938hrs at BS750630 and cold, then to LZ at BS707622. At 2015hrs Primo 6 as the Bravo Company 38 and 28 elements moved into get the packs, Primo 6 took small arms fire from the northwest at 300 meters. The LOH went down and was on fire for a short time. It did not explode and the pilot and crewman escaped with minor injuries and evac to LZ Bronco by Dolphin 24, As the 38 and 28 elements moved out of the area hand frag was thrown at them from a tunnel from 5 meters. The 38 and 28 elements returned small arms fire at the 2 fleeing enemy. At 2030hrs Bravo Company we request an Urgent Dust Off for 4 US and 2 ARVN with frag wounds at grid Bs750630. Dolphin 6 and Dolphin 24 with the Sharks in the area made the Dust Off. Summons had frag wound in the legs, Milligan had frag in both legs and chest, Cordes had frag to the back and chest and Snelson had frag to the feet and released. All were evac to the 91st Evac and completed at 2040hrs. At 2055hrs Bravo Company 38 element has 1 KIA with a green uniform and 25 years of age at grid BS749628. Bravo Company CIA with one M2 Carbine, 6 Chi Com grenades, 3 US hand frag, documents and medical supplies. Also assorted civilian clothing, assorted food stuffs, blue and green uniforms, 1 M-16 magazine filled, 3 carbine magazines, 25 rounds of carbine ammo, 3 transistor radios and o strobe light. All will be evac to Military Intelligence at LZ Bronco. At 2230hrs Bravo Company the Bravo 20 element is in their ambush site securing the LOH. Bravo Company Commander is with the element. They are firing H & I because they heard voices in the area and had movement at grid BS748628. Bravo Company reports that SGT ROY WAYNE MARLATT was evac to the 91st Evac Hospital with multiple frag wounds to entire body (See July 29, 1970). Later SGT Ralph E Cordes multiple frag wounds left leg and back, SP4 Kenneth D. Sumner and SP5 Gary M. Milligan with multiple frag wounds to both legs and chest where evac to 91st Evac Hospital and PFC Bobby J. Snelson treated at 23 Medical with Frag wounds right knee later treated at 91 Evac.
Charlie Company
July 22, 1970
Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. Charlie Company the 27 element is in location from BS760435 to BS776435.
Delta Company
July 22, 1970
At 0535hrs Delta Company 26 went out with the Chieu Hoi and found an old SKS at BS762585. Also have one detainee, female about 30 wearing black pants and blue top, she is the wife of a VC commissioner, and the interpreter was questioning her, at this time. At 0611hrs Delta Company the Command Post, 54 and 34 elements are moving to Day Logger 54 at BS755567, 34 at BS753572 and Command Post at BS749581. At 0822hrs Delta Company at BS753572 a routine Dust Off was called for 2 Vietnamese children, one 3 or 4, the other is 7 years old, slight frag wounds received while Delta 34 was clearing a bunker Dust Off completed at 0900hrs. At 1755hrs Delta Company the 57 element is moving out to BS746573 and the 38 element is moving out to their Day ambush at BS757578. At 1831hrs Delta 57 element picked up 2 detainees, Kit Carson Scout checked them out and said they were all right and had good IDs. At 2000hrs Delta Company the 20 Night Defense Position is at BS747583, the 54 element is moving to their Night Defense Position at BS758562 and the 34 element is moving to their Night Defense Position at BS755577. At 2158hrs Delta Company 26 engaged an unknown number of enemy personnel moving east to west at BS752581. We saw 2 persons drop but when, illumination went into area nothing was found, we are setting up an ambush in the area and we will check further at first light. PFC Glen B. White was evac to the 91st Evac Hospital sick.
Echo Company
July 22, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0855hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Fire Mission 2 for a total expended of 11 HE rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0227hrs Recon Element is in their pre planned snake location 21 at BS788493 and 22 at BS785503. At 0545hrs Recon the entire Recon element is moving to their Day Location at BS798520. At 0645hrs Recon reports their present location and Day Logger at BS799499. At 1330hrs Recon Platoon at BS795493 has 11 female detainees ages 15 to 50, negative ID, Kit Carson Scout says they where VC. At 1935hrs Recon Platoon the 21 ambush is moving to BS788593 and the 22 ambush is moving to BS785503. At 2124hrs Recon reports their location 21 at BS788493 and the 22 is at BS785503.