Headquarters and Headquarter Company
August 22, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0530hrs Radar at 1935hrs sighted 1 to 5 stationary personnel at BS725450 and engaged with 9 HE rounds of 4.2. At 0425hrs a total of 10 HE rounds of 105 Artillery were fired on a stationary target at BS723444 and at 0530hrs 1 to 5 personnel moving to the west were engaged with 8 HE rounds of 105 Artillery. At 0845hrs MACV Duc Pho we found a hootch with a sack of rice inside at BS766433. Also, there was a wet shirt handing inside, which was freshly washed at BS766423. There was approximately 10 pounds of rice. At 0945hrs we found 100 pounds of rice and other articles, which indicates someone, else was in the area within the last hour. Also we found an ammo can with documents with possible information in it and another ammo can with medical supplies, 2 M-26 frag, more documents and 2 VC flags. At 0915hrs TMF String 61 has a stationary target of undermined number of personnel and speed with metal confirmed. Red Leg (Artillery) was given negative clearance due to an RD Zone. A Visual Recon Team was requested. At 0930hrs Brigade Air Calvary box 64 Date/Time/Grid 230500hrs to 232000hrs August 1970 in the upper left BS7363 Lower Right BS7943 and east to the coast. At 0930hrs Brigade the Visit of LTC Vissers, S3 16 Combat Aviation Group will visit 11 Brigade 23 August 1970 at 0855hrs en route to LZ Liz and 0855 to 0925hrs briefing at LZ Liz. At 1035hrs Alpha Company and E Troop has linked up at BS690546. At 1045hrs MACV Duc Pho we found 2 60mm rounds at BS766418 and a tunnel, both were destroyed. At 1320hrs Helix 34 spotted a tunnel at grid BS701450 on the south trail of Iron Mountain.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
August 22, 1970

At 1035hrs Alpha Company E troop linked up at BS690546. At 1545hrs Alpha Company the 09 element was moving to the 01 element Location when they spotted a deserted Ville at BS685550. They spotted movement and started to Recon by fire and received 15 to 20 rounds of AK 45 and have a block on the south side of the Ville. Alpha Company sweep of the Ville had negative findings. At 1700hrs Alpha Company 09 and 51 plus E troop have closed on 01 element at BS694572. We returned fire with the tracks and small arms fire and sending out a patrol to check the area. There was one WHA at 1945hrs Alpha Company an Urgent Dust Off for one US who hands frag wounds to the right arm from the RPG round completed at 2000hrs. Alpha Company reports PFC Gregory B. Onion was treated at Bravo Company 23 Medical for frag wounds to right arm.


Bravo Company
August 22, 1970

Bravo Company will use multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation today.


Charlie Company
August 22, 1970

Charlie Company will continue their retraining and Stand Down at LZ Bronco.


Delta Company
August 22, 1970

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0744hrs Delta Company Combat Assault from PZ Liz 1st LZ BS76427 at 0759hrs, 2nd LZ at BS763423 and 3rd LZ at BS767716 at 0809hrs all cold. At 2150hrs LZ Liz Delta Company has movement spotted when they direction of the Spot was moved in Front of Bunker 20 and engaged with 81mm and small arms fire and 4.2 fire on grid BS766426.


Echo Company
August 22, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0350hrs 4.2 Mortar Platoon reports Fire Mission 1 with a total expended HE 9 rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for the 1-20 Infantry at LZ Liz.

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